Records Incorrect When New Records Added In Other Form

Jul 28, 2005

I have form setup with two cascading combo boxes (facility and date) to select a record (other navigation, including mousewheel, is disabled). There is a button to open another form which allows addition/deletion of records by facility and date. When this form is closed, the combo boxes update accordingly on the initial form. However, if I select a new record whose facility/date I have just entered, it seemingly shows the wrong values for several of the other fields. If I check the corresponding table, the values are actually at default, though, and when I reopen the form they have reverted to default. Any ideas on how to solve this? I'm tempted to simply have the first form close and reopen when the second is closed, but couldn't figure out the syntax to close a form with a button on a different form. Let me know if there's any more information I need to provide. Thanks for any suggestions.

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Forms :: 2 Records Added To Table After Form Is Submitted

Dec 20, 2013

I have a form that has a few combo boxes that I use as drop down lists that the user can choose from. After the form is completed, the user clicks "Submit" and the query/table is updated. However, 2 records are added instead of 1. The first record leaves the first field blank and every other field completed. The second record has every field filled out with the same info as the first. In other words, the first of the 2 records is unnecessary. How do I eliminate this from happening?

Data Entry set to "Yes"

Submit button:

Private Sub cmdSubmit_Click()
DoCmd.RunSQL "Insert Into qryEarlyPoints(empName,dateOfOccurrence,leaveEarly,early6Mins) VALUES('" & Me.txtEmpNameInf & "','" & Me.txtDateInf & "','" & Me.cmbEarlyPoints & "','" & Me.cmbArriveEarly & "')"
Application.SetOption "Confirm Action Queries", 0
Application.SetOption "Confirm Document Deletions", 0
Application.SetOption "Confirm Record Changes", 0

Exit Sub
End Sub

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General :: New Records Added To Table But Not Immediately Available In Form View

Jul 17, 2014

I have a database created in Access 2003 about six years ago. I’m the sole user of the Application, which I use to keep track of my personal assignments and to quickly access other resources. A search form was added and tweaked over time until it contained the features I desired. The search form uses a subform to display a list of records, with the ability to click a record‘s "Edit" field to open and update that record.

In about March 2014 we upgraded from Office 2003 using Windows XP to Office 2010 using Windows 7. All users on other Applications that I’d designed and support experienced missing Reference issues, but those were resolved rather quickly. I'd been off work intermittently for about six weeks between April and July and gradually started noticing other issues with my personal assignments tracker that I did not immediately associate with the upgrade. Early on, I noticed that I could no longer delete or rename database objects on several of the databases that I'd designed and support. Eventually, I also noticed that I was unable to create new records and received SaveRecord error messages associated with the subform. I'd encountered SaveRecord issues before and went through previous steps to resolve, but to no avail. Eventually, I came to the conclusion, right or wrong, that all of my recent issues were associated with the upgrade.

I found through online research that my loss of ability to delete or rename Objects was possibly due to the loss of Object Owership and Permissions, which was associated with my Security Workgroup. I confirmed that Ownerships and Permissions had been lost and was unwilling to recreate the database, just yet. No user of other Applications that I support reported any problem creating new records.

I know now that new Access doesn’t have the Security menu item that allows Workgroup creation and joining. After months of online research and trial and error, I was directed to Microsoft Knowledgebase Article 918583, which provided VBA code that allowed me to Run the Workgroup Administrator to rejoin my previously established Workgroup.

After rejoining my Workgroup, everything seemed to return to normal. I could delete and rename records and was able to create new records. After a few days, I noticed that new records were not being displayed in the search form right away. I confirmed that the records were being added to the main table, but still not available in the search form, queries, or reports until after an additional record had been added. In other words, for example, in order to view record 1, a record 2 would have to be added. In order to view record 2, a record 3 would have to be added, and so on. This makes it very tedious to enter new assignments.

I believe the present issue is greater than my search form, because the newest record is not only not available in the search form, but not available in any other form, query, or report. I have no clue where to start.

