Networking :: Changes User Rights On Folders?

Sep 27, 2015

I am running a multiboot W7-pro and W10-pro with several harddisks build in the computer to discover that after W10 used a disk W7 wants to check it to find no errors. Beside that I am not allowed to delete some folders I created in W7 after using them in W10 and they are set to free for use for everybody.

W7 now askes me to get permission from that everybody. I think they mean the W10-everybody. Understand that security is important nowadays but this is becoming a disaster! Also discovered that running the backupapplication Cobian (that always did a perfect job in W7) now is not allowd to acces lots of files in W7 anymore after W10 did ?????something??????.

Another example: I have two SATA backup 1 Tb Disks I switch every few weeks. W10 refused to see the new one after the first switch. Had to go deep into settings to carefully trying to open its content again as W10 told me zero bytes were used. In the end the 900 Gb data was there again but I have forgotten all the steps needed to fix it.

My best guess is that beside Microsoft is messing around with accounts and rights to get full control of your computer. They do not want you to be in control yourself anymore and you have to (must) only use W10 in the future. I am starting to feel a big fool that upgraded to W10 as I am loosing control over my PC's and home-network day by day!!!!

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I finally got a PSU for my fileserver, and got it tested. It world perfect, but! I got a little problem, me and my stepdad is gonna use this server (it's mine) and I want both of us to access it from all our pc's and write to it. I didn't get it working when I had my NUC as a temp server. And I really want it do work now. So me and my stepdad can write data to it over the network.

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User Folders Link In Start Menu

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So... i've tried a last attempt by, creating a new user, & create Start Menu Places & pushing the links etc but even with that, nothing done (looks like it's more for people getting grey menu on/off)HOW to retrieve the missing link from elements in start menu for :
- Documents, Music, Pictures, Videos.

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- Homegroup, Network, Personal Folder, File Explorer, Settings, Power, All apps.

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Is it normal for it to say 'windows 8' when i have 10 installed?

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Attached Files : untitled.jpg   136.43KB

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Networking :: Computer Not Visible To One Other User?

Feb 10, 2016

I have 3 computers on my home network, two are Windows 10 desktops, one is Windows 7 laptop. I'll call them 10-1, 10-2, and 7.

10-1 can see 10-2 and 7.

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All are Ethernet connected to the same router.

New observation: As an experiment I turned off discovery and restarted 10-1. It is still visible to the Windows 7 laptop and sharing is the same. It seems like the settings in the network and sharing center have no relationship with what is really going on.

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Networking :: Connecting To A Shared Printer As A User

Nov 29, 2015

I have two Windows 10 Pro x64 machines - say, A and B - connected into a home network. Both machines have two interactive user accounts registered on them: Admin (member of Administrators) and Bob (member of Users). On both machines user names are exactly the same and account passwords are exactly the same.I don't use HomeGroup file sharing, all sharing is set up using accounts and passwords. Everything works fine with folder sharing.

Now I would like to share a printer. The printer is connected to machine A. I enable sharing for that device and give it share name HP. I also go to the printer security settings and enable everything for Administrators and Users.Now I go to machine B. First, I log in as Admin. I go to Devices and Printers in Control Panel and perform the regular procedure of adding a network printer. At some point I have to enter the name of the printer, so I enter AHP. Without asking for any credentials Windows successfully connects to the remote printer, installs drivers, prints the test page etc. The remote printer appears in Devices and Printers. Everything works as it should.

Then I log out from Admin and log in as Bob on the very same machine B. The first thing that I notice is that for Bob the new printer does not exist in Devices and Printers. This is probably OK, since access to shared network resources depends on per-user credentials.

So, I attempt to "install" this printer for Bob as well. I repeat the same procedure from scratch. this time as Bob: go to Devices and Printers in Control Panel and perform the regular procedure of adding a network printer. Again, at some point I have to enter the name of the printer, so I enter AHP. However, Windows suddenly asks me for credentials to connect to the printer. If I enter Bob's user name and password, Windows refuses connect to the printer, claiming that Bob does not have permission to access it. End of story.

Note that I can work around this problem: I can enter Admin's user name and password when installing the printer for Bob and ask Windows to remember these credentials. Everything will work fine after that, which means that Bob will access that printer as Admin.I don't want to give Bob credentials of Admin to access the network printer. I want Bob to access that printer under Bob's credentials. It works perfectly fine for file sharing. How come it doesn't work for printer sharing?

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Networking :: Workstation Hangs At Applying User Settings

Dec 18, 2015

My name is Peter, and I'm IT Administrator at Junior High School. One month ago I installed Windows 10 Education on all computers. Everything was fine until today. Today users changed his passwords. Now, when user try to login to the PC, system hangs at "Applying User Settings". The only solution (not the best) is to remove user profile from workstation, but after next password change, problem returns. Active Directory looks fine, Previously installed Windows 8.1 and Windows 7 has worked without this issue. Maybe some one knows the solution or perhaps steps to diagnose it.

