Access To MSSQl 2005 Upgrade Challenge With ASP Web Application

Feb 26, 2008

To whom it may concern,

I have developed a web application using ASP 3.0 with a Access DB 2002 backend. I have decided to recently to upgrade the database to SQL 2005 but I am having issues that I cannot work out because I am new to MsSql Language. It appears that the FORMAT function in Access does not work in MsSql ( does not recognise the function ) along with some of the PIVOT and TRANSFORM calls (coming up with "Syntax error near "..."") . Please see the below code. The areas that are showing up as errors when the application is run are highlighted in red.

Thanking you in advance

<!-- #include file="./../../common/includes/i_header_login.asp" -->
<link href="../../common/css/proceduremanual.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

<%Sub RecordsetToCSV(ByRef RS, ByVal CSVFilePath, ByVal IncludeFieldNames)
Set objCSVFile = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
Call objCSVFile.Open

If IncludeFieldNames Then
'string concatenation issues aren't a problem for a small string of field names
For Each Field In RS.Fields
If FieldNames = "" Then
FieldNames = Field.Name
FieldNames = FieldNames & "," & Field.Name
End If

FieldNames = FieldNames & vbCRLF
Call objCSVFile.WriteText(FieldNames, 1)
End If

Call objCSVFile.WriteText(FieldNames & RS.GetString(adClipString, , ",", vbCRLF, ""))
Call objCSVFile.SaveToFile(CSVFilePath, 2)
Set objCSVFile = Nothing
End Sub
function evaluate(pFormula, pUserID, pMonth, pYear)
if isnull(pFormula) then
evaluate = 0
exit function
end if
x = 0
key = ""
zero = "0"
nine = "9"
eFormula = ""
lf = len(pFormula)
for i = 1 to lf
c = mid(pFormula,i,1)
if x = 1 and c >= zero and c <= nine then key = key & c
if x = 1 and (c < zero or c > nine or i = lf) then
set rsd = cn.execute("select sum(total) from Data where UserID = " & pUserID & " and month(weekEnding) = " & pMonth & " and year(weekEnding) = " & pYear & " and GroupTaskID=" & key)
eFormula = eFormula & rsd.fields(0)
key = ""
if c < zero or c > nine then x = 0
end if
if c = "v" then
key = ""
x = 1
end if
if x = 0 then eFormula = eFormula & c
on error resume next
evaluate = round(eval(eFormula),0)
'if err then evaluate = err.description & ": " & eformula
if err then evaluate = 0
end function
period = split(request.form("period"),",")
if ubound(period) = 1 then
mmmm = period(0)+0
yyyy = period(1)+0
mmmm = 0
yyyy = 0
end if

<div align="left" class="MainBodyText" style="width: 100%; height: 100%">

<div align="left" valign="top" width="200" style="margin:5; padding:3; font-family:arial; font-size:10pt; font-weight:bold; font-color000000;" >
<% if session("groupid") = 1 then%>
<a href="../main/administration.asp"> <<< Administration Home</a><br><br>
<a href="manager_report.asp"> <<< Managers Report Home</a>
<%end if %>
<%if session("groupid") = 2 then%>
<a href="../main/manager.asp"> <<< Manager Home</a><br><br>
<a href="manager_report.asp"> <<< Managers Report Home</a>
<%end if %>
<%if session("groupid") = 3 then%>
<a href="../main/user.asp"> <<< User Home</a>

<%end if %>

<%if session("groupid") = 4 then%>
<a href="../main/general.asp"> <<< Home</a><br><br>
<a href="manager_report.asp"> <<< Managers Report Home</a>

<%end if %>

<p align="center" class="MainBodyText">
<img src="../../images/si.gif" align="center"><br><b>Month to Date Dashboard</b></p>
<p align="center" class="MainBodyText">
To use the Print Page function please select the period required then select
view report. You can then select Print Page which will print out the rendered
<form name="f1" method="POST" action="dialmtd.asp">
<div id="printReady">
<table align="center" border="0" width="663" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" cellpadding="2">

<td align="left" width="127"><font face="Arial" size="2">
<select name="benchmarkgroup" style="color: #000000; border: 0px solid #000000; background-color: #FFE737">
<option value="0" <%if request.form("benchmarkgroup") = "" then response.write "selected"%>>Select Report
<% set rs = cn.execute("select TaskGroupID,TaskGroup from BenchmarkGroups where Active = 1 order by TaskGroupID")
do until rs.eof
if request.form("taskgroupid")+0 = rs.fields(0) then selected = "selected" else selected = "" %>
<option value=<%=rs.fields(0) & " " & selected%>><%=rs.fields(1)%>
<% rs.movenext
rs.close %>

<td align="left" width="143"><font face="Arial" size="2">
<select name="period">
<option value="" <%if request.form("period") = "" then response.write "selected"%>>Select Period
<% set rs = cn.execute("select year(WeekEnding), month(WeekEnding), format(Weekending,""mmmm yyyy"") from data group by Year(WeekEnding), Month(WeekEnding), format(WeekEnding,""mmmm yyyy"") order by 1,2")
do until rs.eof
x = rs.fields(1) & "," & rs.fields(0)
if request.form("period") = x then selected = "selected" else selected = "" %>
<option value=<%=x & " " & selected%>><%=rs.fields(2)%>
<% rs.movenext
rs.close %>