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Modules & VBA :: Display On Form Average Records Per Hour Added To Database

Sep 29, 2014

I am trying to display on a form the average number of lines/records per hour that a person is adding to the database.

Trying to work with Dfirst and DLast I'd subtract the time of the most recent record from the time of the first record entered and then divide the number of records to display the average per hour in a text box.

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Forms :: Cannot View Added Records When Press Navigate Buttons In Form

Apr 12, 2013

I can add record successfully... but can't view it accordingly when I press navigate buttons in the form...

Database is attached ....

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Query Not Producing New Records Added To A Table?

Nov 28, 2007

I have created a form to enable data to be easily added to the database table, however does anybody know why the query that looks up the records from the table does not return the new entered records, only what was originally in the table?

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Forms :: Cannot Search Newly Added Records

Jun 25, 2014

I have a form that lets you add records to my table, it works well and I can see the records in my table but then once I use my search form, which also is working well, the new records won't come up when I do a search, it just keeps searching through the records that were there when I created the search form.

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Forms :: Subform Not Accepting Changes Only For New Records Added

Apr 11, 2013

I have a subform that has 3 check boxes. If the record was an existing record in the SQL table and I want to change the value I can change it no problem. If I try to check the box for a new record added to the database then it doesn't allow me to save the change. I know that this is a problem with bit values in SQL when deleting so I made sure all 3 fields have a default value, but it still doesn't let me make changes to new records.

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General :: Cannot Delete Records Added Through The Subform

Feb 19, 2013

I have 2 sub-forms attached to a main form. Each of these forms are based on different tables. Whenever I input the record, it goes into respective tables. However when I try to delete the record, it only deletes the record from the main form. I tried cascade delete. However, since referential integrity has to be established, I cannot add the record to my subform because there has to be a corresponding record in the parent table for me to add the record in the subform.

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How To Get Newly Added Records To Appear In A Search In Access

Oct 13, 2015

Basically I have one table with all relevant information needed, etc, and I have the original spreadsheet data inputted to the database. The original data appears fine when a search is done, eg, the user searches for something using a form that then uses a query and ultimately brings up the information that matches. In the queries, I use the same basic criteria

"LIKE "*" & [Forms]![FormName]![FieldName] & "*" "

My question is, now that I have a form to add a new record to the table so a user can add to it, what would be the best way to get the added record to appear during the search, like the original records? I have used " IS Not Null" at the end of the criteria within the query, but it tends to bring up all the new records no matter what the user searches.

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General :: Weekly Calendar To Show Added Records

Nov 3, 2014

I need a calendar that can go forever that shows weeks and not months and each record i add (or is added by admin form) will show up. I have a calendar attached here to show what i mean but its monthly not weekly.

Basically it needs 7 spots for employee vacation leave, 2 spots for supervisor leave and 2 spots for other leave. My current calendar will only fit the 7 employees and no1 else thus the reason i want to go weekly and not monthly, so it has more room.

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Subform Shows Actual Record, No List Of 3 Last Added Records

Mar 13, 2006

Hi There,

I have got this form, consisting of 1 form (that needs to add a new record to a table everytime) and 1 subform, that needs to show the last three records of the table.

My problem is that I cannot get it right, now both forms (form and subform) are showing the details on just one record. If I open my subform it shows me all the records of a table, but in as soon as I view the form as a subform I shows me only one record.

Any help is welcome, I attached my db, just in case....

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Tables :: Added New Field With Default Value Of Zero - How To Update Existing Records

Oct 3, 2012

I have an existing table that has calculations. When I added a new field with an default value of zero, it did not populate the existing records. Now my tables are not calculating. How can I update the existing records with the new default of zero.

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Forms :: Dataset Based On A Table - Order Of Added Records

Aug 9, 2013

I have a form with a dataset based on a table. (there are a number of buttons on the form with code so it's important I don't delete the form and start again with a new one)

The data displays correctly but the order is wrong. It displays the last record added as the first record when viewed in form view.

