Dual Processors & Performance

Mar 17, 1999

We have a 200MHz Pentium Pro based machine, with 128MB RAM running SQL Server 6.5. Because of performance issues, we are contemplating an upgrade to a dual 200MHz Pentium Pro processor with 256MB RAM. However, the vendor we are dealing with has suggested an upgrade to a single Pentiun II/333MHz first, and if this still causes problems, then to a dual P II/333MHz.
Does anyone have any suggestions from similar upgrades that they may have undergone?
We have 72MB allocated to SQL Server.

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Oracle Licensing For Dual Core Processors

Nov 23, 2005

Hi,Is there a reason why we have to pay more for licensing for a differentkind of processor?Why are we not charged for the Hyperthreading on some processors also.If Oracle is really conserned about the low end business market (smalland medium), then they should drop their attitude on Dual Coreprocessors.If they start charging as if it was a normal processor, and ask thenormal price, then they would get more of this market coming in.As long as Oracle keeps on having the attitude of charging more,because Intel or some other cpu vendor decided to mprove theirprocessors because of overheating problems, I will have the attitudethat I will keep on reoccomending alternatives for Orcle like Mysql /Postgre sql / Sybase, etc to the small/medium sector.Microsoft's pricing model on double core processors suddenly soundallot better.Oracle are shooting themselves in the foot! Or am I the only personfeeling this way?Shaun O'Reilly

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How Can I Use Dual Core CPU For Performance Improvement

Jul 17, 2007


I am running MSSQL 2005 Standard edition on a two processor Intel Xeon 3GHz (dual-core) with 8GB RAM.

I notice in "Windows task manager CPU performance" while running a long SQL statement (takes 1.5 hours), only 1 logical (out of 4) is utilised at >70%. The remaining 3 logical processors hover around 10%

Using Performance monitor, the average read queue, write queue, and pages/sec also hovers around 25%, indicating no heavy physical disk/memory loading.

How can I set to utilise more physical/logical processor to improve the MSSQL performance ?


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Poor Performance On Dual Xeon Machine

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,I've been creating a db application using MS Access and MSDE. Only twoof us are using the application, and the server and the app both rungreat on my laptop (1.6 GHz Pentium M, 2GB RAM, W2KPro). Only problemis when I take my laptop home, my coworker loses access to the server.We recently purchased a dedicated server to run the db on at theoffice. It's a 2.8 GHz Dual Xeon, 2GB RAM, running XPPro. We alsobought SQL Server, but I installed the Personal Edition becuase we arenot using a server OS. It's my understanding that XP can utilize bothprocessors, and the Personal Edition can use both processors as well.(On a side note, why is Enterprise Manager showing that I have 4processors - why?) In addition, I understand PE has a work-loadgovernor that cripples performance when more than 5 TSQL commands arebeing run simultaneously.I backed up the db on my laptop and restored it on our new server. Butwhen I run the exact same queries with the exact same number of rows,my queries on the new server are take 3x longer(!?). Can someoneplease offer a few suggestions for why this is happening? What can Ido to improve performance on the server machine?Please let me know if I need to supply more information.Thanks,Alex

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Dual Xeon Or Dual P4 For SQL Server?

Jul 20, 2005

I am planning to build a server to be used as a SQL Server and web server.Right now I can only use a single box for both.I have read some threads were dual processors are having problems with someparallel queries and the suggestions of having sql server use a single CPU.My budget is limited so I am debating whether to get 2.6G dual xeon 533FSBor dual P4 800FSB (DRR@ ram) or stick with a speedy single cpu.If I get a dual cpu motherboard, is it a good idea to have 1 cpu used forsql server and the other for everything else?John Dalberg

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No. Of Processors

May 2, 2000

Hi all,
I am using sql server 7 i am having 4 processors in development server.
How i have to allocate those servers, means all 4 do i need to allocate to sql only or 3 processors.
same like 8 processors in production, how many processors to sql..
pls tell me the way..and how..

thank u all


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Processors(4) 95% Then 2%, Over And Over

Nov 18, 1999

Specs: Dell 6350 Poweredge, 4 Xeon 500, 4GB Ram
SQL 7 Sp1.

At some point, my 4 processors began a cycle of Peaks and Valleys.
AFter stopping ALL processes using the SQL server the processors were still doing this Max, then none, Max, then none.

I think the oddest part of this is that all 4 processoers were Exactly the same Peaks/Valleys from my Workstation (perfmon).

Anone had their processors do this? HELP PLEASE.. .

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Too Many Processors

Jun 24, 2003

While installing SQL2k I selected a 4 processor liscense aggreement. The server only has two. Does anybody know of a technial reason I should change it back? Can it be done without reinstalling?