<td align="left" width="117"><font face="Arial" size="2">
<select name="stateid">
<option value="0" <%if request.form("stateid") = "" then response.write "selected"%>>All States
<% set rs = cn.execute("select stateid,state from tblState where benchmarkactive order by state")
do until rs.eof
if request.form("stateid")+0 = rs.fields(0) then selected = "selected" else selected = "" %>
<option value=<%=rs.fields(0) & " " & selected%>><%=rs.fields(1)%>
<% rs.movenext
rs.close %>
<td align="left" width="127"><font face="Arial" size="2">
<select name="countryid">
<option value="0" <%if request.form("countryid") = "" then response.write "selected"%>>All Countries
<% set rs = cn.execute("select countryid,country from tblCountry where benchmarkactive order by country")
do until rs.eof
if request.form("countryid")+0 = rs.fields(0) then selected = "selected" else selected = "" %>
<option value=<%=rs.fields(0) & " " & selected%>><%=rs.fields(1)%>
<% rs.movenext
rs.close %>
<td align="left" width="129"><input type="image" src="../../Images/view-report.gif" onclick="f1.submit()" name="f1" alt="Click Here to Generate Report"></td>
<td width="127"><input type="image" src="../../Images/print-report.gif" rname="printMe" onClick="printSpecial()" alt="Click Here to Print the Page"></td>

<% if mmmm > 0 then %>
<table border="0" width="450" align="left" style="margin-left:10px; border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="4">
<% sql = " where 1 = 1 AND BenchmarkGroup =" & request("benchmarkgroup")
if request.form("stateid")+0 then sql = sql & " and stateid = " & request.form("stateid")
if request.form("countryid")+0 then sql = sql & " and countryid = " & request.form("countryid")
set rs = cn.Execute("TRANSFORM First(UserID) SELECT description, minimum, mintype, formula FROM BenchmarksActiveUsers" & sql & " GROUP BY displayOrder, description, minimum, mintype, formula ORDER BY displayOrder PIVOT Name")
lastfield = rs.fields.count-1
s = 4 %>
<td align="left" bgcolor="#C0C0C0"><font face="Arial" color="#000000" size="2"><b>Benchmark</b></font>&nbsp;</td>
<td align="center" bgcolor="#C0C0C0"><font face="Arial" color="#000000" size="2"><b>Company Average</b></font>&nbsp;</td>
<% for i = s to lastfield %>
<% next %>
<% dim v()
do until rs.eof
min = int(rs.fields("minimum"))
mintype = rs.fields("mintype")
sumv = 0
avg = 0
n = 0
for j = s to lastfield
redim preserve v(j)
v(j) = evaluate(rs.fields("formula"),rs.fields(j),mmmm,yyyy)
sumv = sumv + v(j)
n = n + 1
if n > 0 then avg = round(sumv / n) %>
<tr><td></td><td align="center" valign="bottom"><font face="Arial" size="2">Target: <%=min%> <%=mintype%></font></td><td></td></tr>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<p align="right"><font face="Arial" size="2"><%=rs.fields("description")%></font></td>

<td bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<p align="center"><font face="Arial" size="1"><% If (avg/min)*100 <=12 Then %><IMG SRC="../images/dial-1.gif">
<% ELSEIF (avg/min)*100 <=24 Then%><IMG SRC="../images/dial-2.gif">
<% ELSEIF (avg/min)*100 <=36 Then%><IMG SRC="../images/dial-3.gif">
<% ELSEIF (avg/min)*100 <=48 Then%><IMG SRC="../images/dial-4.gif">
<% ELSEIF (avg/min)*100 <=60 Then%><IMG SRC="../images/dial-5.gif">
<% ELSEIF (avg/min)*100 <=72 Then%><IMG SRC="../images/dial-6.gif">
<% ELSEIF (avg/min)*100 <=86 Then%><IMG SRC="../images/dial-7.gif">
<% ELSEIF (avg/min)*100 <=99 Then%><IMG SRC="../images/dial-8.gif">
<% ELSEIF (avg/min)*100 =100 Then%><IMG SRC="../images/dial-9.gif">
<% ELSEIF (avg/min)*100 <=112 Then%><IMG SRC="../images/dial-10.gif">
<% ELSEIF (avg/min)*100 <=124 Then%><IMG SRC="../images/dial-11.gif">
<% ELSEIF (avg/min)*100 <=136 Then%><IMG SRC="../images/dial-12.gif">
<% ELSEIF (avg/min)*100 <=148 Then%><IMG SRC="../images/dial-13.gif">
<% ELSEIF (avg/min)*100 <=160 Then%><IMG SRC="../images/dial-14.gif">
<% ELSEIF (avg/min)*100 <=172 Then%><IMG SRC="../images/dial-15.gif">
<% ELSEIF (avg/min)*100 <=186 Then%><IMG SRC="../images/dial-16.gif">
<% ELSEIF (avg/min)*100 =>187 Then%><IMG SRC="../images/dial-17.gif">
<%END IF%></font></td><td><img src="../images/under-target.gif"><br><br><img src="../images/over-target.gif"></td>
</tr><tr><td></td><td valign="top" align="center"><font face="Arial" size="2">Actual: <%=avg%> <%=mintype%></font><hr></td><td></td></tr><% for j = s to lastfield
color = "#000000"
if int(v(j)) < min then color="#FF0000" %>

