Show Total And Details

Apr 8, 2008


I have a categories table and a products table, the products are associated with a category, and my current select statement looks like this..

SELECT COUNT(dbo.tbl_Categories.CatName) AS TotQty, dbo.tbl_Categories.CatName
FROM dbo.tbl_Products INNER JOIN
dbo.tbl_Categories ON dbo.tbl_Products.CatID = dbo.tbl_Categories.ID
GROUP BY dbo.tbl_Categories.CatName

this give me ..

TotQty CatName
1 Books

I wonder how I can change the select statement so I retrieve a result like this..

TotQty CatName Description
1 Books Oliver Twist
2 DVD Dire Straits
2 DVD Elvis

View 20 Replies


Join Invoice Total Record To Details?

Oct 1, 2012

If you will I am trying to join a master invoice table to its detail records. The problem is I can't quite get the records to match correctly. There is a master record that has the net total of the invoice that corresponds to however many detail records for that invoice. I am attempting to get the records to line up in a query. I am having trouble because the key fields match the total up with each detail record. So for example in this record set below the 3825.75 value appears for each detail record so when I total the invoice column the figure is way too high. The detail has a 4462.54 and a -636.79 for a net of 3825.75. I tried to line the example up for better illustration. I copied it off a pdf and I am trying to replicate it programmatically.

0712RW-IN 7/31/2012 8/30/2012 4,462.54 0.00 3,825.75 INV 7/31/2012 4,462.54
C/M 8/31/2012 636.79- Reference: 0712RW
[SRC] [varchar](3) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,
[ARDIVISIONNO] [varchar](2) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,
[CUSTOMERNO] [varchar](7) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,


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Show/Hide Details And Sub-Reports

Jun 13, 2007

We were having a standards meeting today at my company and we talked about the show/hide details button in the UI. We hide reports all the time because they are sub-reports and aren't meant to be run on their own. If we can't hide the "Show Details" button and we can't ban the user with security from running the sub-report because they need to run the Main report which runs the sub-report, then what do we do?

I'd think we have the have the ability to to hide things, or least a creative way to hide them; but I don't want to deploy sub-reports to wierd places just to get around this.

The following posts reference this topic, but didn't address it; yet raise this question.



p.s. Just my own two cents, it would seem like a nice feature to be able to hide the "show details" button because there are advantages to hiding things.

View 5 Replies View Related

How Do You Hide The Show Details Button??

Nov 10, 2006

How do you hide the "show details" button? i don't want users to be able to click on it and find all the reports we've hidden from them.

View 6 Replies View Related

Report Manager And The Show Details Button

Jan 24, 2008

I've read posts that state it is impossible to remove the "Show Details" button on the tool bar in Report Manager.

I created a new role assignment for an individual on a folder with the "Browse" role only.

When that individual navigates to the folder and clicks the "Show Details" button, the "Delete" and "Move" buttons also appear on the tool bar, with a checkbox next to each report item.

I can't have a folder where my users have the ability to delete or move my published reports!

Am I missing a setting? Again, the user has the "Browse" role only on the folder.


View 10 Replies View Related

How To Show A Line Between Table Column Headers And The Details

Jan 8, 2007

I am using table object to present report.

table row1 has all the column names and table row2 has the data.

How can i put a horizontal line between column names and the data rows.

Thank you very much.

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Have Total Show Under User

Sep 23, 2015

(SQL Server 2008) I want to display a total for each user that is returned from my query result. I was trying the union all route as that is what I am most comfortable with, however, the result set returns the total row at the bottom instead of under each user. This is the desired result set...Here is my query, what do I need to alter to have the output display like so?

Create Table #Test
id varchar(50),
name varchar(500),
out1 int,
out2 int,
total4day int,


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Transact SQL :: Show Total For Each Name

Sep 23, 2015

I tried my syntax below, but it said that the field were not in the group by.  This is syntax and for each of the 2 names (only small subset of real data) I need a Total column to display between each different person like so:

Total, 29, 150, 2400/60
Total, 25, 143, 2400/60

Here is syntax:

Create Table #Farquard
empID varchar(50),
fullname varchar(500),
break1 int,
break2 int,
dailytotal int,
workday date

[Code] ......

View 8 Replies View Related

T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Show Total Sales

Mar 10, 2014

My Table struct

create table cust
cust_id int ,
city varchar(20),
pincode int,
sales int,
latitude float,
longitude float


like i wanna display each pincodes how to make a code?

View 6 Replies View Related

Sum Function - Show Total Quantity For A Product

Sep 5, 2015

I am trying to create a manifest for one of our clients and want to show the total qty for a product.