I want to reverse this order, how do i go about it? It seems very simple but I've yet to find a solution.

I also don't want to base it on a query because of the code mentioned earlier.

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Queries :: After Importing Data Query Not Picking Up Newly Added Records

Apr 21, 2013

I created a database. exported some Excel data into Access tables, created a number of lookups, default values etc. and created a pretty simple query.

My problem is that after importing and tweaking the data, when I add new records, my queries do not pick them up!
I have tried:

1. saving, closing, opening and re-running the queries.
2. putting an Nz expression for each field in the query as I read that null values may cause a problem.
3. wrote the query again, field by field to see if all records were received.
4. Exported the table back to Excel and imported to a new Access table in my database

None of this works.

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Forms :: Limited Number Of Records In Continuous Form / But Now Can't Add Records

Mar 22, 2013

One shows my form with the Transporters Subform with 3 entries, and 1 entry.The three line items that say "Transporter" are in one subform. I used this code

Private Sub Form_Current()
If Me.RecordsetClone.RecordCount >= 3 Then
Me.AllowAdditions = False
End If
End Sub

to limit the number of records I can add to 3 or less.My issue is that I lost the blank text box that allows you to add another record. So, if I only have one Transporter listed, there's no box to let me add a second or third.I have the following properties for the Transporters Subform set to "Yes":

Data Entry
Allow Additions
Allow Deletions
Allow Edits
Allow Filters

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Forms :: How To Protect Old Records In A Form But Can Edit New Records

Dec 12, 2014

I have a form which needs update ever month. When the form is opened, the end user can see the old records and data, and also a new record is added for any new data. I want to protect the old saved data and the user can only add, edit, or delete the new data in the newly added record. The problem is once a user adds the new data and moves to another record or another form, then he/she cannot edit or change the new data in case if there is any mistake or need to change something after couple of minutes.

I changed the Form Data Properties "Allow Additions", "Allow Edits", and "Allow Deletions" many different times and situations to solve this problem but with no success. I tried the following with NO success too: One of the Fields of the Record is (Month). In the Data Properties, I set a Default Value for this field as(December 2014) for instance. I set the Data Properties "Allow Additions", "Allow Edits", and "Allow Deletions" to (Yes). Then I put the following code in the Form's Current Event:

Private Sub Form_Current()
If Me.month.Value = "December 2014" Then
Me.AllowAdditions = True
Me.AllowEdits = True
Me.AllowDeletions = True

[Code] ....

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Form Opening At Incorrect Field??????

Dec 5, 2006


This is probably pretty simple but i can't find any info on it on this forum:

Every time i open my form the cursor automatically selects a field halfway down the page. How do i get it to open with the cursor at the first field on the form???

Also, I would like the form to be maximised upon opening anyone know how to do this?


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Forms :: Incorrect Name Of Form Displayed

May 6, 2014

I saved my form with a particular name and I have used that name all throughout my code and it still works fine. But when I open that form, the name I see on the top of the form is not that name at all. It's actually some value I gave a combo box a while ago.

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Forms :: Form Name Incorrect In Form View

Dec 23, 2013

I have a form which displays an incorrect form name in the header/tab when in form view - its always correct in design view. Somehow it chooses to display the name of another form I have in the database. I have tried saving the form to a new name, this does not solve it. I have also tried saving the other form from which the name seems to have been borrowed, but this makes no difference. Incidentally, now matter what names I give the two forms, the original (incorrect) form name persists. I have tried compact and repair and vba debug. No effect.

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Modules & VBA :: Possible To Export Select Records And Fields In Those Records To A Specific Location?

Jun 15, 2013

In an Access 2010 form is it possible to export select records and fields in those records to a specific location?

