Pass Paramenter In Subject Of Subscription Email

Sep 29, 2007

Hello there,

how can i pass my own parameter values in the subject of Subscription email?.for example i want to pass the employee ID in the subject.

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Pass Paramenter To DTS-HELP! (2nd Post)

Nov 28, 2001

HELP! I'm trying to pass parameters to a DTS Package(SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE STATE = ?) What is the format from xp_cmdshell("exec master..xp_cmdshell 'dtsrun /Ssql /?????")? Any ideas? Thanks!

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Automatic Email Subject

Sep 24, 2007

Good Morning,

I have created a varible in a report which displays as a text box i.e contains data like "LWD Apps 450" where the value will change each day. The report is emiled to a list of users, is there a way to automatically enter this value so that it is in the subject bar when the email is automatically sent??

Thanks in advance.


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@ExecutionTime Date Format On Email Subject

Jul 4, 2007


I created a report subscription windows form to talk to SSRS 2000 web services API. Everything is fine except the email subject '@ReportName was executed at @ExecutionTime' is always in American Date format.

Is there a way to customize the date format on the variable @ExecutionTime on the email subject?

Any help would be appriciated.



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Integration Services :: Dynamic Email Subject Line

Aug 6, 2015

I have the variable @Monthname defined as shown below:

(MONTH(getdate()) == 1 ? "January" : MONTH(getdate()) == 2 ? "February" : MONTH(getdate()) == 3 ? "March" : 
 MONTH(getdate()) == 4 ? "April" : MONTH(getdate()) == 5 ? "May" : MONTH(getdate()) == 6 ? "June" : 
 MONTH(getdate()) == 7 ? "July" : MONTH(getdate()) == 8 ? "August" : MONTH(getdate()) == 9 ? "September" : 
 MONTH(getdate()) == 10 ? "October" : MONTH(getdate()) == 11 ? "November" : MONTH(getdate()) == 12? "December":"")

By itself, it is working fine. I am attempting to have the @SubjectLine variable display the below:

CA - TFL for the month of August 2015

I am using the expression below in the expression builder:

"CA - TFL for the month of " + @[User::MonthName] +  (DT_WSTR,4)YEAR(GETDATE())

When evaluating the expression, I get the below (month is missing):

CA - TFL for the month of 2015

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Reporting Services :: Change Subscription Subject On Report To Total Or A Field?

May 13, 2015

change the subscription subject on the report to Total or a field.

On the subscription Data Driven Subscription does not exist.

Is there any other way to fix it?

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Reporting Services :: Data Driven Email Subscription With Different Email Per Report Page

Jul 6, 2015

I have a report that gets sends out through a subscription and sometimes the report has multiple pages and all those pages appear within one email.Is it possible to set the subscription in such a way that an email is sent per page when the subscription executes.

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Pass Parameter For Subscription

Oct 17, 2007

I want to create subscription for the report.
I have 1 date parameter. and i want the value of the date parameter as today s date.
How can i set value of the parameter as today's date.

I have tried using


didnt work.

any other option.

I need to create subscription either from report manager or from management studio

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Email Subscription

Jul 2, 2007


I have uploaded a report onto my 2005 Reporting Manager and want to create a daily email of the report... How do I set up the email facility? Can someone give me a link?
I not sure what to do because the company uses Exchange Server and not SMTP....


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Email Subscription

Dec 14, 2007


I have this subscription using email outside my domain. for example. I'd like to send reports using subscription, and when the recipient email address's outside my domain (for example or, etc), the subscription fails.

Anybody know how to solve this?


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Mass Subscription Email Changes

Nov 15, 2007

The company i work for changed names and all email addresses within the company have changed. While it was OK for a while they are no longer going to be forwarding email to the old addresses to the new ones. There are Tons of subscriptions and tons of email addresses that need to be changed to the new names.

If i could find the table with the TO: part of the subscription held in it i could just run an update on that field and it would be solved...however, i cannot find that field...

Without going into every subscription in report manager, how can i change the email addresses? Any Suggestions?

