Disable Update Of Driver?

Jan 29, 2016

For some reason, the Intel HD Graphics driver which is included in Win10 for my notebook crashes continuously.I downloaded the driver from the intel site and that one works perfectly fine.

Problem is, Win10 updates this driver (all the time) to the one from Windows update ... and then the driver starts crashing again.

I did already set the 'Device Installation Setitings' for manufacturers apps (in advanced system settings) to No, but that doesn't work.

The only thing that works is setting the WLAN to metered connection, but that prevents all updates.

how I can have Win10Pro stop updating this driver? (Win10 Pro)

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Updates :: Can't Disable Update Driver Installation

Nov 17, 2015

I upgraded to 10 again without doing anything I usually do before hand. I went to disable the option to not let windows update install drivers and theres no option. I went to advanced system settings, hardware, then device installation settings and theres only 2 options, yes (recommended) and no (your device might not work as expected)

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Drivers/Hardware :: Disable / Remove Automatic Driver Install Via Windows Update?

Nov 10, 2015

Recently I was notified that a driver installation failed. I went and checked it out, and it was a driver for HD 4600 graphics. My old system ran an i7-4790K, and when I upgraded to X99 I did not reimage my SSD.

Is there a way I can remove an update from Windows Update? The CPU I have has no iGPU, let alone HD 4600.

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Drivers/Hardware :: Can't Disable Driver Signature

Aug 27, 2015

I disable driver signature pressing 7 button:

But when try to install unsigned driver I get this error:

The third-party INF does not contain digital signature information

+ info: I folow the next manual to instal this drivers.

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Drivers/Hardware :: How To Disable Automatic Driver / Device Installation

Aug 6, 2015

This is not exactly win 10 specific question, i had same problem in win 7, but now that i'm on win 10, that problem is still there. Here's what's going on:

I have high-end gaming PC with GTX 980 and 4k monitor and 1080p monitor as secondary.

4k Monitor is connected via DisplayPort and other monitor is using HDMI

Both of those monitors have built-in speakers (actually i don't think 1080p monitor has speakers)

But here's the problem, windows 10 keeps automatically installing HDMI audio drivers and 50% of the time when i boot my system, all my software defaults to the stupid HDMI sound.

This is extremely annoying and i'm about to pull my hair out over this. All my media players default to monitor audio, even tho windows does not select it as "default device".

Also even tho other monitor doesn't have speakers, system still thinks that the monitor has speakers and sets it as audio device.

Also when i record gameplays using shadowplay or other recorder, lot of times there's no audio on videos, because screen recorders also default to that dumb hdmi audio. I can't be bothered to check audio every time i do something.

I really need a way to tell windows 10 to STOP doing that. Here's what i've done so far:

1. under playback devices, i have DISABLED both of the monitors as playback devices.
2. I have tried uninstalling + disabling drivers for both monitors in "device manager"
3. i used local group policy to force windows not to install drivers (gpedit.msc > administrative templates > system > device installation), then i grabbed the group ID from device manager and entered it there to prevent windows from installing drivers for any audio groups.

After step 3, drivers were not installed, but windows still shows both monitors in "playback devices", only difference is that in device manager it says that this device does not have drivers installed, but they're still showing up in "playback devices", therefore all my software is STILL able to use them as playback and some of my software, like winamp, still defaults to them.

Forgot to mention, that if I disable both of them in playback devices, windows automatically re-enables them at some point. probably at boot, but i can't be bothered to check every few seconds, i just want windows to STOP trying to tell me what's best, i like my Asus STRIX 7.1 headset + 7.1 Hi-Fi home theater speaker system, i don't need some tiny jurassic stereo speakers lol.

I want to punch whoever made this feature. I mean .. what kind of an caveman would buy high-end gaming PC with GTX 980 + 4k monitor and NOT have a proper sound card + headset? Did those low-brainers in microsoft seriously think that anyone using high-end gaming PC, would like to use HDMI as primary audio? that's just ridiculous!

I think my only option is to force windows to think that i'm not using HDMI so it won't even detect my monitors as audio devices, is that possible.

View 7 Replies

Drivers/Hardware :: Can't Disable Driver Signature Enforcement On Advanced Startup

Feb 1, 2016

So this is my 14th or 15th time attempting to disable the driver signature enforcement so I can use motioninjoy to install my PS3 Controller driver to use for Rocket League. However, every time I run advanced startup, the process goes rather slowly before loading up my options. No worries at that point, but when I finally end up at the screen that has the options f1-f9, f7 being the disable driver enforcement, my computer immediately shuts off immediately after loading all of the options. Why it just shuts off... sometimes it shuts off just before it loads all of the options, but I have never been able to disable the driver signature enforcement thus far.