P.S. Windows version is 10586.29, Active Directory is based on Windows Server 2012.

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Networking :: Synchronize Between Two Folders

Nov 8, 2015

Am sorting out hundreds of photos for archiving, need to add them to final folder and delete from the source folder...I have a complete backup on another partition, which I have to copy to at the end of each session to keep them both up to date.....I hear there is an MS program called synctoy not sure how stable this is for W10 or if there is a better alternative...

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Dec 22, 2015

When I'm accessing my media library on the computer with my phone it does show all movies/songs in the same folder. I have chosen to share different folders like, E:movies E:kids E:adults C:user*videos. all those folders are shown as only one folder on the device i'm accessing my library with. Sub-folders within the paths does show.

In Windows 7 the folders did not batch up as only one folder, each path was shown separately.

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Networking :: Shared Folders Intermittent Disconnect

Jan 12, 2016

My question is in regards to shared folders. I run a desktop and laptop connected by ethernet, through a router. Both machines run Windows 10 Pro. Both machines have static IP addresses setup in the router. I do not use a software firewall and both computers are allowed onto the network.

I share folders on both machines in order to run client software on the laptop which connects to the flight simulator on the desktop. All of the shared folders have full control setup for everyone in both security settings and the shared folders tab.

There are HomeGroups set up on both machines with the correct information.

The problem (finally you say) is that occasionally, one computer cannot open the shared folders on the other over the network. This doesn't happen all the time, nor is the solution consistent. Sometimes closing and reopening the network folder fixes it. Sometimes just waiting does it. Other times, I have to reboot the computer(s). This creates issues with my client software trying to connect to the desktop. The error is: 0x80070035 Windows cannot find.....(to paraphrase).

I should point out that the other machine shows up in the network folder. I just can't access it when this happens. This happens mainly on the laptop attempting to connect to the desktop, although once in awhile the desktop cannot find the laptop.

I have checked and rechecked settings, deleted and rebult the HomeGroup, ensured password protected sharing is off, network discovery is on; amongst other things. I read about changing the shared computer name to its IP address. I also read somewhere about changing a number of registry entries that would force a change in Windows network behaviour.

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Networking :: Shared Folders Not Visible On Other Devices

Feb 23, 2016

I am running Windows 10 and trying to set up a network so that I can transfer photos from an android phone onto my laptop hard drive for back up. I've been using an app to do this and it has worked in the past brilliantly (called "Sweet Home" if interested). Unfortunately since upgrading to Windows 10 and changing my phone it doesn't work. I have also been trying to test the network using ES File Explorer. I have tried setting this up on another laptop running Windows 8 and it works no problem, so the issue must be with my settings.

I have set up a home group, made sure everything is shared where it should be and permissions set so that the network should be visible to everyone, but the android device can't see the network at all. For reference when setting up the network I followed the step by step in the link below on the Windows 8 laptop and it worked.
[URL] ..

One strange point that I think might be related on the Windows 10 laptop, is when I get to Step 2 (of the link above) under "How to enable sharing on Windows?" the "Share" button is greyed out, even when the folder is not shared. I have to share it by clicking the "Advanced Sharing" button instead.

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How To Get Rid Of Administrator Rights Pop Up

Dec 15, 2015

How do I get rid of this popup on windows 10 Pro / 64 Bit... Once in a while I get a pop up when moving a file or folder asking for... administrator rights.... It's not that big a deal... When it shows up I Click on CONTINUE and the function is completed...

I'm running three drives and one of them has two partitions so that brings it up to four mapped drives... I'm always moving stuff around,downloading, adding plug-ins to my software and so on...

Below are the settings I have set to keep the prompt from popping up but as I said it shows up on occasion...
UAC is turned "OFF"

Windows Smart Screen is turned "OFF"

Security Options ... Accounts: Administrator account status "Enabled"

All the drives have full control "Enabled"

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Networking :: Network Setup - Sharing Public Folders

Dec 29, 2015

Trying to set up a network for the first time. My intention was to share public folders but when I right click on my user folders (e.g. PCUsersDaveDocuments they are shown as "Shared" and clicking on "Stop sharing" doesn't seem to do anything. Am I missing something.

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Networking :: Suddenly Slow Access To Server Folders

Jan 5, 2016

I upgraded my PC from Windows 7 Ultimate (64-bit) to the Windows 10 'replacement', which is Win10 Professional (64-bit). All went extremely well, no problems, the Windows 'upgrade' retained my settings, all 'mapped' network drives were there, everything was totally great. I easily accessed, created and and saved new documents to folder locations on the server with no 'hesitation' whatsoever.