Thanks in advance

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Email Subscription To Hotmail?

Jan 3, 2007


I have a Virtual PC running SSRS 2005. I keep getting the following error when I try to specify my hotmail account as the To line in the email subscription:

"The e-mail address of one or more recipients is not valid."

I am trying to set it up such that I can send email subscriptions to my hotmail account, or at least let the SMTP Service accept these emails. I don't necesarily need to have these emails delivered, but I would like them to at least be accepted by the SMTP Service. I have added the following to my rsreportserver.config file:


I am sure I need to configure the IIS SMTP Server settings somehow, does anyone know how to configure my local SMTP Service to allow email addresses to be placed into the "Drop" folder?


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Email Subscription Can't Use External Domain

Apr 7, 2008

Hi there,

I have successfully set up a Report Subscription and it sends the report to our internal users at a given time each day.

I recently added an external email address in the 'CC' & 'BCC' boxes but i got an error saying the address was invalid (i've tried with just the 'To' box as well). There's nothing special about the external address, i've tried with gmail, BT, and Yahoo.

So it would seem that any address outside of my local domain is invalid.

Is there some config setting that i'm overlooking? Has anyone had this problem?

I'm using SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition.

Any help would be great.


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Email Subscription Error On Credentials

Sep 18, 2007


When trying to subscribe to an report via email I get to following error

The current action cannot be completed because the user data source credentials that are required to execute this report are not stored in the report server database. (rsInvalidDataSourceCredentialSetting)

Can anybody help me with this issue.


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Problem Setting Up Email Subscription

Jan 31, 2008


I have several data driven subscriptions successfully running on my server, but have been having problems setting up a standard subscription. The subscription appears to be successfully created in the Reports Manager interface, I can see the schedule job set up in SQL Server, and in the job history the subscription apparently runs with no errors. However if I look on the Reports Manager interface there is nothing in the "Last Run" column and no report email is received. When I check the Reporting Services logs I can see the following:

ReportServerWebApp log file:

w3wp!extensionfactory!1!1/02/2008-10:21:58:: w WARN: The extension Report Server Email does not have a LocalizedNameAttribute.
w3wp!extensionfactory!1!1/02/2008-10:21:58:: w WARN: The extension Report Server FileShare does not have a LocalizedNameAttribute.

ReportServer log file:

w3wp!library!1!02/01/2008-10:21:58:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.OperationNotSupportedNativeModeException: The operation is not supported on a report server that runs in native mode., ;
Info: Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.OperationNotSupportedNativeModeException: The operation is not supported on a report server that runs in native mode.
w3wp!extensionfactory!1!02/01/2008-10:21:58:: e ERROR: Exception caught instantiating Report Server DocumentLibrary report server extension: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Microsoft.ReportingServices.SharePoint.SharePointDeliveryExtension.DocumentLibraryProvider' threw an exception. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.OperationNotSupportedNativeModeException: The operation is not supported on a report server that runs in native mode.
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.RuntimeTypeHandle.CreateInstance(RuntimeType type, Boolean publicOnly, Boolean noCheck, Boolean& canBeCached, RuntimeMethodHandle& ctor, Boolean& bNeedSecurityCheck)
at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceSlow(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean fillCache)
at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceImpl(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean skipVisibilityChecks, Boolean fillCache)
at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type, Boolean nonPublic)
at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceImpl(BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, Object[] args, CultureInfo culture, Object[] activationAttributes)
at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, Object[] args, CultureInfo culture, Object[] activationAttributes)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.ExtensionClassFactory.CreateExtensionObject(Extension extConfig).

These errors occur at the time I set up the subscription (not the scheduled execution time). I can run the job manually "Start job at step..." in SQL Management Studio and the report is sent/received. I have seen a few posts similar to this but as yet haven't seen anyone resolve this problem. Can anyone help me?



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Reporting Services, Subscription Email

Feb 3, 2008

I am getting the following error when I set up a subscription, I am able to send smtp messages from the same server using a winclient, I also made sure that the user that runs the RS service is the same as the winclient.