<% next %>
<% rs.movenext
set cn = nothing %>
<% end if %>
<!-- #include file="./../../common/includes/i_footer.asp" -->

View 5 Replies


Access 2002 To MSSQL Upgrade Challenge With ASP Web Application

Mar 6, 2008

To whom it may concern,

I have developed a web application using ASP 3.0 with a Access DB 2002 backend. I have decided to recently to upgrade the database to SQL 2005 but I am having issues that I cannot work out because I am new to MsSql Language. It appears that the FORMAT function in Access does not work in MsSql ( does not recognise the function ) along with some of the PIVOT and TRANSFORM calls (coming up with "Syntax error near "..."") . Please see the below code. The areas that are showing up as errors when the application is run are highlighted in red.

Thanking you in advance


<!-- #include file="./../../common/includes/i_header_login.asp" -->

<link href="../../common/css/proceduremanual.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

<%Sub RecordsetToCSV(ByRef RS, ByVal CSVFilePath, ByVal IncludeFieldNames)
Set objCSVFile = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
Call objCSVFile.Open

If IncludeFieldNames Then
'string concatenation issues aren't a problem for a small string of field names
For Each Field In RS.Fields
If FieldNames = "" Then
FieldNames = Field.Name
FieldNames = FieldNames & "," & Field.Name
End If

FieldNames = FieldNames & vbCRLF
Call objCSVFile.WriteText(FieldNames, 1)
End If

Call objCSVFile.WriteText(FieldNames & RS.GetString(adClipString, , ",", vbCRLF, ""))
Call objCSVFile.SaveToFile(CSVFilePath, 2)
Set objCSVFile = Nothing
End Sub

function evaluate(pFormula, pUserID, pMonth, pYear)
if isnull(pFormula) then
evaluate = 0
exit function
end if
x = 0
key = ""
zero = "0"
nine = "9"
eFormula = ""
lf = len(pFormula)
for i = 1 to lf
c = mid(pFormula,i,1)
if x = 1 and c >= zero and c <= nine then key = key & c
if x = 1 and (c < zero or c > nine or i = lf) then
set rsd = cn.execute("select sum(total) from Data where UserID = " & pUserID & " and month(weekEnding) = " & pMonth & " and year(weekEnding) = " & pYear & " and GroupTaskID=" & key)
eFormula = eFormula & rsd.fields(0)
key = ""
if c < zero or c > nine then x = 0
end if
if c = "v" then
key = ""
x = 1
end if
if x = 0 then eFormula = eFormula & c
on error resume next
evaluate = round(eval(eFormula),0)
'if err then evaluate = err.description & ": " & eformula
if err then evaluate = 0
end function

period = split(request.form("period"),",")
if ubound(period) = 1 then
mmmm = period(0)+0
yyyy = period(1)+0
mmmm = 0
yyyy = 0
end if

<div align="left" class="MainBodyText" style="width: 100%; height: 100%">

<div align="left" valign="top" width="200" style="margin:5; padding:3; font-family:arial; font-size:10pt; font-weight:bold; font-color000000;" >

<% if session("groupid") = 1 then%>
<a href="../main/administration.asp"> <<< Administration Home</a><br><br>
<a href="manager_report.asp"> <<< Managers Report Home</a>
<%end if %>
<%if session("groupid") = 2 then%>
<a href="../main/manager.asp"> <<< Manager Home</a><br><br>
<a href="manager_report.asp"> <<< Managers Report Home</a>
<%end if %>
<%if session("groupid") = 3 then%>
<a href="../main/user.asp"> <<< User Home</a>

<%end if %>

<%if session("groupid") = 4 then%>
<a href="../main/general.asp"> <<< Home</a><br><br>
<a href="manager_report.asp"> <<< Managers Report Home</a>

<%end if %>

<p align="center" class="MainBodyText">
<img src="../../images/si.gif" align="center"><br><b>Month to Date Dashboard</b></p>
<p align="center" class="MainBodyText">
To use the Print Page function please select the period required then select
view report. You can then select Print Page which will print out the rendered
<form name="f1" method="POST" action="dialmtd.asp">
<div id="printReady">
<table align="center" border="0" width="663" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" cellpadding="2">

<td align="left" width="127"><font face="Arial" size="2">
<select name="benchmarkgroup" style="color: #000000; border: 0px solid #000000; background-color: #FFE737">
<option value="0" <%if request.form("benchmarkgroup") = "" then response.write "selected"%>>Select Report
<% set rs = cn.execute("select TaskGroupID,TaskGroup from BenchmarkGroups where Active = 1 order by TaskGroupID")
do until rs.eof
if request.form("taskgroupid")+0 = rs.fields(0) then selected = "selected" else selected = "" %>
<option value=<%=rs.fields(0) & " " & selected%>><%=rs.fields(1)%>
<% rs.movenext
rs.close %>

