Computer Needs To Restart And Then Goes Into Loop Of Restarting From Blue Screen

Feb 28, 2016

On start up I get the computer needs to restart and then goes into the loop of restarting from a blue screen, I can get F2 which is the Bios screen but thats all, I can see reboot on this but do not have anything to reboot with as I upgraded from win 7.

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BSOD :: Constant Blue Screen Error And Restarting Loop

Feb 10, 2016

I recently purchased an intel NUC6i5SYH kit PC and fitted it with the following RAM and HDD.

Samsung 500GB 850 EVO M.2 SSD: Computers Accessories

HyperX Impact 16 GB 2133 MHz DDR4 SODIMM Memory Kit (2 x 8 GB): Computers Accessories

I installed a copy of windows 8 that I owned and then upgraded it to windows 10. It was working fine for a couple of weeks, and suddenly it had and error and is stuck rebooting itself with a blue screen error.

The error appears to be different every time but the ones I have seen repeated are "WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR" and "MACHINE_CHECK_EXCEPTION".

I can get into the BIOS and that's about it. I can't find a way to boot into safe mode and when I try and install a fresh copy of windows 10 via USB created from microsoft i still get a blue screen error after a couple of seconds.

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BSOD :: OS Crashed And Now Stuck In Restart Loop With Blue Screen?

Aug 11, 2015

Last night I was watching a dvd on my desktop when all of a sudden a blue screen came up with a frowning face and said that "Your computer ran into a problem and needs to restart, its collecting info and will restart." It happened quickly so I didn't see what the error was but now my PC is stuck in a loop where it restarts and loads into an empty blue screen. It stays on that blue screen for a minute or so and then restarts again. I tried going into my BIOS or starting in safe mode but my PC won't go into them.

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Lumia 535 Only Restarting To Blue Screen Only When Plugged In

Jul 11, 2015

yesterday i updated windows to latest preview.. install got struck in the middle and then after few hours it suddenly completed.

then it asked to restart as usual, but didnt complete the process. it went to blue screen.

now it only restarting to bluescreen only i plugged in.. no response.. cant even hard reset.

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Even After Upgrade Computer Often Stuck In Restart Loop

Aug 6, 2015

My windows 7 PC was hard to start and restart and I needed to try 10 times or more before it worked (then I didn't restart it for days).

I managed to upgrade it to Windows 10 hoping that it will cure the problem BUT still it is a problem to start.

I checked everything and used every tool possible on windows 7 and windows 10 but nothing worked. (ccleaner and others failed)

So now I have a windows 10 PC that doesn't want to start easily.

Do you think that the problem can really be a driver ? After upgrade to windows 10 I GUESS that all driver files have been changed ?

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Installation :: Even After Upgrade Computer Often Stuck In Restart Loop

Aug 6, 2015

My windows 7 PC was hard to start and restart and I needed to try 10 times or more before it worked (then I didn't restart it for days).

I managed to upgrade it to Windows 10 hoping that it will cure the problem BUT still it is a problem to start.

I checked everything and used every tool possible on windows 7 and windows 10 but nothing worked. (ccleaner and others failed)

So now I have a windows 10 PC that doesn't want to start easily.

After upgrade to windows 10 I GUESS that all driver files have been changed ?what else could it be ?

View 5 Replies

Boot Screen Restart Loop?

Aug 9, 2015

Last night I was trying to watch some good ole' dragon ball z. When this site gave me a virus. I tried system restore and was denied. So I hard reset my PC which I just upgraded from 7 to 10.

The reset was stuck at 50% for about an hour so I turned off my PC and flipped it back on to see if it'd retry the installation.

To my surprise I'm stuck in this loop where my computer shows the boot up dell xps screen and then restarts. F8, F9, F11. NOTHING WORKS. I can't get to any recovery screen like I could with Windows 7. I don't have a disk because it was of course the free upgrade on July, 29th. Also can't burn one due to not being able to get to my Desktop.