Below is my query, the quantity is listed below as TL.Quantity but I think I need to use a SUM function to show the total by product?

TransactionAccountNumber.AccountNumber as [Client Ref],

[Code] ....

View 2 Replies View Related

Show Number Of Values As % Of Total Records..?

Feb 15, 2007

HiI'm migrating from Access til MySQL.Works fine so far - but one thing is nearly killing me:I got the count of total records in a variabel - (antalRecords)I got the count for the Field Q1 where the value value is = 'nej'Now I just need to calculate how many % of my records have the value 'nej'I access this worked very fine - but with MySQL ( and ASP) I just cant getit right!!! I go crazy ....My code looks like this :strSQL="SELECT COUNT(Q1) AS Q1_nej FROM Tbl_evaluering " &_"WHERE Q1 = 'NEJ' "set RS = connection.Execute(strSQL)antal_nej = RS("Q1_nej")procent_nej = formatNumber((antal_nej),2)/antalrecords * 100Hope ...praying for help ...Please ;-)best wishes -Otto - Copenhagen

View 3 Replies View Related

Power Pivot :: DAX - Show Percentage Of Total?

May 4, 2015

I have 2 columns 1) Total Premium and 2) New-Renew Indicator in my Powerpivot.

The requirement is to show the a) New Premium as a Percent of Total Premium and b) Renew Premium as a percentage of Total Premium. Here is what i did:

a) Created a calculated measure called Percentage:= Divide(Total Premium, Total Premium, 0) . The percentage shows 100% as expected.

b) Now when i try to bring in the Column 2)New-Renew alongside this Percentage in the pivot table, both New and Renew shows 100%. I only have about 20 percent rows with New, and 80% of Renew.

When i bring in the original column = 1) Total Premium, the new-renew split shows correctly, just the percentage is not splitting up correctly. How to achieve it?

View 4 Replies View Related

Show Total Amount Of Rows In Specific Table

May 20, 2012

I need to show the total amount of rows in a specific table?

The query is as follows:

As part of the planning process to expand the database that supports Northwind operations, the IT manager would like to know how many rows are currently in specific tables so that he can conduct capacity planning.

The results needed include two columns, TableName( containing all the tables in the database and Rows, which contain the total amount of all the rows per table).

View 4 Replies View Related

Query To Show Total By Shop On Time Range

Aug 28, 2014

How to edit this query to show the total by shop on time range ?

current result.(Time range from 9:00am-23:00pm)
Shop Time_slot cur Amt, yest Amt, Diff Amt, Sales Direction
Abc 10:59 $100 $50 +50 (+)
Abc 11:59 $100 $50 +150 (+)
Abc 12:59 $100 $50 +50 (+)
BBB 11:59 $100 $50 +150 (+)
BBB 12:59 $100 $50 +50 (+)

Desired Result .
Shop Time_slot cur Amt, yest Amt, Diff Amt, Sales Direction
Abc 10:59 $100 $50 +50 (+)
Abc 11:59 $100 $50 +150 (+)
Abc 12:59 $100 $50 +50 (+)
Total $300 $150 +$200 (+)

BBB 11:59 $10 $50 -40 (-)
BBB 12:59 $10 $50 -40 (-)
Total $20 $100 -80 (-)

select shop
,ltrim(str(datepart(hh,yourdatetimefield)))+':00 - '+ltrim(str(datepart(hh,yourdatetimefield)))+':59' as time_span
when datediff(dd,yourdatetimefield,getdate())=0

[Code] .....

View 1 Replies View Related

Hide Calculated Column In Matrix Report And Show Only In Total

Sep 25, 2007

Hi All,

I need to show the Cumulative calculated value only in Total by year/Group. I could not use Visibility expression using

InScope, as it creates *Blank column. Please go thru details below.

Month01 02 03 Total
Salary Salary Salary Salary Cumulative (Calc)

Employee01 20 5 25 25
Employee02 10 10 20 45

How can i achieve this?. Any suggestion on this would be appreciated.


View 1 Replies View Related

Calculate Total Amount Of Order Details Based On Particular Order

Apr 10, 2014

I have a query that calculate the total amount of order details based on a particular order:

Select a.OrderID,SUM(UnitPrice*Quantity-Discount)
From [Order Details]
Inner Join Orders a
On a.OrderID=[Order Details].OrderID
Group by a.OrderID

My question is what if I wanted to create a formula to something like:

UnitPrice * Quantity - DiscountAmount Where DiscountAmount = UnitPrice Quantity * Discount

Do I need to create a function for that? Also is it possible to have m y query as a table variable?