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Drivers/Hardware :: Permanently Boot In Disable Driver Signature Enforcement Mode?

Aug 13, 2015

I have purchased two licenses of Windows 10 Pro x64. Everything works fine, except for one disturbing elements.

I have an unsigned driver to a program that I use every day, so I have to boot in the "Disable Driver Signature Enforcement" mode every time, for the program to work. Yes, I have activated the old fashioned F8 boot menu, which is disabled by default in Windows 10. This is no problem, but it seems impossible to get Windows 10 to boot in this mode as standard.

In Windows 7 I solved it easily with the programs "Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider" or "ReadyDriver Plus", but none of these programs seem to work in Windows 10.

So my question is simply, how do I configure Windows 10 so that my computer will boot in the "Disable Driver Signature Enforcement" mode PERMANENTLY? Alternatively, configure the boot setting so that the boot menu (F8) appears by default every time I boot, so I don't always need to be prepared to throw myself on the F8 key at every startup.

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Disable Interstitial Screen On Update

Dec 12, 2015

When I got home and turned my computer on I was made to sit through several interstitial screens after logging on.

>>We've updated your PC
>>All your files are exactly where you left them

It wasted my time giving me no more information than a notification in the system tray. I had to sit through it twice because I had to re-login as an administrator to repair registry settings for a monitor that the update apparently unfixed, which made it feel sarcastically obnoxious. "All your files are exactly where you left them... but we secretly changed some on you!" My blood pressure went up. 

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Disable Automatic Update From The STORE?

Jul 30, 2015

I'm aware that automatic updates via windows update cannot be disabled in windows 10 Home - does that apply to the store also.

In my Surface 3 (updated to win 10) the option to disable store updates automatically is greyed out with a message to contact my administrator (which is me!)

(I also have another win10 VM running pro where the option is not greyed out)

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How To Block A Driver Update

Aug 4, 2015

A new touchpad driver keeps installing, which then causes the touchpad to stop working until I plug in an external mouse and roll back the driver!Is there a way to block/ not install a certain update?

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How To Disable Or Stop Update In Insider Preview

Jul 22, 2015

How to disable or stop windows update in Windows 10 insider preview?

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Can't Change Resolution To 1080p Or Update Driver

Jul 31, 2015

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Operating System Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
CPU AMD FX-410033 C Zambezi 32nm Technology
RAM 8.00GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 668MHz (9-9-9-24)
Motherboard ASUSTeK Computer INC. M5A78L-M LX (AM3R2)25 C
Graphics Generic Non-PnP Monitor (1280x1024@64Hz) / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 (PNY)
Storage 931GB Seagate ST31000524AS ATA Device (SATA)25 C
Optical Drives TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-222BB ATA Device
Audio Realtek High Definition Audio

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Drivers :: Remove Driver Update Dialog Box?

Dec 13, 2015

How do I remove the dialog box telling me to update drivers ? I have automated updates from HP so I do not require a new program that wants to install on my computer. I'm confused as to whether it's from MicroSoft or some scam. 

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Preventing Windows Or Driver Update From Reinstalling

Jul 29, 2015

IF needed .... How to temporarily prevent a Windows or driver update from reinstalling in Windows 10

'Symptoms: In Windows 10, your device is always kept up to date with the latest features and fixes. Updates and drivers are installed automatically, with no need to select which updates are needed or not needed. In rare cases, a specific driver or update might temporarily cause issues with your device, and in this case you will need a way to prevent the problematic driver or update from reinstalling automatically the next time Windows Updates are installed.'

More here : [URL] ....

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Windows Update Uninstalled Up-to-date Driver?

Jan 18, 2016

I've just updated windows 10 and it uninstalled the latest version of the NVidia driver that I had installed two days ago. Is it supposed to be like that?

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PC Performance Loss After NVIDIA Driver Update

Aug 18, 2015

General decrease in PC performance. So yesterday I updated my NVIDIA drivers from GeForce Experience (driver version 355.60) and ever since that my PC's performance has dropped considerably. Things are generally slower, but it is most most noticeable in games.

before the driver update I would get solid 60+ FPS in Battlefield 4 at Ultra settings, but now the average is 30-40 FPS on medium settings. Same situation for all my other games. I have tried uninstalling the driver and reinstalling it, and installing an older driver to no avail.

Strix GTX 970
AMD FX-8350

Nothing has been overclocked.

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Lenovo Y510p - Cannot Disable Adaptive Brightness After Windows Update

Jan 15, 2016

Recently, my laptop has been unable to disable adaptive brightness. That is, brightness changing based on the color of what is displayed on screen. This happened after a windows update got stuck, then the laptop ran out of battery. The update has since been completed successfully.
To fix this, I have tried:
Changing setting in power options
Changing setting in Intel Graphics options
Various scripts for similar Lenovo laptops.
None of these have worked?