<td align="left" width="143"><font face="Arial" size="2">
<select name="period">
<option value="" <%if request.form("period") = "" then response.write "selected"%>>Select Period
<% set rs = cn.execute("select year(WeekEnding), month(WeekEnding), format(Weekending,""mmmm yyyy"") from data group by Year(WeekEnding), Month(WeekEnding), format(WeekEnding,""mmmm yyyy"") order by 1,2")
do until rs.eof
x = rs.fields(1) & "," & rs.fields(0)
if request.form("period") = x then selected = "selected" else selected = "" %>
<option value=<%=x & " " & selected%>><%=rs.fields(2)%>
<% rs.movenext
rs.close %>

<td align="left" width="117"><font face="Arial" size="2">
<select name="stateid">
<option value="0" <%if request.form("stateid") = "" then response.write "selected"%>>All States
<% set rs = cn.execute("select stateid,state from tblState where benchmarkactive order by state")
do until rs.eof
if request.form("stateid")+0 = rs.fields(0) then selected = "selected" else selected = "" %>
<option value=<%=rs.fields(0) & " " & selected%>><%=rs.fields(1)%>
<% rs.movenext
rs.close %>

<td align="left" width="127"><font face="Arial" size="2">
<select name="countryid">
<option value="0" <%if request.form("countryid") = "" then response.write "selected"%>>All Countries
<% set rs = cn.execute("select countryid,country from tblCountry where benchmarkactive order by country")
do until rs.eof
if request.form("countryid")+0 = rs.fields(0) then selected = "selected" else selected = "" %>
<option value=<%=rs.fields(0) & " " & selected%>><%=rs.fields(1)%>
<% rs.movenext
rs.close %>
<td align="left" width="129"><input type="image" src="../../Images/view-report.gif" onclick="f1.submit()" name="f1" alt="Click Here to Generate Report"></td>
<td width="127"><input type="image" src="../../Images/print-report.gif" rname="printMe" onClick="printSpecial()" alt="Click Here to Print the Page"></td>


<% if mmmm > 0 then %>
<table border="0" width="450" align="left" style="margin-left:10px; border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="4">
<% sql = " where 1 = 1 AND BenchmarkGroup =" & request("benchmarkgroup")
if request.form("stateid")+0 then sql = sql & " and stateid = " & request.form("stateid")
if request.form("countryid")+0 then sql = sql & " and countryid = " & request.form("countryid")
set rs = cn.Execute("TRANSFORM First(UserID) SELECT description, minimum, mintype, formula FROM BenchmarksActiveUsers" & sql & " GROUP BY displayOrder, description, minimum, mintype, formula ORDER BY displayOrder PIVOT Name")
lastfield = rs.fields.count-1
s = 4 %>
<td align="left" bgcolor="#C0C0C0"><font face="Arial" color="#000000" size="2"><b>Benchmark</b></font>&nbsp;</td>
<td align="center" bgcolor="#C0C0C0"><font face="Arial" color="#000000" size="2"><b>Company Average</b></font>&nbsp;</td>
<% for i = s to lastfield %>

<% next %>
<% dim v()
do until rs.eof
min = int(rs.fields("minimum"))
mintype = rs.fields("mintype")
sumv = 0
avg = 0
n = 0
for j = s to lastfield
redim preserve v(j)
v(j) = evaluate(rs.fields("formula"),rs.fields(j),mmmm,yyyy)
sumv = sumv + v(j)
n = n + 1
if n > 0 then avg = round(sumv / n) %>
<tr><td></td><td align="center" valign="bottom"><font face="Arial" size="2">Target: <%=min%> <%=mintype%></font></td><td></td></tr>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<p align="right"><font face="Arial" size="2"><%=rs.fields("description")%></font></td>

<td bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<p align="center"><font face="Arial" size="1"><% If (avg/min)*100 <=12 Then %><IMG SRC="../images/dial-1.gif">
<% ELSEIF (avg/min)*100 <=24 Then%><IMG SRC="../images/dial-2.gif">
<% ELSEIF (avg/min)*100 <=36 Then%><IMG SRC="../images/dial-3.gif">
<% ELSEIF (avg/min)*100 <=48 Then%><IMG SRC="../images/dial-4.gif">
<% ELSEIF (avg/min)*100 <=60 Then%><IMG SRC="../images/dial-5.gif">
<% ELSEIF (avg/min)*100 <=72 Then%><IMG SRC="../images/dial-6.gif">
<% ELSEIF (avg/min)*100 <=86 Then%><IMG SRC="../images/dial-7.gif">
<% ELSEIF (avg/min)*100 <=99 Then%><IMG SRC="../images/dial-8.gif">
<% ELSEIF (avg/min)*100 =100 Then%><IMG SRC="../images/dial-9.gif">
<% ELSEIF (avg/min)*100 <=112 Then%><IMG SRC="../images/dial-10.gif">
<% ELSEIF (avg/min)*100 <=124 Then%><IMG SRC="../images/dial-11.gif">
<% ELSEIF (avg/min)*100 <=136 Then%><IMG SRC="../images/dial-12.gif">
<% ELSEIF (avg/min)*100 <=148 Then%><IMG SRC="../images/dial-13.gif">
<% ELSEIF (avg/min)*100 <=160 Then%><IMG SRC="../images/dial-14.gif">
<% ELSEIF (avg/min)*100 <=172 Then%><IMG SRC="../images/dial-15.gif">
<% ELSEIF (avg/min)*100 <=186 Then%><IMG SRC="../images/dial-16.gif">
<% ELSEIF (avg/min)*100 =>187 Then%><IMG SRC="../images/dial-17.gif">
<%END IF%></font></td><td><img src="../images/under-target.gif"><br><br><img src="../images/over-target.gif"></td>
</tr><tr><td></td><td valign="top" align="center"><font face="Arial" size="2">Actual: <%=avg%> <%=mintype%></font><hr></td><td></td></tr><% for j = s to lastfield
color = "#000000"
if int(v(j)) < min then color="#FF0000" %>