Read all the ms docs about setting the email settings, have tried quite a lot of them, but for some reason i have been getting the following error. Just unable to bypass this!

I wonder if someone has had a similar exp.

Failure sending mail: The server rejected the sender address. The server response was: 454 5.7.3 Client does not have permission to Send As this sender

Installing a local SMTP might not work as our polocies are to run smtp from exchange.

Any help is appreciated.


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Subscription Email Rendering Badly

Apr 3, 2007

I have created a very simple report that includes a single table with three cells per row.

When I view the report in Visual Studio, on the Report Server, in any format, it looks fine. However, the version that gets emailed as a subscription looks awful. The width of my table cells is not preserved, so they shrink to be as narrow as possible with all the words wrapping.

Basically, the table gets smooshed so that it's much narrower than it should be. All the words wrap when they shouldn't.

CanShrink is set to False. I have tried CanGrow on both False and True and it didn't make any difference.

Remember, the problem is only with the emailed version of the report.

Any idea if there's a solution for this?



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Error Delivering Subscription Email

Mar 19, 2008

Env: SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services - 8.00.1042.00 on Windows Server 2003 SP1 - Microsoft Windows NT 5.2.3790.0

I configured a report subscription to send an email out, but I did not realize that the mail send was tied to my account. When someone removed my windows login from the local admin group, the report delivery errored with:

"Failure sending mail: The permissions granted to user '<Domain><user>' are insufficient for performing this operation."

My login has been reinstated, but how do I configure the send mail to use a different account? Note that he report server is running under the "NT AuthorityNetworkService" account (unfortunately). I'm hoping I don't have to deal with the unattended execution account because the docs on that are awkward.



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How To Disable The Attachments Sent Through Email-subscription

Mar 31, 2008

i need to send a report as e-mail. so i'm trying it through email subscription. i'm rendering the report in MHTML format.
I'm able to get the report in mail but the problem is the images (i,e bar graph,charts and embedded images) in the report are getting displayed below the actual report and all images in the report are added as attachment.
i need only the generated report as mail and not these extra images that gets embedded in the email.Is there is any way to get this done??

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Unable To Send Email Via Subscription

May 23, 2007

Some Background: SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition SP1 on Windows 2003 Server R2 SP1. This SQL Server 2005 named instance was recently upgraded from Standard Edition to Developer Edition.

Now the problem:
I've set up a simple report, that creates a snapshot on a schedule, which sends an email once the report has been run. However, no email is being sent, and when I go to the subscriptions tab for the report, I see the following Status for the Subscription that is failing:

Failure sending mail: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {CD000001-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D} failed due to the following error: 8007007e.

A little research indicates that error 8007007e is 'The specified module could not be found'.

So, I scheduled the report to create a snapshot once a minute so that I could generate the error frequently, and then ran Process Monitor to look for any problems. In the log I found a lot of 'NAME NOT FOUND' entries for the ReportingServicesService.exe and SQLAGENT90.exe as they were looking for INETCOMM.dll (Microsoft Internet Messaging Library). I did a search for that file on the server, and was unable to find it.

Is the absence of this dll my problem, and if so, how do I restore it? If it isn't, any other ideas on troubleshooting this problem?

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Subscription Based Report Via Email

Aug 23, 2007

I cant imagine this to be possible, but I currently have a report setup and a subscription that email the report to some users, I was curious to know if possible that if the report returns no records to not have the report sent?

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How To Pass Multi-value Parameters To DDS (data Driven Subscription)?

Jun 29, 2006

Using RS2005, how should multivalue parameters be stored in a database field so that a data driven subscription can properly read and use them? I have so far had no luck using syntax of:

1) parm1, parm2

2) parm1,parm2

Do single qutoes need to explicitly wrap the values? Can you please provide an example and a SQL INSERT statement using parm1 and parm2 to demonstrate what to store in the database field?


