Auto-increment Values

Dec 26, 2006


I have set up the primary key as auto-increment through sql.
coursereference int AUTO_INCREMENT,
I have also entered VBA code for event handler below:

Private Sub Form_AfterInsert()
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acLast
End Sub

Every time when I delete the previous value , the next one entered is not decreased by one.
Could you please help how to set it up?


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Auto Increment Value

Mar 23, 2008

Hi All

How to assign value to a field based on the value of the same field in the previous record?
Autonumber has its limitations for my purpose. Because, after I start filling up a form, I some times cancel the form filling process, and it affects the continuous numbering.

I guess the issue can be resolved by using some thing like record count facility. i.e. current' record's field value = number of records till previous record + 1.

How to exactly codify or execute the above by vba coding.

The Field Name is "SerialNo.", and Table Name is "StudentData"



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Auto Increment

Jan 29, 2008

I am importing an Excel file with existing data using the Import wizard to build my table. It has an ID field (CID) which I would like to keep and set to auto increment starting with the next number.
Can this be done ?

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Modify Auto ID Increment

Aug 22, 2007


Can someone tell me how I can change the increment in an existing database.

The PK is currently Auto ID with each new record currently 1001, 1002 and so on.

What I am trying to do is say starting monday the next new entry begins at 5003 versus 1003, in essence I am trying to change my first number to a 5 versus a 1.

Is this possible?

Fen How

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Resetting Auto Count/Increment

Jul 3, 2007

I'm redeveloping a DB for a new project, so have removed all previous records from relevant tables (to start a-fresh)

One snub, the ID fields in the tables are auto increasing from where they left off, rather than from 1

If anyone knows how to reset the auto counters, it would be very much appreciated

Thanks in advance

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Field In Table Auto Increment

Feb 12, 2008

I have a table with order numbers I would like to auto increment the number part of the order when new record is added to the table.

My order numbers looks like this:


How to make access increment the number part?

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Primary Key-Auto Number - Increment

Feb 12, 2008

Hello ALL,

I want to know how to reset (to start again from 1) my primary key field. As an example i have the "Customers" table with the field "customerID" as PK now i entered many values (20) then i deleted them but i want to start again and the "customerID" value starts with 21 i understand that but i want a fresh DB (i was testing things) and i want to start from 1 can i? how? i even deleted the relation between this table and the other table but no success!

Some help please?

THX in advance

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Create Auto-increment In The Query

Sep 15, 2005

Hi: does anybody knows how to create auto-increment in the query?
create auto-increment in the query, Not in the table? Thanks.

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Auto Increment Field In A Sub Form

Aug 7, 2006

Basically, we have different camera modules on which we perform a given test a number of times, giving rise to 2 tables, tblCamera which will store basic info about the module and tblTest which will hold info for each test perfomed.

The camera module has a unique ID (CameraID, the Primary key in tblCamera and foreign key in tblTest (one to many)). The primary key in tblTest will be a compound key of CameraID and an incremental number for each test performed on a given camera (TestNo). The data for the tests will need to be entered through a form, so I can build a form based on tblCamera with a subform based on tblTest (which would be in datasheet view)... What I am looking for is a way to increment TestNo in the subform, starting at 1. I have tried using

=Nz(DMax("TestNo","tblTest","CameraID = '" & [Forms]![frmCamera]![txtCameraID] & "'"),0) + 1

in the Default Value box for this field, which works to a point but has the curious effect of adding each number twice (as the default value for a new record seems to be added as soon as you start typing in the current 'last row')

I just can't seem to get my head around this one, any suggestions would be much appreciated...


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Primary Key-Auto Number - Increment

Feb 13, 2008

Hello ALL,

I want to know how to reset (to start again from 1) my primary key field. As an example i have the "Customers" table with the field "customerID" as PK now i entered many values (20) then i deleted them but i want to start again and the "customerID" value starts with 21 i understand that but i want a fresh DB (i was testing things) and i want to start from 1 can i? how? i even deleted the relation between this table and the other table but no success!

Some help please?

THX in advance

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Adding A Auto Increment Text/Number

Jan 4, 2005

I have a daabase that I am importing via excel. I want the entries to be numbered
ex: MT0001

I would like it to promt the user for the last number(or next number in sequence) entered, then fill in the blank records with the next increment number.
The prefix will also change to so eventually the user would enter into the prompt RD0001. then autofill the 140 imported records with RD0002, rd0003... etc....

I can't really make seperate fields because the MT0001 number will become a barcode and putting them seperate causes many issues.

can this be done? Any help would be great I am still a beginner but slowly learning!

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Tables :: Auto-increment Part Of A Composite Key

Oct 17, 2014

My table key looks like this. Its a table that keeps a master record of conferences that occur during a calendar year

ConfYear (Date/Time) primary key
ConfNo (Byte) primary key

As you see its a composite key. Now each time a new record is created i want the ConfNo to autoincrement within its ConfYear. I used a byte as its not usually more than 4. Autonumber does not work as part of a composite key i found out.