<% next %>
<% rs.movenext
set cn = nothing %>
<% end if %>
<!-- #include file="./../../common/includes/i_footer.asp" -->

View 2 Replies View Related

Access Web Application Is Slow, Should I Upgrade To SQL Server?

Jun 6, 2006


first time poster/newbie here.

got a football (soccer for the yanks!) predictions league website that
is driven by and Access database. It basically calculates points
scored for a user getting certain predictions correct. This is the URL:

are two sections of the site however that have almost ground to halt
now that more users have registered throught the season. The players
section and league table section have gone progressively slower to load
throughout the year and almost taking 2 minutes to load.

the calculations are performed in the Access database Ive written and
there are Access SQL queries to get the data out.

question is, is how can I speed the bloody thing up! ! Somone has
alos suggested to me that I use stored procedures and SQL Server to
speed things up? Ive never used SQL Server before so I am bit scared
about using it (Im only a hobbyist), and I dont even know what a SP is
or does. How easy will it be upgrading the whole thing to SQL Server
and will it be worth the hassle, bearing in mind I expect my userbase
to keep growing? Do SP help speed things up significantly? Would
appreciate some advice!

Thanks in advance,


View 1 Replies View Related

Front/backend Access Application-----conversion To MSSQL--advice

Dec 16, 2005

I have an application that uses Acces as a backend and VBA as front end. Application is secured and is supplied on a CD with setup.exe.

Can I use VB 2005 and MS SQL to achieve the same?

Would I be able to package my application with  all the neccessery files (assuming that client does not have any e.g. SQL server) so that multiple front ends can access data from common source?

Would I be able to secure such an application using only VS 2005?

What would I need to quickly learn  how to achieve the above ( any books you can suggest maybe)?

View 1 Replies View Related

MSSQL 2005 Express For Web Application?

Sep 10, 2007


I'd like to get the experts' advice on whether SQL server 2005 Express edition (SSE) is suitable for medium scale web applications.

I have looked through the reviews of SSE. From what I understand, its limitations over the MSSQL 2005 Standard are:

1. SSE limits database size to 4GB and memory to 1GB.
2. Support for only 1 CPU.
3. No analysis or reporting services.
4. No full text indexing
5. No SQL Agent.

I have a web application that is currently running on a shared web host with a shared MSSQL 2000 database. I'm thinking of shifting to a Virtual Private Server, where I can install SSE for free.

Currently my app has about 14,000 page views a month, and each of them pulls out data from the database. I don't use any analysis or reporting services, or full text indexing or SQL Agent (for now).

My questions:
1. Is 1GB memory sufficient for this type of application?
2. Is there any reason I should not be using SSE for my type of application?

Thanks in advance for the help.

View 5 Replies View Related

MSSQL 2005 SP2 Upgrade Fails - DB Engine

Feb 20, 2007

Just downloaded and installed mssql 2005 sp2 on one of our servers

All components upgrade apart from the database engine. After the first upgrade i rebooted then tried to update the db engine again it failed for a second time.

Below is the error from mssql setup, any help would be nice!

Event Type: Error
Event Source: MsiInstaller
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1023
Date:  2/20/2007
Time:  12:08:11 AM
User:  DNETWORKdadmin
Computer: SGC
Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - Update 'Service Pack 2 for SQL Server Database Services 2005 ENU (KB921896)' could not be installed. Error code 1603. Additional information is available in the log file C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfixSQL9_Hotfix_KB921896_sqlrun_sql.msp.log.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at
0000: 7b 45 42 37 36 42 32 31   {EB76B21
0008: 38 2d 38 46 43 35 2d 34   8-8FC5-4
0010: 31 44 46 2d 39 46 31 46   1DF-9F1F
0018: 2d 37 46 46 33 45 30 34   -7FF3E04
0020: 34 38 33 38 33 7d 20 7b   48383} {
0028: 30 34 41 44 42 33 46 44   04ADB3FD
0030: 2d 42 32 38 36 2d 34 39   -B286-49
0038: 41 46 2d 38 35 34 45 2d   AF-854E-
0040: 45 44 44 33 38 42 36 44   EDD38B6D
0048: 45 36 44 37 7d 20 31 36   E6D7} 16
0050: 30 33                     03     

MSSQL Setup log
Its a rather large file!

View 6 Replies View Related

MSSQL 2005 Eval Upgrade To Production?