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URL Link In Subscription Email Does Not Render Report

Apr 25, 2008

I have set up a test subscription that sends an email that includes both the report and the url link to the report. However, the report does not render when user clicks on url link in subscription email. The parameter toolbar sorta appears at top of page but buttons are not showing correcty. I saw similiar issue posted in another forum but no one had resolved yet. We all noticed that the subscription email uses /reportserver folder instead of /Reports folder.

The report does appear fine in the email so I believe the problem is the URL.

Can anyone tell me how to resolve?


The URL from Report Manager is

The URL in subscription email

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Subscription Error: Invalid Email Address

Apr 11, 2007

(NOTE: FROM a NON-IT PERSON) We've implented SQL 2005 and Reporting Services, but our subscriptions only work internally: when we try to send reports via subscriptions to valid external email addresses, we get a message: invalid email address and the entire subscription does not work.. PLEASE ADVISE. IT WILL BE GREATLY APPRECIATED!

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SSRS 2005 Email Subscription Problem

Feb 13, 2006


We have a new SSRS 2005 instance running with a number of reports. We have setup a subscription on one of these to run at 8am every Monday. However this is not working. No email is being sent and it does not appear the subscription is being run, nothing is ever written in the Last Run column.

I have looked in the logs and the only thing I can see is the following warning

w3wp!extensionfactory!5!13/02/2006-14:42:03:: w WARN: The extension Report Server Email does not have a LocalizedNameAttribute.
w3wp!extensionfactory!5!13/02/2006-14:42:03:: w WARN: The extension Report Server FileShare does not have a LocalizedNameAttribute.

We had this working succesfully with SSRS 2000. The new instance was a clean install.



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Snapshot Executes But Subscription Does Not Email To User

Sep 6, 2006

I have a problem with a report set up to execute a snapshot and subscription on day 1 of each month. On July 1, it ran and was emailed to the user; on 8/1 it created the snapshot but did not send to the user because of a user error in the subscription, so it was sent manually. the parameters issues were corrected and on 9/1 the snapshot executed but the subscription did not send. In the subscription window, the last good email of a snapshot was sent 7/1. So again 9/1 was sent manually. After fixing the parameters shouldn't this have emailed the snapshot correctly on 9/1?

Do I need to delete this subscription and create a new one to get it to send on 10/1 now?

any suggestions?

the set up is now verified to be identical to other reports which created a snapshot and emailed successfully, the only difference is the original problem with only the 7/1 subscription the only one you see when you look at the "subscription tab" for this report in Reporting services:

Description:Send e-mail to,


Lastrun: 7/1/2006 7:00 AM

Mail Sent to:Mail sent to,

Snapshots successful

5/1/2006 7:00:02 AM

6/1/2006 7:00:03 AM

6/1/2006 8:26:31 AM

7/1/2006 7:00:07 AM

8/1/2006 7:00:24 AM

9/1/2006 7:00:19 AM

Logfile for "Ops Specialists/1035 Exchange Issue - Details (200407-R01)" report
Portion of log file:
ReportingServicesService!dbpolling!f!9/1/2006-07:00:04:: EventPolling processing item e869f577-b189-4e6a-a9be-37b61d737340
ReportingServicesService!dbpolling!13!9/1/2006-07:00:04:: EventPolling processing item 2b275311-0ee4-4cef-972d-86de48f4f360
ReportingServicesService!dbpolling!c!9/1/2006-07:00:04:: EventPolling processing item 3df3960a-ee28-4d5e-a46e-326ab5a0060d
ReportingServicesService!library!c!9/1/2006-07:00:04:: Schedule e11a00d3-56b6-46b3-b2d3-9e3156805be8 executed at 9/1/2006 7:00:04 AM.
ReportingServicesService!library!13!9/1/2006-07:00:04:: Schedule 177e9473-2c81-4152-a89f-137d25a556e1 executed at 9/1/2006 7:00:04 AM.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!9/1/2006-07:00:04:: Schedule 89071f26-435c-4cc7-bd9a-23907ef32b5c executed at 9/1/2006 7:00:04 AM.
ReportingServicesService!library!f!9/1/2006-07:00:04:: Schedule 3720d20c-460e-4549-9b57-c3cc97919f5f executed at 9/1/2006 7:00:04 AM.
ReportingServicesService!schedule!13!9/1/2006-07:00:04:: Updating report execution snapshot for report /Client Services/Ops Specialists/1035 Exchange Issue - Details (200407-R01)
ReportingServicesService!schedule!c!9/1/2006-07:00:04:: Updating report execution snapshot for report /Client Services/Ops Specialists/1035 Exchange Bridged - Details (200407-R01)
ReportingServicesService!schedule!f!9/1/2006-07:00:04:: Updating report execution snapshot for report /Client Services/Ops Specialists/Policy Counts (200401-R01)
ReportingServicesService!schedule!4!9/1/2006-07:00:04:: Updating report execution snapshot for report /Client Services/Inforce Admin/CAAB226 (200501-R03)
ReportingServicesService!dbpolling!d!9/1/2006-07:00:08:: EventPolling processing 4 more items. 8 Total items in internal queue.