2014 1
2014 2
2014 3 etc

And revert to 1 when ConfYear input changes to 2015

Is there a simple way to do this with say, a macro, or is the only way with VBA and DAO?

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Auto Increment Field Based On Value Between Two Numbers

Apr 25, 2013

I have inherited an Access DB that is supposed to be kept "alive" but not made much better. On a weekly basis I get an Excel CSV that I'm supposed to import into one massive table; that works just fine.

However, there is another query that takes values from a table named "New Users From Import Table" and appends them to the current "User" table.

But before running that query I have to manually update a field called "Display Name ID" with the next highest number from the User table but only the highest value that isn't in the 9000 number range.

For example, my next highest "Display Name ID" is 1144, which of course does not include the records that range between 9000 - 9008.

I had to manually enter 89 "Display Name ID" values yesterday and I know there has to be a way to update that field when I pull the data over from the temp table without having to do it all manually.

Here's the query that pulls the data into the "User" table (after I've manually entered the incremented values).

INSERT INTO Users ( [Display Name ID], [User Type], Organization, [Display Name], [Alias Name] )
SELECT [New Users From Import Table].[Display Name ID], [New Users From Import Table].[User Type], [New Users From Import Table].Organization, [New Users From Import Table].[Display Name], [New Users From Import Table].[Alias Name]
FROM [New Users From Import Table];

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Auto Increment Numbers Based On Value In A Different Field

Feb 22, 2012

how to auto increment one field based on the value in another field. What I have is a table with six fields. There is a foreign key assigned to each record and linked to another table. Four fields in this table are number fields indicating accordingly a number for a category, a number for a subcategory, a number for a subject for a subcategory and a number for an instruction for each subject of subcategory. The last field is the text field for each instruction. Numbers are required to be included in the report. Also, number of categories, subcategories, subjects and instructions vary by each record in the the table which this table is linked to. What I'm trying to accomplish is to have numbers in the subcategory to auto increment starting with "1" for each number in the category field, numbers for each subject field would auto increment starting with "1" for each number in the subcategory field, and numbers in the instructions field to auto increment for each number in the subject field starting, again, with "1". I also need these numbers to restart with "1" for each new record in another table.

Basically, the table would look like this:

cat subcat subj instruction


(if the record in another table is a new/next table)and so forth..I have been looking for anything that could remotely work for me. Every VBA code I've tried is either don't work the way I need it to work, other codes making the field to continue increment numbers if the number already exists in the other field.

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Modules & VBA :: Auto Increment Field Based On TWO Other Fields

Jun 5, 2013

I'm making up a stock system for the independent jewellers I work for. Each stock pattern needs an individual code which can quickly be recognised read as tickets are often taken off the jewellery and can be mixed up easily. To this end we categorise based on two criteria:

1. Material
2. Type

At the moment these are as follows:


0Base and Miscellaneous


IDStock Type
0Previously Owned
5Bracelet or Bangle
9Gift, Clock or Miscellaneous

So if I had three pairs of silver earrings I want the first to be No. 161, the next 162, the next 163. If I had three Gold Bracelets I'd want them No. 251, 252, 253 and so on...Material and type are both selected form separate Comboboxes on a form.

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Queries :: Alter Table With Auto-increment Field?

Mar 10, 2015

I am attempting to update an oracle table using MS Access.

One of the fields to be updated is a primary key number field.

I'd like to use the autoincrement field to update that field.

My sql is:


Alter table testAutoNum Add column progid autoincrement (1001,2)

This sql nicely creates the new field in the table, but it doesn't start at 1001 and increment by 2; it starts and 1 and increments by 1.It is also creating an autonumber and I need it to be a number.

What am I doing wrong?

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Increment Field Values

Feb 13, 2006


I have a numeric field called FileNo and an autonumber field called FileID in a table called tblFile.
I also have a lookup numeric field called FileTypeID (with values 1 or 2 or 3) on another table called tblFileType.

I need the value of FileNo which I am showing on a Form frmFile to change dependant on the value of the FileTypeID
i.e. If FileTypeID = 1 FlieNo should start at 100
If FileTypeID = 2 FileNo should start at 200
If FileTypeID = 3 FileNo should start at 300
Then when I create a new record I need to increment by 1 the value of FileNo according to the FileTypeID

I've setup a button and attached this code to its onclick event but it only works as long as I don't change the FileTypeID

Dim B As Integer
Dim H As Integer
Dim N As Integer

Do While FileID > 0
If FileTypeID = 1 Then
B = FileNo
If FileTypeID = 2 Then
H = FileNo
If FileTypeID = 3 Then
N = FileNo
End If
End If
End If

If FileType = 1 Then
FileNumber = B + 1
If FileType = 2 Then
FileNumber = H + 1
If FileType = 3 Then
FileNumber = N + 1
End If
End If
End If


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Modules & VBA :: Store Values Increment By 1

Nov 22, 2013

I'm building a database to organize the editing of a massive report my office is working on. I've got a big table of all the sections. Each section has a unique ID and a version number. I wrote the queries so that they return only the most recent version (i.e. the Max version # of each section.) The results of the query appear in a subform.