May 4, 2006

Looking for the best practice to upgrade a soon to expire MSSQL 2005
evaluation server to a standard production server? I understand
the license requirements. I have good backups of the

Should i just pop in a MVL mssql2005 cd and perform an in place
upgrade? Or completely remove the eval version and install clean?
Will i have to redo any SQL users i have added on this server?

Thanks for any help. If anyone has a link to a KBB article i
would be happy to read that on my own as well, i just havent been able
to locate one.

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Maintenance Plan Problem After MSSQL 2005 Upgrade

May 5, 2008


I have recently upgrade from MS SQL 2000 to MS SQL 2005. The maintenance plan disappeared. Although the jobs are still around and running. What issues might arise from this? Thanks..

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Upgrade Challenge - For The SQL Server Guru&#39;s

Nov 3, 2000

This is an upgrade issue :

I have a SQL server 6.5 with NT users mapped into the SQL Server running in production. At one point of time, this Server was set up for mixed security, which has since been changed to standard ( still with NT users mapped in ).

When upgrading to SQL 7.0, I noticed that it brought in both : Nt USers as well as the mapped login id's as if they were separate entities ( Probably since SQL Server stores mapped login id's in master..syslogins, and mapped NT logins information are stored in the registry ). It also, does not bring in passwords.

I am planning to re-write this part of the upgrade and write my own scripts to transfer the logins ( Unfortunately, I will have to drop them first from the database using sp_dropuser, immediately after the upgrade process ).

Here's how I'm planning to do this : BCP out the contents of the syslogins table from the 6.5, bring it in into, say 'sys_xlogins' ( New table ) in 7.0, update the 'sysxlogins' system table in 7.0 with the passwords from the 'sys_xlogins' table, and add all the users back into the database.

If anyone else has been thru this, or anything like this ( Upgrading from mixed security 6.5 to 7.0 ), I would appreciate their inputs. Any words of wisdom / experience welcome !

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Upgrade From MSDE 2000 To MSSQL 2005 Workgroup Edition?

Aug 1, 2006

I have clients that have the MSDE version installed and we need to upgrade there program to the MSSQL 2005. Is there an easy way to convert the data? Should or Could I uninstall MSDE and than install MSSQL2005 WorkGrp? Will there data be affected? Any tips would be appreciated.Thanks!

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Linux Application In C/C++ To Access SQL 2005

Sep 11, 2007

My application is written in C/C++ on Linux platform. I am wondering if there is a C/C++ driver for Linux to access SQL server.


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Why Upgrade To MS SQL Server (be It 2000 Or 2005) From Access (say, 97)?

Dec 1, 2005

Probably this question has been asked hundreds of times and yet netsearch has not generated satisfactory enough answer, at least, to me.And OK, let's assume your organization has more than 200 employees,just one measure to indicate that it's not small and data processingneeds are quite extensive (for both OLTP and OLAP).We've heard so much about concurrency support, stability andperformance. Are there any real persuasive paper out there to talkabout it? Now, let me also put it in another perspective, say, you'rea Microsoft sql server sales guy or gal for that matter for newaccounts. What you got?Thanks.

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Upgrade Query From Access To Sql Server 2005

Apr 6, 2006

I'm currently upgrading from Access to Sql Server, and I have a broken query that I cannot find a fix for.

The original query:

SELECT DISTINCT DownloadedNames.*FROM DownloadedSkims INNER JOIN (DownloadedNames INNER JOIN DownloadedInfo ON DownloadedNames.DNID = DownloadedInfo.DIDnID) ON DownloadedSkims.DM_ID = DownloadedInfo.DI_DM_IDWHERE DM_ID=23 AND (dWeek BETWEEN '6/26/2006' AND '9/18/2006')ORDER BY DIID, dWeek

I get the error "Msg 145, Level 15, State 1, Line 2
ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if SELECT DISTINCT is specified" when I test the query.

If anyone knows what changes I can make to the query, you'd really be helping me out.


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Can .NET Application Access SQL 2005 Express Remotely?

Jul 24, 2007

I am tring to access the SQL 2005 Express which installed in remote machine. Front end app is on Visual Studio 2005. Try to connect SQL Express using the application Layer which is installed on the computer where SQL Express is installed. Could not fetch data from the SQL Express. What could be the problem?

With Regards,


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Problem Unable To Access Sql 2005 Pipes Error On New Web Application

Nov 30, 2006

I have a site I created in .Net 2.0 the site is using sql server 2000 on the network. On the development machine the site is working as it should. I have also installed sqlexpress on the web server. I then push the site up to my server and I get the "unable to access sql 2005 pipes error". I installed vs2005 on the web server. when I run the app in vs2005 I don't get any errors and the application comes up. The app's connection string is placed in the web config file. I also changed the sqlexpress for local and remote logins.
What else could be the problem. I have never seen this before. And all the non DB sites work!
Webserver Windows Server 2003, .Net 2.0 framework, iis6, sqlexpress, vs2005
Database SQL2003

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How To Set My ASP.NET Application To Access SQL Server 2005 Using Client's User Credentials?