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Startup Repair Loop - Blue Screen

Sep 29, 2015

I've been using Windows 10 for few weeks now and it's been really good.

8GB Ram
1 TB Hard Disc
Asus Motherboard
i5 processor

Used the PC as I would normally do and shut it down last night. Recently installed the latest update for Win 10 as I recall. Otherwise no new changes or installation to the system.

So now when I switched it on its showing Automatic Startup Repair and it diagnose the PC but fails every time and shows a blue screen of startup repair where I can:-

- reset PC (reinstall but this fails at 36%)
- system restore or image restore ( but can't use either)
- startup repair (doesn't work either)
- command prompt (tried sfc/scannow and they won't allow me to do so unless I restart but keeps getting same error.

Tried unplugging the hard disc etc but same old loop again.

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Sudden Boot Loop Into Blue Screen

Feb 15, 2016

I woke up this morning to a constant boot loop into blue screen that gives me a memory_management blue screen error and restarts then occasionally gives me a driver_corrupted_expool blue screen.

It tries to start up automatic system repair which fails and works very rarely. Once i am in the system repair screen i try the startup repair and it just doesn't do anything and redirects me back to the blue screen boot loop. I had restarted my PC this morning after it was working and then it just randomly started doing this boot loop.

I need fixing my issue with a bootable USB program i can use to fix the drivers or something. I need every other option other than reinstalling windows because i have tons of files i need on here.

View 16 Replies

Error Loop - Blue Screen Of Death

Aug 12, 2015

Valid windows 7, sit back and relax message on the install, then blue screen of death and error loop, No support from Microsoft. Off to local computer store to see if they can get this fixed or off of my PC..... way to go Bill - no wonder the upgrade was free. 

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Booting Loop After Blue Screen - Shutting Down Before Reach BIOS

Mar 5, 2016

Booting loop, shutting down before you can reach the bios. Originally a response on this topic: [URL] .....

I have the same Problem here with my gigabyte z97 hd3 v2 motherboard in my PC. I had this problem one time before, then I tested everything 'literately everything' and I was done with it after a week of testing. I did put everything together and turned it on.... It Worked ! but how ??? I don't know.

[URL] ....

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Can't Do A Clean Install - After The First Restart Get A Blue Screen

Dec 4, 2015

I’ve got an issue with installing Windows 10 Pro 32bit on my computer where I try to clean install windows, and after the first restart when it’s doing the ‘getting devices ready’ part, I get a blue screen- WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR.

A little history on this issue… I started with a clean install of 10 Pro on this computer, installation went fine, computer ran without issue. After installing all available windows updates and Firefox, I plugged in a USB guitar interface device (M-Audio JamLab), and immediately got a blue screen, then the computer restarted… I didn’t catch the error on the blue screen. I unplugged the JamLab device, same issue (pretty sure this is when I first saw the WHEA error code)

I’ve been troubleshooting to the point that I gave up and now I’ve low level formatted the drive and I’m trying to clean install 10 Pro again- same WHEA error code… the most common reasons I’ve seen for this code are incorrect voltages (ex, CPU spike), hardware issues, driver issues or windows updates.

I’ve reset the BIOS back to defaults, I don’t think drivers or windows updates are the issue since I can’t even get Windows installed, and I’ve installed Windows 7 successfully since all this happened (and plugged in the JamLab device/installed drivers successfully), so if it’s a hardware issue then it must be Windows 10 that doesn’t like it.

What baffles me, is that I was able to install 10 and run the computer with no issues, then ever since I plugged in the USB JamLab device, I can’t reinstall it- is it possible that the USB device somehow caused a hardware issue that only Widows 10 is detecting/complaining about?

View 12 Replies

BSOD :: Screen Went Blue And Won't Restart At All When Playing Certain Games

Nov 9, 2015

My laptop been having this problem for this many times. While gaming everyday, have BSOD almost everyday. Screen went blue and won't restart at all. have to manually restart the laptop. The DM Log Collector file is attached.