View 7 Replies View Related

Analysis :: Show Grand Total When Using SSAS Tabular Role Security Permission

Oct 30, 2015

If user want to see the grand total for a measure with include all members, even though the user has limited access for that member, so how we can do using DAX?For example, let’s say the total revenue for all the divisions in a cube is $15,000. You create a role called “Division A”, and set it up so members of that role can only see the revenue for Division A, which totals $3,000. If you use a front-end tool like Excel to access the cube and use the division hierarchy to see the total revenue, you will see the revenue of $3000 for Division A, but also want to see the Grand Total for the revenue as $15,000How we can achieve above scenerio in tabular model (DAX).

View 3 Replies View Related

Total Page Writes/total Amount Of Data Change In A Set Period Of Time

Jun 9, 2004

Does anyone know how I can determine the number of page writes that have been performed during a set period of time? I need to figure out the data churn in that time period.


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Aggregated Subquery - Sum Total Trips And Total Values As Separate Columns By Day

Feb 26, 2014

Very new to SQL and trying to get this query to run. I need to sum the total trips and total values as separate columns by day to insert them into another table.....

My code is as follows;

Insert Into [dbo].[CombinedTripTotalsDaily]

[Code] .....

View 3 Replies View Related

Query By Year Group By Total Students Sort By Total For Each County

Jul 20, 2005

I haven't a clue how to accomplish this.All the data is in one table. The data is stored by registration dateand includes county and number of students brokne out by grade.Any help appreciated!Rob

View 4 Replies View Related

Reporting Services :: SSRS Group Total Expression - Add Total Disabled

Oct 26, 2015

For some reason my Add Total is grey out, when i tried to add grand total using some expression.

I have two row & two column groups?

Is there any alternative or how can i enable add total? using you can see in my Attached Image

I'm using iff condition in my expression.. 

View 15 Replies View Related

SQL Server 2008 :: Pulling Daily Total From Cumulative Total

Jun 28, 2015

I have a table that writes daily sales each night but it adds the day's sales to the cumulative total for the month. I need to pull the difference of todays cumulative total less yesterdays. So when my total for today is 30,000 and yesterday's is 28,800, my sales for today would be 1,200. I want to write this to a new field but I just can't seen to get the net sales for the day. Here is some sample data. For daily sales for 6-24 I want to see 2,000, for 6-25 3,000, 6-26 3,500, and 6-27 3,500. I'm thinking a case when but can't seem to get it right.

(date_created date,
sales decimal (19,2))
INSERT INTO sales (date_created, sales)
VALUES ('6-23-15', '20000.00'),
('6-24-15', '22000.00'),
('6-25-15', '25000.00'),
('6-26-15', '28500.00'),
('6-27-15', '32000.00')

View 9 Replies View Related

Total Record Count - Pagination With Total Rows

Jul 26, 2013

My table contains 1000 records,

I need to know the total record count with the below paging query

SELECT EmpName,Place
FROM EmplyeeDetails ORDER BY Place

How to get?

View 2 Replies View Related

Adding Subreport Total To Main Report Total

Apr 28, 2006

Hi, can anyone help?

I have created a Report using Visual studio-the report displays a subreport within it.

On the Subjective Report I have 12 values for each month of the year.

For the first month the value is =sum(Fields! Month_1.Value), and I
have named this text box SubRepM1
The name of the subreport is subreport1'.

On my Main Report, again I have 12 values for each month of the year.
For the first month the value is =sum(Fields! Month_1.Value)*-1, and I
have named this text box 'MainRepM1'
The name of the main report is 'GMSHA Budget Adjustment Differentials'

The report displays both of the subreport and main report values
but I now need to total these values together for each month in order to
produce a grand total.

I have tried using the following to add the totals for Month 1 together,
=subreport1.Report.SubRepM1 + MainRepM1
but this does not work and I get the following error message The value expression for the text box 'textbox18'contains an error [BC30451] Name subreport1 is not declared'.

I feel that it should be a simple matter of adding the two sets of values together but Im having major problems trying to get these totals to work.

Can anyone help, thanks

View 7 Replies View Related

Total Spaceused And Total Allocated

Jul 20, 2005

Anyone has a "one sql statement" to get the total spaceused and totalspace allocated of an instance ? ie same as sum of relevance fieldsfrom sp_spaceused for each database in an instance, that works accrossversion of mssql from 6 onward.ThanksKD

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How To Show ChartFX Reports In ReportServer And How To Show Tooltips For Reports Using Chart Properties

Dec 31, 2007

Hi all,

I have two problems.