Sidney Ives
Database Administrator
Sentara Healthcare

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Multiple Processors

Jun 19, 2003

We are looking at upgrading our SQL Server machine to multiple processors.

Will this act alone result in a performance improvment?

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Processors Licensed

Sep 14, 2007

how to find out how many processors are licensed on the server?


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SQL Server 7: Processors And Memory

Jun 5, 2001

Is there a limit to the number of processors that can interact with SQL Server 7?

Also, what is the minimum amount of memory necessary to run SQL Server 7?

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SQl Server Processors And Threads

Aug 30, 2005

Hi,I have an application where I need to find out about the followinginformation regarding SQL server:Processors enabledi.Threads allocatedii.PriorityCan somebody throw some light on this. How are the processors relatedto the threads running and the priority is w.r.t. what?Thanks,Verve.

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How To Best Utilize Multiple Processors?

May 30, 2007

I'm spec up a new server At the minimum I'll specify a quad core cpu. What would be the best way to utilize the cores? Assign a core to specific processes (tempdb?) or let sql server figure out the best way to used the processors it finds?

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SQL Server On A Subset Of Processors

Jul 10, 2006

Can I install SQL Server on a machine and use less than the # of processor on the machine. In a UNIX world, I'd call it LPARing with Oracle and AIX, and they only let me do this with Enterprise Edition. With Windows, I think the only way is using virtual machines and attaching processors to them? Do any vendors offering LPARing? Can I take any edition of SQL Server and subcapacity price so that I only pay for the processors I'm using?

What about SS Express? It only scheds to a single core - so could I put that on a larger machine?


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How To Limit Processors Used (for Licensing Purposes)?

Jul 18, 2007

Is it possible in SQL Server 2005 to limit the number of processors used? For cost reasons, we are consolidating servers and want to start running SQL Server 2005 on one of our dual-processor Win2K3 machines instead of the standalone machine it's currently running on. Because we have about 75 users, it's only cost effective to purchase a processor license (vs. a server license with CALs). But right now we only need and can only afford a single processor license, not two. So...

Is there any way in 2005 to limit the number of processors used so that we only need to purchase one processor license? I know in 2000 you could set this on the "Processor" tab of the "SQL Server Properties" dialog. In 2005, is this accomplished by unchecking the "Processor Affinity" and "I/O Affinity" checkboxes for processor #2 on the "Processors" page of the "Server Properties" dialog? If I uncheck these two options does that fully disable SQL Server 2005 from accessing the second processor in any way? From things I've read I can't tell if it restricts access to the second processor completely or if it just places some limitations on the ways it accesses the second processor.
Also, the licensing information for SQL Server 2005 leads me to believe that if you are going down the "processor licensing" route that you have to buy a processor license for every processor that the OS itself has access to and not just what processors SQL Server has access to. I thought I understood that in SQL Server 2000 the licensing information did allow you to buy a processor license just for each processor that SQL Server 2000 had access to, but has that changed for 2005?

Hope someone can provide some clarification on limiting processor access and the licensing implications for SQL Server 2005.



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Does Sql Server Have Something Like Dual

Dec 6, 2004

In oracle you can run queries against some built in virtual table called dual. Like below:


does sql server have anything similar?

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Dual Y-Axes

Dec 27, 2006


I'm wondering if it is possible to have two independent y-axes on a single chart?

I am wanting to plot data using a hybrid bar/line chart and have the values for the vertical bars show on the left y-axis and the values for the points on the line show on the right y-axis.

I've seen this sort of thing done on other platforms before, but don't know if it is possible with SQL Reporting. We are using SQL RS 2000 by the way.


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Saving Data Into A Table & Multiple Processors

Mar 10, 2000


Yesterday I was looking to the processor usage in the Task Manager of Windows NT when a script of mine was running. The script was an InfoPump Script; which is a tool from the DecisionBase suite from CA (was previously owned by Platinum). This script contains SQL statements that select data from several tables and stores the result into another table. The SQL code used for this looks fine to me.
The query was running on a Compaq Proliant 5500 with 4 500 Mhz Xeon processors, 1 GB RAM, NT Server 4, SP 5, RAID 5. The SQL Server is configured to use all resources and SQL has normal priority on NT.
When the select part was running al four processors were used for about 75% and when the store happens only 1 processor is used for 100%.
Why is the store not spread over all four processors? It only uses one processor and it seems to be a bottleneck.


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MS SQL Equivilent For Oracle DUAL

May 25, 2001

I am searching for the MS SQL equivilent for the Oracle Dual command.
select 'hello' from dual;


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Dual Language Support

Sep 13, 2000

I've heard somewhere that SQL Server supports dual languages ? Can anyone confirm this ? How do you set it up please ?