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Fail Safe Mode Resulting In Restarting Loop

Jul 30, 2015

So I decided to upgrade my Windows 8.1 Lenovo G510 to Windows 10 yesterday. Bottom line: everything went wrong.

1. I got the notification that Windows 10 was downloaded and ready to be installed to my Windows 8.1 (64) system. So I did and everything went successfully until my system restarted. I kept getting the error "INTERNAL_POWER_ERROR" and restart loop. The laptop will start with the Lenovo logo and the loading dial, then the error pops up. After a few loops it gives me the option to tinker with the command prompt, recovery, etc.

2. So I went online and people were saying how Windows 10 conflicts with AMD graphics. What worked for most people was disabling their AMD in safe mode. I tried to entering safe mode through F8 (fn+F8) for my Lenovo laptop and nothing was working. I searched online and people were saying I can change my bcdedit to startup in safe mode everytime. So I went into the command prompt and typed in bcdedit /set {default} safeboot network. I restarted and everything went SOUTH! A new sequence of looping began: 1. Lenovo logo appears with loading dial, fades to black, logo and dial reappears then disappears as the system shuts down and the cycle loops. Sometimes before the second logo and dial disappear, the text 'Restarting' appears very quickly under the loading dial. Sometimes the text 'Safe Mode' in all 4 corners appears for less than .5 second before the system shuts down.

3. At this point there's nothing I can do but enter the InsyndeH20 Setup Utility through F2. Please visit this link for pictures of my settings and laptop specs. [URL] .....

I decided to try the USB boot with Windows 10 MediaCreationTool on a USB and the install interface showed up when I reboot. From here I could access the repair options and open command compt again, but I can't revert the bcdedit back to normal. It says "The boot configuration data store could not be opened. The requested system device cannot be found" when I type bcdedit /enum. View here: [URL] ....

4. At this point, I'm okay with wiping everything and starting fresh. I would like to keep my files but I was over it. However, it says that Windows cannot be installed on any of my drives! Only allows for Delete and Formating, the New button is gray. All of them say Windows cannot be installed to this hard disk space. I know that the laptop I copied the MediaCreationTool is a 32bit and my Lenovo laptop is a 64bit. Is it possible that is the reason why I can't install windows? When I try to run the MediaCreationToolx64 on my backup, a 'This version of this file is not compatible with the version of Windows you're running'.

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Computer Will Shut Down - Pixelated Blue Screen?

Sep 7, 2015

Starting today, every once in a while my computer will shut down and show the new blue screen of death, which shows the sad face and it says how it is collecting information. However the image is always at 100%, doesnt fill my entire screen, and is pixelated. Honestly it just looks like a picture ripped off google. Which makes me think it is a virus.

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Computer Just Black Screen And Restart After Starting A Game

Sep 29, 2015

My computer restarts after i start a game. It worked just fine a few hours ago but suddenly my pc just restarts after a start a game, it has restarted on Warthunder and CS:GO and when it restarts I don't get a error message or anything, it just black screens and starts over. And I've checked my components temperatures and they were normal so i really don't know whats the problem.

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BSOD :: Computer Crashes With Blue Screen - Extracting Zip File

Feb 23, 2016

I have downloaded the zip file and after extracting to one of my folders, I am sending the whole folder.

My computer makes humming noise before crashing to a blue screen.

I am very much fed up and am thinking to go back to Win 7 Pro.

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Restart Computer Equals Black Screen NO BIOS Image / Text

Feb 3, 2016

Recently I've changed my Mobo, CPU and RAM. Installed Windows 8 Pro Retail and upgraded to Windows 10 Pro. Worked perfectly and no problems

But I've noticed that if I need to restart the system I will get the usual Blue screen saying "Restarting", this will then goto a Black screen.

Nothing happens after the black screen, I never see my BIOS image or any text whatsoever (Which I usually see on a normal boot). IF I then press and hold the power button to force shutdown the computer and then press it again it will perform a normal boot, I see the BIOS Image etc.