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Drivers/Hardware :: Stop Specific Driver Update

Aug 3, 2015

I just updated my laptop to Windows 10 and I'm having an issue with the driver for my fingerprint reader. Windows 10 keeps installing the latest driver software for it rather then the version that I manually installed. The problem with the newest driver is that it disables finger print sign in and windows hello. I had the same issue in Windows 8 but I was able to just go into Windows Update and disable the update, with Windows 10 I can't do that.

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Updates :: How To Stop Windows Update Installing Driver

Mar 5, 2016

Windows 10 keeps installing the ASUS Smart Gesture touchpad driver on my laptop. The driver is garbage and it runs three memory resident processes, which seems rather excessive for a touchpad driver. The default Windows touchpad driver works perfectly well, so I want to use that instead of the ASUS driver. However, if I uninstall the ASUS driver Windows Update quickly reinstalls it.

I disabled automatic driver installation when I installed Windows 10, as you can see here:

Despite that Windows update keeps installing the ASUS Smart Gesture driver.

how I can make it stop?

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Updates :: Unable To Hide NVIDIA Driver Update

Nov 4, 2015

I am attempting to hide the driver update for my NVIDIA Grapgics card as the one from Microsoft causes me problems.

I am using this program from this link: [URL]

It doesn't matter how many times I run it the Driver update will not hide and therefore I am unable to update my computer without installing this troublesome update.

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Drivers/Hardware :: Elan Touchpad Driver Update

Mar 31, 2015

Been reading here and using win 10 from the outset. On latest build, updated this morning. This Elan touchpad driver keeps coming in through windows update and it just screws up my touchpad more than anything. When it loads up I can no longer use right or left click functions on the touchpad. I can find no way to stop the update.

Is there any method for stopping a particular windows update from loading? I keep uninstalling it but it comes back all the time. I am on an Asus G750J laptop.

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Updates :: How To Stop Windows Update From Re-installing The Touchpad Driver

Aug 21, 2015

Windows 10 Pro and I am having an issue with my Touchpad driver, it seems to want to mess up and not move to where I need it to go, so I uninstalled it from the Programs and Features menu, but my issue is it keeps popping back up in Windows Update and installing on its own, I don't want the driver for it as it doesn't function correctly with it installed it works great when its not installed so how can I hide it

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Updates :: Radeon 7700 / Update Wants To Install A New Video Driver?

Aug 21, 2015

I checked my available updates this morning to find that Windows 10 has downloaded and wants to install the "latest" video driver for my Radeon 7700.

I have used AMD Auto Detect and it tells me I have the latest driver (15.7.1)

I have used the instructions on this web site to disable automatic driver updates.

what is this driver? I have read before that Microsoft sometimes tries to download and install drivers that have already been installed or are already up-to-date.

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Drivers/Hardware :: SteelSeries Driver Update Continuous Attempts / Fails

Oct 16, 2015

I have a SteelSeries Sensei mouse and a Razer BlackWidow keyboard. Windows 10 daily attempts to install a "SteelSeries ApS - Keyboard - SteelSeries Sensei [RAW]" update. The update fails within seconds of starting with error 0x80240016. The initial failure message darkens my screen (even when another program is full-screened) and shows a simple message, I don't currently have the verbiage and can't reproduce until Windows attempts automatically.

The update says keyboard in the name, but also says my mouse model. I'm sure it probably pertains to my mouse, but my mouse is working fine and this update fails regardless.

I've rebooted. I've attempted to install while a different mouse was plugged in. I've tried updating mouse and keyboard drivers automatically through the Device Manager ("device driver is already up to date"). I've installed keyboard and mouse drivers from the vendor sites.

Is there anyway to get Windows 10 to forget about this update and stop trying to install it?

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Drivers/Hardware :: How To Install A New Driver Downloaded From Microsoft Update Catalog

Aug 15, 2015

As I encounter problems with my Lan driver Realtek and Windows 10 Pro 64, somone on the forum said me to download the last version from Microsoft update catalog which seems the good one.

So I downloaded the driver but it is a .cab file. When I unpacked the files I obtain four files : a .cat file, a .inf file, a .sys file and a .DLL file. There is no setup.exe file....

I tried to install the driver using the command "HDWWIZ". It sees the .inf file but noting installs..

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Error Code 0x80070103 - Driver Update For ELAN Input Device Failed

May 4, 2015

After installing build 10074 followed by Windows Update, I got the following report, "ELAN DRIVER UPDATE FOR ELAN INPUT DEVICE FAILED - ERROR CODE 0x80070103"

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