I was able to use VBA to allow the user to double click on the record in the subform, and look at the record in another form. (I was really proud of this.)

Anyway, it turns out what I need is to double click on the record in the subform, and create a new record based on this record, but increment the version # by one.

I've created an unbound form for this, and googled around. I need to use VB to store the variable, and then put it in the unbound text box.

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Tables :: Procedure To Restrict / Stop Auto Number Increment For Certain Number Of Record Count

Mar 16, 2014

I would like to know if there is any procedure to restrict/stop auto number increment for certain number of record count (say 50), then increment by 1 for next 50 records.

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Auto Increment A Number Based On Record Value From Previous Record

Nov 17, 2010

create a macro that automatically fills in the next invoice number in sequence",,I'm assuming this macro would look at the value of the previous record and add a one to itI don't want to use a AutoNumber field as I might need

(a) to modify value or
(b) need to skip numbers.

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Linking Values To Auto Calculate

Aug 6, 2007

I have parts that go into and out of inventory. Each time a part is removed or returned, the user inputs the number into the computer. I was wondering how I could link the numbers so that as parts were removed or added, the total number in inventory and the total number on the floor automatically changed. Thanks so much.

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Auto Values In Access Tables?

Nov 7, 2006

I am writing an access database which has to store properties for an estate agent. They have a PropertyID field which is the primary key in this table. The ID is always in the following format PL219AD23 (postcode PL21 9AD and house number 23) Is there a way that once an address of a property is entered then the ID is generated from that? Or do they always have to enter the property ID themselfs.

Any help or tips would be appreciated..



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Forms :: Auto Sum If Specific Values Come Up Within A Form

Jun 24, 2015

I am trying to have a field auto sum if specific values come up within a form. The form is a survey. Total all number zeros, total all 1's, 2's etc. so that I get a discrete value total for each option.


Q1) 1 Q9) 0
Q2) 1 Q10) 1
Q3) 0 Q11) 2
Q4) 2
Q5) 1
Q6) 1
Q7) 3
Q8) 1

Total Number occurrences

Total 0's= 2
Total 1's= 6
Total 2's= 2
Total 3's= 1

Each question in the above example is a field within the same Form. Each total is its own field.

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Modules & VBA :: Auto Select Values Combobox

Feb 19, 2014

I would like to let vba select all (one after the other) values in a combobox and run a query. The code has to be run using a Do While Loop for which I already made the condition.The reason I want to automate this is to allow the user to quickly add new links in the database. The combobox is used in multiple queries.I rather code it than make new queries for this situation because it involves many queries that would have to be added.

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Tables :: Auto-Calculate Field From Other Table Values

Aug 10, 2015

How to set up my tables as I'm just starting off with setting my database up.

I'm doing a simple database to track the purchase orders (PO) I am managing. Each PO has a PO Number and an Original Value. POs may have multiple amendments which would change the PO value. I would however like to keep the history of the PO original value and all different amendments.

So I created two tables:

PO Number (Number)
PO Original Value (Currency)
PO Sum of Amendments (???????????)
PO Current Value (Calculated = PO Original - PO Sum of Amendments)

PO (Lookup from tblPO)
PO Amended Value (Currency)
Amendment Date (Date/Time)
Amendment Desc (Text)

Now the two, million dollar questions are:
1.) Is this the right table structure to use.
2.) How do I go about calculating the Sum of Amendments field?

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Queries :: Auto Populate Pending Values In One Combobox To Another

Aug 16, 2013

I am creating a student database. I have crated a single table for this database and a form. Two combo boxes. I have created these two combo boxes named (Documents Submitted and Documents pending).

These two boxes I created using "Lookup coloumn". I selected "I will type in the values that I want" for both the boxes. After I filled the values in both as (CV, Ielts, Passport Copy, Certificates, photo id). After this I gave the name and selected "Allow multiple values".

Now in my form it shows both the combo boxes and in both the boxes it shows CV, Ielts etc. I can select multiple Items in both the boxes. I hope I am clear up to here.

Now at this point these two boxes (Document Submitted and Documents pending) are showing items (documents names) separately. What I want is to combine the values of both. I want to do is, if I select "CV, IELTS, passport copy" in document submitted box, rest of the pending names (Photo ID, Certificates) should automatically be filled in Document pending box. What ever I didn't select in Document submitted box should appear in Document pending box.

For better understanding i am attaching my file with it.

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