1. I downloaded ChartFXRSTrial and created one chart, and able to deploy it in ReportServer, but the problem is the reports are not showing there, i checked the configuration of .dll files in the help provided by chartFX, but couldn't get anything, so could help me on this.

2. How to give Tooltip for the X- axis or Y- axis values in the ReportServer , i tried using chartproperties of .rdl file, but didnt understand it. can help me on this, and one more i tried with Dundas too, If im giving tooltip as #valy then, it is showing samething in reportserver instead the values of 'Y-axis'.

Mahesh Manthena

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Calculating The Total Amount Of Drugs Prescribed, Total Amount

Aug 10, 2006

Hi all,

I have a table named Prescription that consists of attributes like PatientId, MedicineCode, MedicineName, Prices of different drugs, quantity of different drugs(e.g 1,2,3,10), date .

I would like to get a summary of the total number and amount of different drugs in a specific period, the total amount of each type of drug.

I kindly request for help.

Thanx in advance.


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Please Help =IIf(IsError([total]),,[total])

Feb 29, 2008


I am trying to create a report on some data. I have about 8 tables and 30+ queries attached to those 15 reports. In one of those reports I want to get the percentage based on the data in the tables and queries. Say I have the minimum hours for an employee as 176 hours and the employee works for 227 hours in a month. I want to see the result in percentage.

My report looks something like this :

ID Name Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March Total
001 alex 87.6% 104.1% 65.1% 50.2% 85.6%
002 Linda 87.4% 109.1% 68.1% 35.2% 90.8%
003 Jon 87.6% 104.1%
004 alex 87.6% 104.1% 65.1% 50.2% 85.6%
005 Linda 87.4% 109.1% 68.1% 35.2% 90.8%

For the 002 ID, though he has worked for Nov and Dec the total % is blank.

The formula that I used for all of these entries is :


and for the month it is : =IIf(IsError([Oct]),"",[oct]), nov and so on.

It works fine for all, but where ever there is blank in one field it doesn;t calculates for the others too..

Please help, how can I get the total for all.



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Log Details

Nov 30, 2007

Is there any way to capture the log details such as row count of the data flow,number of success rows and failed rows in a separate table?

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Total Sales By Customer Vs Total Sales

Nov 26, 2007

I have a report which totals sales by customer. Then table footer has a grand total of all customer sales. I would like to get a percent of each customer's sales against the total sales. How do I get the sum from the table footer to use in an individual customer row?


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Attention To Details

Aug 15, 2004

Well I made a bussiness object for registering users as well as logging them in. I dont know if my bussiness obect is screwed up or if its the database, or the SQL syntax or what. Please take a look at this. I am not getting any error messages, but nothing is being added to the server. I am using MSDE for the SQL Server.

Here's my bussiness object:

Imports System
Imports System.Data
imports System.Data.oledb

NameSpace LoveShare

Public Class UserDetails
public UserID AS Integer
public FirstName AS String
public LastName AS String
public UserName AS string
public Password AS String
public Address AS String
public City AS String
public State AS String
public Zip As Integer
public Email AS String
End Class

Public Class User

Private objConn As New oledbConnection("Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=GARAGESALELOVESHARE;Initial Catalog=LoveShare1;User Id=sa;Password=notonthispost;")

Public function Login(strUsername AS String, strPassword As String) As Integer
dim intID as integer
dim objparam AS new oledbparameter
dim objcmd AS oledbCommand

objCmd = new oledbCommand("dbo.SPLoginUser", objconn)
objcmd.commandtype = commandtype.Storedprocedure

objparam = New oledbparameter("@UserName", oledbtype.Char)
objParam.Value = strUserName

objParam = New oledbParameter("@Password", OleDbType.Char)
objParam.Value = strPassword

intID = CType(objCmd.ExecuteScalar, Integer)
Catch e As Exception
Throw e
End Try

If intID.toString = "" Then
return 0
End if
Return intID
end function

Public Sub AddUser(objUser As UserDetails)
Dim intId as integer
Dim objReader As oledbdataReader
Dim objCmdID As New oledbCommand("SELECT MAX(userID) FROM tblUsers", objconn)
Dim objcmd AS New oleDBCommand("spAddUser", objConn)
Dim objparam AS OleDbParameter
objCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

objParam = New oleDbParameter("@FirstName", oledbtype.Char)
objParam.value = objuser.FirstName

objParam = New oleDbParameter("@LastName", oledbtype.Char)
objParam.value = objuser.LastName

objParam = new oleDbParameter("@UserName", oledbtype.Char)
objParam.Value = objUser.UserName

objParam = New oleDbParameter("@Password", oledbtype.Char)
objParam.value = objuser.Password

objParam = New oleDbParameter("@Email", oledbtype.Char)
objParam.value = objuser.Email

objParam = New oleDbParameter("@Address", oledbtype.Char)
objParam.value = objuser.Address

objParam = New oleDbParameter("@City", oledbtype.Char)
objParam.value = objuser.City

objParam = New oleDbParameter("@State", oledbtype.Char)
objParam.value = objuser.State

objParam = New oleDbParameter("@Zip", oledbtype.Integer)
objParam.value = objuser.Zip

objUser.UserID = CType(objCmdID.ExecuteScalar, Integer)
Catch e AS Exception
Throw e
End try