HOWEVER... SUDDENLY, within the past eight to ten days, where I once had virtually 'immediate' access to shared folders on our aging Windows Server 2003, I now seem to be required to 'wait' for upwards of 8-10 seconds before folders on the server are 'accessible'. For instance: I'm setting up this year's 'fiscal year' folders for my business invoices on the server. As I attempted to create these folders, I had to 'wait' to be able to 'see' and then be able to access the 'Invoices' folder on the shared drive. Then (as I always have done) I 'right-click' within this folder to create the new folder for FY2016 and once again, it takes 8-10 seconds to be able to create this folder, but eventually this is successful. Then I created 'sub-folders' within this folder (IE: "QTR 1") with no delays..

But then in creating a sub-folder within this sub-folder (IE: 01-JAN), there's the same 8-10 second delay. Continuing on with the creation of folders through the full year, SOME are created immediately - OTHERS suffer from this same 'delay'. It is almost as if my PC must 're-negotiate' with the server - determining 'rights' (?) - I dunno, but it truly frustrates me.... I know full well that I MUST replace this old server OS, since Server 2003 is 'dead', but - well, I simply haven't taken the time. Time is money - and I don't have enough... so you know what gets 'first efforts'.

But since I have been operating like this since BEFORE Windows XP was even released (albeit, yes, on a Windows NT Server, back then) with nothing even resembling this 'hesitation' ... Why now, after this 'mandated' upgrade to Windows 10, is this 'hesitation' appearing in simply accessing what was once practically "immediate'..? The whole network is all CAT-5 'gigabit' Ethernet: both of the switches are gigabit, server connection is gigabit, my PC is gigabit, cripes even the NAS is gigabit (yet another 'storage location' on the network...) and where the NAS was 'slower' earlier, it is now 'faster' to access and store on the NAS instead of the Windows Server.

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Networking :: DLNA / UPnP - Folders Not Showing On Remote Device?

Aug 16, 2015

I have recently upgraded to Windows 10. I have a homegroup setup on my home network which allows me to share the music files stored on my PC with phones & tablets etc for streaming.

Since the upgrade when I access the files using Apps like BubbleUPnP or MConnect the music files are all shown in one giant folder rather than being sorted into the sub folders (Artist, Album etc) as it is on my PC.

This problem has only occurred since upgrading to 10. I reverted to 7 to check and everything went back to normal.

Is there a setting or checkbox I am missing?

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Don't Have Rights To Write On System Disk As Admin

Dec 10, 2015

I disabled UAC & i'm using the only account on this system, which is admin. Yet i'm not allowed to write to C roots and being ask to write in many other places.. How do i disable that & i'm having admin rights ALL THE TIME while using my admin account..?Ok so what i mostly need is the ability (permanently) to write to C: disk root. How do i do that?

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Take Complete Control / Full Admin Rights?

Feb 9, 2015

There must be a way around ...?? Assume I understand the risks.

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Accounts :: Only Administrator Allowed To Remove Own Admin Rights

Feb 23, 2016

Basically, when I setup my system I run my primary user as an admin to install and set everything the way I like it. After a week or so I remove my primary user from the Administrators group. I then use the default Admin account (usually Administrator) to do any other major changes or installs.

I understand that he default administrator account is disabled by Windows and needs to be enabled, but my gripe is that windows has allowed my only active user, which happen to be in the local admin group, to remove it's own Administrative privilege.

Now I have a PC with one standard user and no way to enable my admin, or otherwise do any administrative actions.


I've attached a couple screen shots showing my list of users, which will show the only active user and the other 3 disabled (icon shows down arrow); as well as my Administrator group showing the disabled Administrator user...which is disabled.

And I know I *should* have enabled the Administrator account BEFORE I removed my own admin...but I'm here now and need a fix.

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Accounts :: Giving Permission Rights In Windows App Folder

Feb 23, 2016

I have installed one app in Windows 10 through Win store, and I want to move one file to that app folder, but every time it is asking me, u need to perform this action - try again or cancel. I have permission to all the groups to move that file, check screenshot below...

But still I don't have access to move files over that app folder, I am tired now..

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Installation :: Failed Admin Rights / Permissions And Security

Jul 30, 2015

I just upgraded my Win 7 Laptop to Win 10, but I seem to have lost my admin rights to certain folders and actions.

I am getting "You don't have permission to save in this location" messages when trying to look at the Local Users and Groups console or save files.I can not download/ save (do not get the save dialog at the bottom of Edge (or IE for that matter)).Also I am not able to do the "Sign in with a Microsoft account instead" procedure in the "Your account" window. Nothing happens when I fill in my email and click.

I want my control back, of the Laptop. How do I solve this?

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Performance :: OTS Mode With No Admin Rights After Virus Scan

Oct 4, 2015

My brother has lost all admin privileges and would like to get them back, how this happened he was doing a virus scan and it was taking an excessive amount of time and he wanted to stop it but it would not stop so he just turned off his computer when he restarted it booted in what he says was OTS mode with no admin rights. Is there a way he can recover admin rights?

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