Essentially we need to run our database in Japanese. It currently runs in english.


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Dual Core Processor

Aug 3, 2007

We are in process of moving to 64 bit HP servers with sql2005 standard edition. We were just wondering which is better option, to get a server with 2 dual core processor or to get a srver with just 4 processor? How does SQL2005 handle the hypertheading of dual processor?



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Dual Redundant Environment

Mar 15, 2007

any tutorial on how to setup SQL Server in a dual redundant environment ?


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Deploying Dual Use Applications With SMO

Feb 20, 2008

I have created a C# Windows Forms application that can be run connected directly to SQL Server 2005 (publisher) for in-office users and to a SQL Express (subscriber) on a tablet PC for remote users. The server is set through configuration and the remote users sync using replication and it all works.

The issue I'm having is that I've found it necessary to install SQL Server management objects (SQLServer2005_XMO) on the clients who sit at desktops and never use replication or SMO. I believe this is because SMO has to be installed in the GAC and I can't just distribute the required dlls with my app.

Is there any way I can deploy this app to always connected users without installing SMO on their machines?

Thanks, Jamie Ide

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Insert Not Exists Dual PK Problem

Mar 17, 2008

Hi  I am trying to populate a table with 2 FKs as its PK (SiteID and ProductDescID).  First 1) I add in all the products whose Manfacturer and Category are supposed to appear on the site and then 2) I add in all the extra products that are needed regardless of their manufacturer or category.   The problem I am having is if the product has already been added to the ProductCatTable due to its Manufacturer or Cateogry but is also in the SatForceProduct table.  The can’t insert duplicate PK error is thrown.  I don’t know how to do this IF NOT EXISTS statement (or what ever else may be needed) so that I can check whether a line from the Forced table needs to be added.  I am not passing in any parameters and I am expecting more than 1 line to be inserted in each of the statements. Please help -- 1) Populate      INSERT INTO            dbo.ProductCatTable            (SiteID, ProductDescID)             SELECT                dbo.SatSite.SiteID, dbo.ProductDesc.ProductDescID      FROM        dbo.SatManu INNER JOIN        dbo.ProductDesc ON dbo.SatManu.Manu = dbo.ProductDesc.Manu INNER JOIN        dbo.SatCats ON dbo.ProductDesc.Cat = dbo.SatCats.Cat INNER JOIN        dbo.SatSite ON dbo.SatManu.SatID = dbo.SatSite.SiteID AND         dbo.SatCats.SatID = dbo.SatSite.SiteID        2) Add Force Ins  IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT SiteID, ProductDescID FROM ProductCatTable WHERE ????????) BEGIN       INSERT INTO                        dbo. ProductCatTable                                    (SiteID, ProductDescID)       SELECT            SiteID, ProductDescID      FROM         dbo.SatForceProduct        END            Thanks in advance J

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Creating A Table With A Dual Primary Key

Jul 12, 2004

This question may be a little complicated.

I am building a DTS Package that is moving data from our webstore (written in house) to a Warehouse Management System(WMS - Turnkey) and I've encountered a problem. both pieces of software have an orders table and an Ordered_Items table, related by the order_ID (makes sense so far). Here is the problem. The primary key on the webstore's Ordered_Items table is a single column (basically an Identity variable), while the primary key on the WMS's Ordered_Items table is a dual column primary key, between the Order_ID and the Order_LineID, so the data should be stored like:

OrderID Order_LineID
1 1
2 1
2 2
2 3
3 1
3 2
4 1

Get the Idea? So I have to create this new Order_LineID column. How can I accomplish this with a SQL statement?


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DTSRUN Error On SQL7 With Dual Processor

Jul 31, 2001


I am running SQL7 SP2 on a Compaq Proliant 5500 (NT4 Server SP6a) with dual processor.
When trying to schedule any jobs with DTSRUN I get the following error:

DTSRun.exe - Application Error
The instruction at "0x77f64d7b" referenced memory at "0x00000010". The memory could not be read.

Has anyone seen this error before ??



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Single License Installed On Dual Processor

Oct 28, 2004

I currently have a single proc server in production and want to maintain a spare server that is dual-proc.

Is there a technical problem installing a single license SQL 2000 Standard on a dual-proc server? WIll it allow it or is it actually just a legal licensing requirement?

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Standard Edition's Support Of 4 Processors - Does This Exclude Mulit-core Procs?

Feb 13, 2008

When Standard Edition says it supports 4 processors, is this just the physical processor or do we have to factor in multiple cores?

If SE supports 4 physical quad-core processors, is it written to optimally utilize the quad-core technology or would I be better off using Enterprise Edition?