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Failed Email Data Driven Subscription

Dec 26, 2007

I have several email data driven subscriptions setup. They have been working fine for the past couple of weeks. We have recently gone through some layoffs. Now the subscriptions are starting to fail.

I am assuming the smtp server is not allowing invalid email address to go. But if I have one invalid email address why would the entire job fail? How can SSRS see if each email address is valid at the time of processing?

Is there a setting to allow invalid email address to not fail the job? They only solution that I could think of is to create distribution email groups. This would be rendered on the smtp server and not in Reporting Service Service.

Does anyone have any good solutions they would like to share?

Log file:

at ReportingServicesCDOInterop.MessageClass.Send()
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.EmailDeliveryProvider.EmailProvider.Deliver(Notification notification)
ReportingServicesService!library!10!12/26/2007-10:43:15:: Data Driven Notification for activation id ac381bd5-7a04-4e8e-b5cf-510a3833c4f0 was saved.
ReportingServicesService!library!10!12/26/2007-10:43:15:: Status: The e-mail address of one or more recipients is not valid.
ReportingServicesService!notification!10!12/26/2007-10:43:15:: Notification 65af159a-b2c6-4667-905b-b2342898a28f completed. Success: False, Status: The e-mail address of one or more recipients is not valid., DeliveryExtension: Report Server Email, Report: Tech Lead Program - District Summary, Attempt 0
ReportingServicesService!dbpolling!10!12/26/2007-10:43:15:: i INFO: NotificationPolling finished processing item 65af159a-b2c6-4667-905b-b2342898a28f
ReportingServicesService!library!4!12/26/2007-10:43:16:: i INFO: Call to RenderFirst( '/Marketing/TTL/Tech Lead/Tech Lead Program - YTD Technician Summary' )
ReportingServicesService!dbpolling!c!12/26/2007-10:43:18:: i INFO: NotificationPolling processing 1 more items. 2 Total items in internal queue.
ReportingServicesService!dbpolling!11!12/26/2007-10:43:18:: i INFO: NotificationPolling processing item a6731001-092e-4a48-841e-bd22640956d7
ReportingServicesService!processing!12!12/26/2007-10:43:18:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessingException: There is no data for the field at position 1., ;
Info: Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessingException: There is no data for the field at position 1.
ReportingServicesService!library!11!12/26/2007-10:43:19:: i INFO: Call to RenderFirst( '/Marketing/TTL/Tech Lead/Tech Lead Program - Customer Detail Report' )
ReportingServicesService!library!11!12/26/2007-10:43:22:: i INFO: Initializing EnableExecutionLogging to 'True' as specified in Server system properties.
ReportingServicesService!emailextension!11!12/26/2007-10:43:22:: Error sending mail, CDO error -2147220977, will not resend
ReportingServicesService!emailextension!11!12/26/2007-10:43:22:: Error sending email. System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x8004020F): The server rejected one or more recipient addresses. The server response was: 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for

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Subscription And Email Issues With Browser Role.

