Secondary Drives Is Locked / Assessed Denied - Unable To Get Permission

Aug 13, 2015

Getting permission to D: drive, access denied.

I installed windows 10 on a new SSD which is currently my drive C:. There was a windows 7 which was on drive D: but I never uninstall it. Drive D: was working normally until during boot today windows decided to do a checkdisk on drive D: (dont know the cause), which tried to repair it.

Currently I totally cannot access my drive D:. Tried to grant permission to myself to assess it but failed, keep having errors such as this ....

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Access Denied - No Permission To Save In This Location

Aug 13, 2015

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Initial Error Message:

Enumeration Error when attempting to take ownership:

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USB Hard Drives Perpetually Locked

Nov 28, 2015

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File Access Denied

You require permission from Unix User obody to make changes to this file.

What causes this nor have I made any security changes.

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Aug 12, 2015

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how this drive got dragged into the install, but I certainly do not want my main drive depending on it to boot.

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how to go about "unlinking" these 2 drives?

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Secondary Monitor Not Wake Up

Aug 8, 2015

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It was ok when i was using windows 8.1. but it causing problem after windows 10 installed. I already updated all drivers including display drivers.

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Secondary OS To Choose At Startup

Nov 28, 2015

During startup of Win 10, the options given to proceed with include Windows 10 and System Restore.
I now have Win 10 on one of my laptop's internal 2.5" HDD. And I've restored to Win 7 (home premium) on my other 2.5" HDD that sometimes is temporarily in the bay of the internal drive that Win 10 is now running on.

With one of those drives in the 2.5" usb HDD enclosure, how can give the Win 10 startup window an optional link that can open and run Win 7 of the plugged in enclosure. IOW, can the startup screen be tweaked so that I can avoid temporarily putting the Win 7 HDD in the internal bay in place of the 2.5" drive that Win 10 runs on (to run Win 7 on the external drive)?

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Secondary Storage Setup

Aug 17, 2015

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Aug 10, 2015

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Access Denied To Folders And Files

Aug 22, 2015

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Access To Users / Documents Denied

Sep 13, 2015

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File Access Denied To Many Files?

Nov 16, 2015

Since Upgrading to Windows 10, I am now experiencing problems accessing many files?

How can I gain access to ALL my files?

Can this be done in one operation, easily, or is it difficult?

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Access Denied When Running A Game EXE

Aug 1, 2015

I upgraded to Windows 10 Pro last night from Windows 7 Pro. It was a clean installation, the PC was reset to factory settings. I've installed Medieval 2 and Rome 1 games on my new Windows 10 and after the installation I try to launch and get the ''Access Denied Please login with administrator privileges and try again'' message.

I then go to my users tab in the control panel and it says my account is administrator, I've also tried going into the security tab on the exes and enabling full control but that doesn't work either and of course, I've tried running them as admin but nothing seems to be working.

Also, I'm using the original disk copies of the games and not the Steam versions, I've tried running some games on Steam that I have installed and they've run fine, but I don't own these 2 games on Steam.

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Access Denied When Trying To Backup To External HD

Jan 14, 2016

So i have a folder in which i do all of my work, that's why it's a google drive folder located in C:UsersTaloGoogle DriveFacu

The thing is that i also want to back it up into my passport external drive (just in case). I'm using WD SmartWare software to do this. I have no problem in backing up my other files, but i can't get it to backup this google drive folder because it says "Access denied".

How i can allow access to that folder? I tried running the WD Smartware as administrator but the same happens.

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How To Enable System Protection On Secondary HDD

Jul 30, 2015

I have disable system protection on my primary (C:) which is an SSD.

When trying to enable system protection on my 1TB HDD (E:), the option is simply greyed out.

I had hoped to save writes on my SSD to increase it's lifespan, and it appears to be recommended in various SSD optimisation guides. Is it at all possible to enable system restore points to be saved on other hard drives?

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