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64 Bit SQL Server 2005 Process Is Only Utilizing One Processor Whereas In 32 Bit Environ. Uses Multiple Processors

Oct 9, 2007

Hello all,

We've had a problem for a few months now that has completely stumped us. We are running a heavily cursored massive data manipulation process on a 32 bit SQL Server instance running on a virtual machine, running ontop of VMWare, with the following specs

Processors: 2x2674MHz processors
Memory: 4GB
RAID 10 disk config

When we run our process on this machine, in total it runs in 30 hours.

When this process is run on another 32 bit server with the following specs

Processors: 8x3658MHx processors
Memory: 8 GB
SAN w/ RAID 5 disk config

It runs 25% slower

But here is the real kicker. When this process is run on a 64 bit server with the following specs

Processors: 8x3658MHz processors
Memory: 8 GB
SAN w/ RAID 5 disk config

It runs 75% slower.

This process consists solely of stored procedures written in TSQL. The weird thing is that on our smaller server, the CPUs' % utilization are evenly balanced (at 20-30%) when this large data manipulation process is running. However on the bigger servers, SQL Server latches onto a single processor and doesn't load balance across other processors. Such that what we're seeing is that only one processor out of the eight will be utilized and it will be throttled at 90% while the other 7 are at zero.

The default configuration settings in all three places.

Has anyone ever seen any behavior like this, where only one processor gets used by SQL Server during processing? Granted our processes are single threaded b/c they are using cursors but, it seems that the single thread shouldn't be restricted to one processor.

Any thoughts?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Dual Purpose OUTPUT Parameter

Oct 21, 2014

Assume I built a stored proc (dbo.testproc) that will return the OUTPUT parameter @RandomInteger.

I could pass a specific value for the parameter...

EXEC dbo.testproc 7

Or I could return a value from the proc...

DECLARE @ReturnInteger
EXEC dbo.testproc @RandomInteger = @ReturnInteger OUTPUT
SELECT @ReturnInteger

But I want to do both which, if this actually worked, might look like this...

DECLARE @RandomInteger
SET @RandomInteger = 7
EXEC dbo.testproc @RandomInteger = @ReturnInteger OUTPUT
SELECT @ReturnInteger

I want to pass a specific value and return the result from the proc. Do I need to use two parameters for this?

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Dual Core Processor Conflict Graphics Card

May 7, 2007

ok i have intel dual core i have a conflict only in playing a game black hawk down it gives me a run stop error. locks up and has to be restarted. microsoft gave me a fix but when i do the fix it causes me to get a system dump error on the game. i can update my web site do anything else let daughter play her games or do her school work and nothing happens. i was told i needed to set up the dual core so that my programs dont conflict i am a moron when it comes to computers is there a fix for this or i am i just going to have to go back to single core processor for now thanks

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Dual Instances In OnSQL Server 2000 Enterprise Manager

Feb 16, 2007

I am working on a site's SQL Server 2000 database on a W2k3 machine . I went into Enterprise Manager and saw that their database resides on a named instance. I did not see the default instance listed so I registered that using windows authentication. I noticed that the default instance had a user database that had the same name as the user database on the named instance that I was to work on. I looked at the properties of the databases and saw that on both the default and named instances of SQL Server that the Data Files and Log Files for the user database point to the same location.

Is this a problem? Can anyone see any issues with this? Does this mean that someone can simply connect to the named or the default instance of the SQL Server and connect to the same database?


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Failover Cluster Using 64 Bit Windows 2k3 On Single HBAs And DS400 With Dual Controller

Apr 12, 2006

We are trying to setup a system to system failover cluster using twonodes (x346) which each have a single hba running to seperatecontrollers on the DS400.For full redundnancy, IBM recommends dual path from each node but wedont need that. The current setup has two completly seperate paths. hbaon node 1 to controller A on DS400 and hba on node 2 to controller B.If i take a controller offline, failover works fine to jumo to othercontroller and throw all resources to it's node but if i shutdown anode- the cluster loses all attached storage and DS400 is unaware toswitch ownership to other controller.Is there a way to us mscs without dual path from each node?anotherwords... if either node or controller fails on a single path, wewant the other path to become active.our main goal is to use sql server 2005 clustering on the cluster.everything checks out perfect if i only use one controller on the DS400for both nodes but this brings us back to another single point offailure.I saw that Qlogic has MPIO drivers on thir website for the DS400 but itseems as though they are for 32bit systems and the install errors outwith:C:Driversmpio1.0.8.4 (w32)>install.exe -iPre-Installing the Multi-Path Adapter Filter...SuccessInstalling the Multi-Path Bus Driver...Failure. Error code (0xe0000235)configuration:2 X IBM x346 w/ single QLogic 2340 HBAs running win2k3 64bit EnterpriseDS400 w/ dual controllers

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