Jan 29, 2007

Hi guys,I'm not sure if I'm just bad at googling but I can't seem to find a way to set an ASP.NET 2.0 web application to connect to SQL Server 2005 using the current client's user credentials. My web application is using Integrated Windows Authentication so its Page.User.Identity is set to a DOMAINusername value... I want to pass that to my connectionstring or have my connections pick up the identity automatically and use that Identity when accessing the db server.Oh and another thing, my IIS Application Pool is using a specific Identity itself, so I don't know if that might affect the above.Hope someone could help. 

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How Can I Access Data To SQL Server 2005 Using Windows Application, And .Net Remoting.

May 3, 2007

How can I access data to SQL server 2005 using Windows form application, and .Net remoting?

Can anybody help me? please...

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SQL Server 2005 Security Setup For ASP.Net Web Application Data Access - HELP!

Nov 17, 2007

Here is my situation: I am creating a database driven ASP.Net web application that will be used over the internet. My ASP.Net application connects to my SQL server 2005 database/server by using a SQL server login. I am using the DPAPI API to encrypt my connection stings with a hidden entropy value for extra security. I am using the SQL login for obvious reasons, as my users will not have a windows login.

What I am trying to do: I want to limit this SQL login account to be able to just run/execute stored procedures and NOT access the tables or views directly. In my ASP.Net application I am using the MS applications data block, and I am using stored procedures for every single database access action. There is no inline SQL being executed from my web application.

What I have tried so far:

I created a new schema and made the above SQL login account owner of this schema. I then granted "Execute" permissions to the SQL login and DENY permissions to all other permissions.

I created an database role with "Execute" only permissions and DENY permissions to all other permissions.

What Happened: In BOTH of the above scenarios I tested a direct SQL statement against one of my tables, from my ASP.Net application and I was able retrieve data back, NOT GOOD, exactly what I am trying to STOP.

If someone could give me (Step-by-Step) guide on how to setup the situation I am looking for, I would be very grateful!

Thanks to all that help!

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Poor Preformance Usinng Sql 2005 With Access 2003 Application

Jan 1, 2007

we have run access 2003 application using SQL 2005 server
and the data transfer rate is extreamly slow.
we are using ODBC connection
and the access apllication works very fast with SQL 2000.

we have the tested the comptabilty of the application to SQL 2005 with Microsoft wizard and it had no problems.
even when i run simple application on the sql 2005 server, it runs very slowly.

i am using the MDAC clients ODBC component and the SQL Native Clients one.
which eliminates the possibilty of network problem.

what could be the problem???

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Deploying MSSQL 2005 Express DB To MSSQL 2005 WKGP Errors

Sep 29, 2006

DB is developed on local computer with MSSQL 2005 Express. My host is on MSSQL 2005 workgroup. Are they compatible, because I am getting errors? Is my approach wrong?

I have tried several approaches.

A) I created a backup of database on my local, then placed a copy on the server. Then I tried to restore through Server Management Studio. I get this error.

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio


An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)



The backed-up database has on-disk structure version 611. The server supports version 539 and cannot restore or upgrade this database.

RESTORE FILELIST is terminating abnormally. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 3169)

For help, click:





B: I also have tried copying the database. I put it in the same path as the other databases that can be read with server management studio on the server. Then, tried to get to it through server managements studio and it did not appear. So I tried to attach it. Then I received this error:

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio


Attach database failed for Server 'MROACH1'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

For help, click:



An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)


Could not find row in sysindexes for database ID 10, object ID 1, index ID 1. Run DBCC CHECKTABLE on sysindexes.

Could not open new database 'LodgingDB'. CREATE DATABASE is aborted. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 602)

For help, click:





C: I have also tried opening the Database, and back up file through Server Management Studio. without success.

D: I also tried Windows and Software update at microsoft update, but no updates were recommended for Version on Server.

I'm surprised this is so hard. My original data base was created in same family of software. 2005 MS SQL Express. I could use some direct help from someone experienced with this. Am I doing it wrong or are the DB versions incompatible.

Mark Roach

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MSSQL 2005 Inserting Data On Tables Created By Regular Users With Ddl_admin Role, Using Access Or Other Front End Apps

Feb 14, 2008

Writing to tables created by regular users on MSSQL2005

I have users creating tables through an application, I gave them ddl_admin, datareader, datawriter. They can create tables but cannot insert/update data (to their own tables), I cannot insert data either using Access or any other application to those tables created by them (under dbo schema) Is there something I am missing with permissions? Thank you very much

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New MSSQL Directories Created After Upgrade

Apr 14, 2008

I recently upgraded my Standard Edition SQL2005 to Developer Edition SQL2005 for the default instance (MSSQLSERVER) only. I used the following command line setup.exe commands to do the job -




(Of course I used my real PID)

I then re-installed the SP2 patches. Everything seemed fine afterwards, until I tried to process a recent cube project in Visual studio. The DATEDIFF() function failed. So I found the problem (in this forum) that the VBAMDX assembly for my SSAS session was referencing an empty bin folder, and therefore could not process VBA functions in MDX.
Now I can fix this by editing the relevant XML file in the DATA folder and restarting my SSAS service but I am concerned about all the other stuff that could be referencing old folders.

Some of the settings e.g. DATA is still in C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2OLAPData
but the bin programs are now in C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.6OLAPData

It seems that I now have 3 new installation folders - MSSQL.5, MSSQL.6, MSSQL.7 as well as the usual .1,.2,.3 since upgrading my Edition.
Why did it make these? What else may be out of wack on the SQLServer services? How can I make sure everything is properly setup?