Set objDialog = Application.FileDialog(4)
With objDialog
.AllowMultiSelect = False
.Title = "Please select a File"
.InitialFilename = "C:"
If .SelectedItems.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox ("Action Cancelled")


The user can select the directory using the code above, but can specific fields in records be exported to a excel workbook in that selected directory?For example, if the are 5 records in the database can the fields LastName,FirstName,BirthDate in records 1,2,3 be exported to Setup.xlsx in that selected directory?

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Tables :: Linking Records In One Table To Multiple Records In Another And Assign Percentage?

Nov 21, 2012

I have a table (tbl Team Info) which contains names and codes for teams within my business (>400 records) and another table (tbl Process) which contains a list of high level tasks (30 records).

I need to create something where for each team name 9in tbl Team Info) I can map them to the tasks that they undertake (in tbl Process) and assign a percentage of time then spend on each task. Each team could map to several different tasks.

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Queries :: Mass Duplicate Main Records And Related Subform Records

May 29, 2014

In my simple database (attached), I need to mass duplicate Tasks and their Notes.

I have three tables: tbTasks (PK: Task_ID), tbNotes (PK: Note_ID), jtbTaskNotes (FKs: Task_ID and Note_ID). jtbTaskNotes is my many-to-many junction table that ties Tasks to Notes.

The main form (fmTasks), bound to tbTasks, has a subform (sbfm_TaskNotes) that displays notes associated with each Task. On themain form,you select which Tasks you want duplicated via a checkbox. The append query (quCopyTasks) will duplicate all tasks that have the checkbox checked. All good there. However, I can't figure out how to also duplicate each task's Notes.

I found Allen Browne's solution [URL] ....., but that only handles duplication of one record at a time, whereas I need to duplicate many records at a time (sometimes 10+ records). How do I go about duplicating multiple Tasks and their associated Notes?

Before you ask "why are you duplicating records?": There are times when tasks need to be re-accomplished and therefore need to have a new record. It's easier to duplicate records than it is to hand-jam everything again.

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Forms :: Getting Records On Start And End Date / Error - No Records Found

Jun 27, 2013

I am trying to get the records on start and end date, still showing error no records found.

My code is like this:

Private Sub Command90_Click()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strReport As String
Const strcJetDate = "#dd/MM/yyyy#"


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Qry Results Show Duplicate Records, Records Are Not Dup In Table.

Nov 16, 2004

I have built a qry that initially shows the correct information. For example.

tblContent has 289 records with a Type = Class.

I built a Query to select from tblContent Type = Class and I get 289 records. I add additional criteria of Progress <>"Not Scheduled", I then get 206 records. I then add additional criteria Last Name <>"Demo" And <>"Care" And <>"Support". This brings up 200 records, but the query appears to duplicate each record 3 times. I do not have 3 of the same types of records.

The SQL Statement is below

SELECT tblProfile.LoginName, tblProfile.FirstName, tblProfile.LastName, tblProfile.Organization, tblProfile.CostCenter, tblContent.Title, tblContent.Type, tblContent.Code, tblContent.[Date Assigned], tblContent.[Date Started], tblContent.[Last Accessed], tblContent.Progress, tblContent.[Date Completed]
FROM tblProfile INNER JOIN tblContent ON tblProfile.LoginName = tblContent.LoginName
WHERE (((tblProfile.LastName)<>"Demo" And (tblProfile.LastName)<>"Care" And (tblProfile.LastName)<>"Support") AND ((tblContent.Type)="Class") AND ((tblContent.Progress)<>"Not Scheduled"));

The qry is named qryPhysical Class. I have provided the link to view the database. Can you help me?

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

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Modules & VBA :: Exporting Subtable Records With Primary Records

Jan 12, 2014

All seemed to be working well, however, I noticed that all my subtable records in the database are exporting with each Primary table record. In my output, I'm looking to see each primary table record followed by one or more subtable records from a one to many relationship.

(Office 2010) Access/Word

Private Sub cmdPrint1_Click()
Dim objWord As Word.Application
Dim docm As Word.Document
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rstLandSales As DAO.Recordset

[Code] ......

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