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BSOD :: Computer Crashes In Blue Screen (Page Fault In Nonpaged Area Error)

Aug 12, 2015

This is happening sice i installed windows 10.On windows 8.1 this was not happening.

Every time when i try to update a game,and install something my laptop restarts and it saying "Page fault in nonpaged area"

I know how to fix it.Only instaling and updating games from Steam works.

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PC Goes Into Restart Loop After Updating?

Aug 14, 2015

So every since wednesday i updated my windows (automatically when shutdown) and when i turn the pc back on it goes into repair and will keep restarting and repairing... I have to keep restoring to be able to even use the pc but windows needs updating and will keep doing this everytime, resorting in me having to restore AGAIN! This also happens when i try to upgrade to windows 10 .

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Infinite Restart Loop?

Sep 20, 2015

I was fresh reinstalling my windows 10 onto my HDD as I encountered an error preventing me from booting the computer up, in the end I found it was my new GPU causing this error (a dead GPU?). So now my computer shows an error message: "The computer restarted unexpectedly or encountered an error during installation of windows". I looked this error up and it told me to press shift f10 to open a console and to type regedit in and to find status on local machine, changing the number from 1 to 3. I did this supposed fix, however, now my computer is in a infinite restart loop, displaying the windows 10 installation at 64% and then restarting again...?

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Stuck In Infinite Restart Loop

Nov 9, 2015

When I got on my computer this morning, I was notified of updates. I used the restart button on the notification page thinking this would start downloading the updates. However, the computer has been stuck in Restart for 3 hours. Microsoft... can you access my IP and stop this loop? Is there anything I can do to stop this loop? 

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PC In Endless Restart Loop After Update

Jun 17, 2015

Just downloaded the newest update for Windows 10, I was asked to restart my PC to install it, that was over 30 minutes ago, since then my PC reaches the Microsoft logo and under it, it says Preparing Automatic Repair and then it restarts and does that all over again, what am I suppose to do? I can't even get past it.

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Windows Update Restart Loop

Jan 18, 2016

I have Windows 7 Home Premium (64-bit).
I finally decided to upgrade to Windows 10 yesterday (1/17/2016). It downloaded roughly 5.76 GB into a hidden folder : "C:$Windows.~BT"
Then it prompted me to restart my computer, so I did. Once restarted, nothing changed.
So I went into Windows Update, and it just tells me: "Restart your computer to install important updates" and it has a "Restart now" button. I've restarted roughly 40 times or so in the last 2 days after trying various fixes, and it doesn't make a difference.
I checked the update history, and there are a whole bunch of Pending and Successful updates with a "Date Installed" date of 1/15/2016. Nothing more recent either.

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Boot Loop And Blue Screens After Update

Jul 31, 2015

So this is not my personal computer, but this is my mom's computer. Its an HP Slimline Desktop computer, not sure about the exact model but it is running with an AMD Athlon X2 B24, 8GB of DDR3 RAM, AMD R5 240 and a Corsair Neutron 120GB SSD.

Everything was working fine when it was running a legitimate OEM copy of Windows 7 Home. However, after the Windows 10 upgrade process, it got stuck in "Welcome Back" Screen and she told me after she clicked "Next" the cursor started spinning, and it rebooted. Now after checking it, Windows wouldn't load to the desktop, it would just go on a bootloop and blue screens.

She didn't back anything up before the upgrade. I do not know what to do.

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BSOD :: Restart Loop - Startup Freezes

Aug 28, 2015

I've been experiencing startup issues with my PC since last night. I go to startup and startup freezes. It seems that something is either stuck or freezing up on loading. Since it doesn't fully boot up, I have been hitting the reset button or holding the power button. It appears that this has made the problem worse. I went to startup this morning and am getting the same thing. Did the same steps of hitting reset and or holding the power button to shutdown. After this I am getting BSOD that keeps restarting and BSOD in a loop. The next boot loaded with repair options. I attempted to do startup repair and have been unsuccessful. How to get out of BSOD restart loop?

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