I guess the problem could be that there is another instance called OFFICESERVERS on the computer (a WIN2003 server) which was created by the SharePoint installation by someother guy..


Mark W.

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Mssql Manager Based On Web Application

Jun 14, 2005

hi to all,i have looked in the forum whit no success and hoping that this is the right place to ask  : i am looking for a tool - application to manage mssql server , is anybody new a good system.thanks ori

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Stored Procedures In A Mssql 6.5 Application?

Feb 22, 1999

We have vendor from we puchased an application. It is going into production next week
and we have our final set of table ddl and it includes stored procedures.

Since I am fairly new to MSSQL 6.5, and forced to include the stord procedures within
the application, I would like to get some feedback as to whether or not stored proceures
are efficient or are going to cause me problems?

Aside from periodically running sp_recompile what else will I need to do?

Any information that can be provided willl be greatly appreciated. THanks.

David Spaisman

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List Groups That Have Access To Application And Use Grid Format To Show Access To Specific Tables

Jun 23, 2014

i am currently working on designing a database for a bank as a school project for my database class. We have to draw up an entity relationship diagram, Sql tables, database size estimate etc. I am currently working on the security portion of the project. I need to list the groups that have access to my application and use a grid format to show access to specific tables.

I am currently working on designing a database for a bank as a school project for my database class. We have to draw up an entity relationship diagram, Sql tables, database size estimate etc. I am currently working on the security portion of the project. I need to list the groups that have access to my application and use a grid format to show access to specific tables.

Role Loans Payments Transactions Accounts Customer Emplo
Internal Auditor S S S S S S
Loan Officer SUID SUI SUI S S
Tellers S S S S SU
Customers U

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Does MS Access Installation Is Required For Running Application That Uses Access Mdb File

Nov 28, 2006


I am developing an application that uses Access database (mdb file) to store the user data. The user of this application is not interested in the database file (to view in MS Access Environment). Does the user machine requires MS Access installation to run my application or just some couple of dlls (OleDB driver, Access DB Engine,..) should be enough to run my application?



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Server Configuration For MSSQL 2000 And MSSQL 2005

Sep 6, 2006

Does enabling/disabling Data Execution Prevention have a performanceimpact on SQL 2000 or SQL 2005?For SQL best performance - how should I configure for:Processor Scheduling:Programs or Background servicesMemory Usage:Programs or System Cache

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Creating Index In MSSQL 2000 From MSSQL 2005

Mar 24, 2008


I am a bit new to the MSSQL server. In our application, we use so many SQL queries. To imporve the performance, we used the Database enigine Tuning tool to create the indexes. The older version of the application supports MSSQL 2000 also. To re-create these new indexes, I have an issue in running these "CREATE INDEX" commands as the statements generated for index creation are done in MSSQL 2005. The statements include "INCLUDES" keyword which is supported in MSSQL 2005 but not in MSSQL 2000.






Any help in creating such indexes in 2000 version is welcome.


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Generating Script For MSSQL 2000 From MSSQl 2005?

May 3, 2008

We are using SQL 2005 and now we are planning to use SQL 2000. what are the ways to do the process.

We taken the script spcificall for 2000 and run it in SQL 200. But we are getting the error in SCRIPT?

Could you please give me the step to do?

Sankar R

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Server Problem Occurred During Deployment Of Application With MSSQL Db

Jan 6, 2006

I use .net 2005 and server, the application i developed connects to a locally hosted mssql db, I want to deploy the application together with the db to client machine.

when i installed the application on the target machine, and run the application, it gave me this message : "an error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - could not open a connection to SQL Server)

I didn't quite understand this message. because in the "SQL Server Configuration Manager", i set the SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) to "Automatic" start mode, which means that it is connected, doesnt it?

plz help
previously i was seeking help on forum, but got stuck on database distribution. please read more:

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Migrate MSSQL 2005 Express -&&> MSSQL 2005 Srv

Apr 25, 2006


What is the best way to migrate MSSQL 2005 Express -> MSSQL 2005 Srv?

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Setup And Upgrade :: Cannot Find One Or More Components - Reinstall The Application

Nov 1, 2015

SSMS is fail and show this ERROR : "Cannot find one or more components.  Please reinstall the application."

What Can i do?

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MSSQL Express 2005 Vs. MSSQL 2000

Jun 15, 2006

Ben writes "I have a sql script that doesn't function very well when it's executed on a SQL 2000 server.

The scrpt looks like this:

USE [master]
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM master.dbo.syslogins WHERE loginname = N'SSDBUSERNAME')
USE [master]
If EXISTS (Select * FROM master.dbo.syslogins WHERE loginname = N'SSDBUSERNAME')
USE [master]
IF EXISTS (select * from dbo.sysdatabases where name = 'ISIZ')
USE [SurveyData]
exec sp_adduser 'SSDBUSERNAME'
USE [SurveyManagement]
exec sp_adduser 'SSDBUSERNAME'

I need to be converted to a script that can be executed on both MSSQL 2000 and MSSQL 2005.

I was wondering if somebody there could help me with this problem?!


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