Dec 15, 2005

We have our user's set up in the Browser role.  We are having an issue in that none of them can create a subscription on a  report or email a report.  If they set up a subscription, it is displayed but the report does not run.  When they try to email a report, the To: box is greyed out.  Has anyone encoutered this issue?  Does anyone have any suggestions on why this is happening?



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Reporting Services :: SSRS Email Subscription Not Working?

May 20, 2015

sql server edition-2008 enterprise evaluation edition

Operating System- Window Server 2008 R2

I've Created Local Smtp to use gmailid for Subscription of SSRS Report by Email as we don't have an Exchange Server.

User this link to Create local SMTP

Studied few blogs that related it to agent service running under local system account, on my machine it was running on NT/NetworkService change it to Administrator of local Machine. Did same change for Database Engine of Service of SQL Instance.

FYI- My Machine is not in Domain, so used local administrator for giving rights to service mentioned above.

Below is the Screen Shot of rsreportserver.Config File

ERROR : on Report Manager

Below is report log on after time report was executed.

library!WindowsService_16!2b30!05/20/2015-13:19:05:: i INFO: Schedule 3374e590-8374-4360-b5da-d487eacb0417 executed at 05/20/2015 13:19:05.
schedule!WindowsService_16!2b30!05/20/2015-13:19:05:: Creating Time based subscription notification for subscription: ea7fc6ce-00df-4f6a-9050-e713986307ca
library!WindowsService_16!2b30!05/20/2015-13:19:05:: i INFO: Schedule 3374e590-8374-4360-b5da-d487eacb0417 execution completed at 05/20/2015 13:19:05.


PS: Local SMTP is working, i.e. i am able to receive email if i place an email.text file in C:inetpubmailrootpickup

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Cannot Get Subscription Email When Including Report, But Can Get It When Just Sending Link

Jul 12, 2007

When I set up an email subscription for a report, I can get the email notification if I only include a link to the report, but get the generic "Failure sending mail: The report server has encountered a configuration error. See the report server log files for more information." error message when I attempt to include the actual report in the email; either as "Web Archive," or PDF." When I consult the ReportServer log file, I do not see any sort of exception that would indicate the true source of the error.

I have set the file security on the RSTempFiles folder to allow the IIS_WPG group to modify the folder, but when I looked into the RS config files, it looked as though SSRS wasn't configured to use temporary storage.

Any suggestions?


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SSRS 2005, Subscription Email Addressing Is Greyed-out

Nov 8, 2007

I have SSRS 2005 installed. User wants to change email address on subscription to send to external customer or others in our organization.

If I modify right "Manage individual subscriptions" to enabled for his security profile, the email address box is greyed-out.

I tried changing value <SendEmailToUserAlias>xxxx</ SendEmailToUserAlias> to FALSE in rsreportserver.config, with SSRS restart, but address box is greyed-out.

If I modify right "Manage all subscriptions" enabled for his security profile, the address box is not greyed-out, but can now see-edit everyone's subscriptions for that report.

How can I turn on address box is not greyed-out, but not open view of ALL subscriptions to my users?

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Single Subscription/email, Multiple Render Formats

Oct 30, 2006

Hello friends,

Is there a way to include multiple render formats within a single subscription? For instance, web format to be included in body of email and exel format as an attachment.

I attempted this with data-driven subscription, but was only able to acheive multiple render formats across multiple communications within a single subscription - not at all what I want.

I would prefer not to have to send out 2 separate communications in order to provide both web format AND excel format reports to my audience.

Thank you!!!


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Report Rendered In Email Subscription Has Formatting Problems

Apr 28, 2008

Env: Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Version 8.00.1042.00,
<OSName>Microsoft Windows NT 5.2.3790.0</OSName>

Last week a number of reports that were working fine began rendering incorrectly when sent out in report subscription emails - they work fine when directly rendered using report manager. The weird issues include broken alignment (left instead of right), missing borders, and changed fonts.

I checked the report deployment dates and these reports have not changed since well before the issues arose. I am digging thru the event logs to see what might have changed, but has anyone seen this issue before?



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