If objUser.UserID.ToString = "" then
objuser.UserID = 25
End if
End Sub
End Class
End NameSpace

Here's is my stored procedure for the registration:

@FirstName VarChar(255),
@LastName VarChar(255),
@UserName VarChar(255),
@Password VarChar(255),
@Email VarChar(255),
@Address VarChar(255) ,
@City VarChar(255),
@State VarChar(255) ,
@Zip [INT]

INSERT INTO tblUsers (FirstName, LastName, UserName, Password, Email, Address, City, State, Zip)
VALUES (@FirstName, @LAstName, @UserName, @Password, @Email, @Address, @City, @State, @Zip)

And here is the actual registration page

<%@ Page Language="VB" %>
<%@ Register tagPrefix="LoveShare" TagName="Header" src="head.ascx" %>
<%@ Register tagPrefix="LoveShare" TagName="Menu" src="Men.ascx" %>
<%@ Register tagPrefix="LoveShare" TagName="Stats" src="Stats.ascx" %>
<%@ Register tagPrefix="LoveShare" TagName="Footer" src="foot.ascx" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="system" %>
<%@ Import NameSpace="System.Data" %>
<%@ Import NameSpace="LoveShare" %>

<script runat="server">
Public sub Submit(sender as object, e as eventargs)
If Page.IsValid then

dim objuserdetails as New LoveShare.UserDetails
dim objuser As New LoveShare.User



Session("UserID") = objUserDetails.UserID
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(objUserDetails.UserID, false)
lblMessage.text="Information entered incorrectly"
End If
End Sub


<body BGCOLOR="00ccFF">
<Table Width="800">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<LoveShare:Header runat="server" />

<Table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="15" Width="800">
<form runat="server">
<table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<td colspan="2" Align="center">
<Font size="6">Sign Up Today!<BR><BR></Font>
<td Align="Center">
<Font color="red">
<asp:label id="lblMessage" runat="server" />

<td Align="right">First Name:</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbFirstName" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbFirstName" ErrorMessage="First Name Required" Text="Forgot First Name" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">Last Name:</Td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbLastName" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbLastName" ErrorMessage="Last Name Required" Text="Forgot Last Name" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">Desired UserName:</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbUserName" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbUserName" ErrorMessage="UserName required" Text="Forgot UserName" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">Password:</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbPassword" Textmode="Password" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbPassword" ErrorMessage="Password Required" Text="Forgot Password" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">Verify Password:</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbVPassword" Textmode="password" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbVPassword" ErrorMessage="Verify Password" Text="Forgot to verify Password" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">Email Address:</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbEmail" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbEmail" ErrorMessage="Email address required" Text="Forgot Email address" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">Verify Email Address:</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbVEmail" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbVEmail" ErrorMessage="Must verify Email address" Text="Verify Email address" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">Street Address</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbAddress" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbAddress" ErrorMessage="Street Address Required" Text="Forgot Address" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">City:</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbCity" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbCity" ErrorMessage="City Required" Text="Forgot City" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">State:</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbState" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbState" ErrorMessage="State Required" Text="Forgot State" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">Zip:</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbZip" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbZip" ErrorMessage="Zip Code Required" Text="Forgot Zip" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">&nbsp;</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:button id="btsignup" text="Sign Up" onclink="submit" runat="server" />




<LoveShare:Footer runat="server" />

Please help, I cannot figure out what is wrong

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Index Details

Mar 10, 2005

I need to get the index_name,colum_name and table_name in entire database.
Coule you let me know how I can get that details.

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Replication Details

Sep 28, 2006


I used my DB and some tables for replication earlier, now i removed my all replication subscription and publication and my DB is out of replication.

Now i am altering my table for PK then its giving err as follows:

Cannot alter the table 'mstparty' because it is being published for replication.

From where i can find details, i mean in which sys table all replication obj are stored.

There is no Replication now on DB then why still table 'mstparty' has a replication err when i alter table.

Please advice as i am not able to alter my table or tables which earlier i used in replication and now i removed replication.

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