SSD Freezing Hard Sometimes

Nov 30, 2015

I decided to upgrade my computer with a SSD (Samsung 850 Evo 250GB) to speed things up a bit. I did this when I upgraded from win7 to win10. I wanted my computer clean and "new" which meant that after the initial upgrade I removed everything from the old hardware and installed win10 via DVD on my SSD.

I then installed all drivers and necessary components for my computer to work. When all this were done I started playing Diablo 3 and at some point the whole computer froze. I had to hold the on/off button down for some 10 sec to reboot without any messages or reasons to why the freeze happened. Apparently my nVidia drivers wasn't updated to the latest version so I updated them and everything kept playing smooth.

From time to time my computer freezes and it happens at any time. While browsing some page, playing a game, updating the graphics drivers. It doesn't happen often but the lack of feedback really annoys me. I've tried a lot of things but it just feels as if I'm walking in circles since I don't know what causes it and hence can't force it to happen to test if a fix really was a fix.

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Windows Hard Freezing When Left Idle

Jan 25, 2016

This has been going on for months, I've even reinstalled Windows 10 a couple of times, the the issue still persists.

Windows 10 64 bit, Radeon HD 7970 Ghz Ed 6gb x2 [crossfire is usually disabled and makes no difference either way], i7 3770, nothing is overclocked, all power settings are disabled and should never sleep or shut down, I'm using a wired internet connection and all wireless is already disabled, I have a SSD that is set to not power down ever, and all HW monitors [CPUz, Open Hardware Monitor, Sapphire Trixx, HWinfo] show everything is running well within acceptable temps and running smoothly with no spikes or issues.

Windows 10 keeps freezing hard on me, but only if I leave it alone for a few minutes. This happens without fail every time I leave the PC alone for more than 10-15 minutes or so.

It will run fine for days, as long as I'm right in front of it and actively doing something on it, playing a game, watching a video, browsing the internet, whatever. As long as there's some kind of active input, it works fine and doesn't freeze.

I step away for a few minutes, and it freezes hard. No input works, not the mouse, not ctrl-alt-del, nothing. I have to hard reset the stupid thing. I go make something to eat and leave the PC running, take the dog out, or go to the bathroom and I come back to a locked up hard frozen PC every time. It never happens when I'm sitting right in front of it and using it, only when I step away for a few minutes to do something and don't make it back within a few minutes.

I've tried all sorts of fixes. Nothing is overclocked, and my GPU driver has had several new versions while this has been going on. This has been a persistent problem for months and I've spent quite a few hours over that time trying to find a fix. I've seen various threads that refer to this issue, and some of them claim to have fixed it, but none of the solutions work for me. Sometimes it'll get better for a short time, the freezes will be less frequent or take a slightly longer time to hit me, but eventually it just goes right back to this behavior again without fail.

I've adjusted all the power settings several different ways, including setting it so everything never shuts down, made sure the HDD is set to not shut down, clean booted with only the essential bare bones Windows programs running at Startup, checked and rechecked every disk using command prompt commands, run in safe mode, scanned for viruses, malware, and adware repeatedly, disabled the wireless card, unplugged every piece of extra hardware, tried several different keyboards and mice, adjusted the Bios settings in various ways having to do with power and the HDD, uninstalled and reinstalled every driver, rolled them back, used administrator privileges to disable and enable various things, disabled and enabled my AV and firewall, uninstalled my AV, reinstalled it again, adjusted every startup option and tweaked the task manager all sorts of different ways, isolated my PC away from the network and internet, my page file is set up properly for a SSD and I've tweaked it several different ways, nothing works.

It still freezes if I step away from it for more than a few minutes no matter what I do, but only if I step away. I can also prevent it from doing so by playing a video and letting it run while I'm away.

If I pause a game or leave one running while I step away from the PC, it freezes as well. Only video seems to prevent it from crashing like this for some reason, Youtube or a video player running an MP4 or MKV file will keep the PC running if I have something playing and step away, but that's the only reliable way I've found to keep it from locking up.

I shouldn't have to do that though, and I inevitably forget and come back to a frozen PC often losing posts, progress, and it's super annoying. I can't figure out what the hell the issue is despite months of on again off again troubleshooting. Playing with the power settings made it get better briefly, but it never fixed the issue and the PC eventually went right back to behaving the same way regardless of how I set my power settings.

This has been going on for months, so it's not hardware failure. If that had been the issue, whatever it was would have long since died. Everything runs perfectly fine while I'm actively using the PC as well.

Near as I can tell, Windows 10 is ignoring some sort of power setting and trying to go into some sort of sleep mode or something even though I have it set to never do that, and it's causing a hard freeze. That's my best guess here given that it only ever happens when the PC is idle and I'm away from it.

I am currently using an older version of CCC for my GPU, but I am aware of it. I have an Oculus Rift DK2 and the latest drivers do not work with it. They are intentionally rolled back currently and I have already tried the newest drivers. They don't change anything and the PC still freezes if left alone even with the newest Crimson Drivers from AMD.

This is super frustrating and I'm at a bit of a loss here about what to do. Nothing has worked, not even a clean install of Windows 10 with everything wiped from the drive. It persists and refuses to stay running if left idle too long no matter what I do. My PC works, but I can't leave it to download anything over a long period of time or pause a game to go do something.

DXdiag attached ....

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Random Computer Freezing - Need To Hard Restart / No BSOD

Feb 10, 2016

Two different scenarios that happens when my computer needs a hard restart

My computer freezes completely (literally no movement on the screen or anything, it's not slow it's frozen). And an extremely loud buzzing sound comes out of my headphones or speakers.The same thing as above except without the loud buzzing noise.

I saw that this happened to someone else who had both the speakers and the headphones plugged in at the same time. However, scenario #2 just happened to me 10 minutes ago even though I only had my headphones plugged in.

I built this computer six months ago and it's the first computer I've ever built. I assume it's a driver issue but I can't really pinpoint the problem since no BSOD appears on the screen.

I'm attaching the zip file required.

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Freezing Up When In Use?

Apr 20, 2015

I am currently running Windows 10 preview build 10049 on my surface pro (1st generation). Ever since this recent update (and I guess another recent change I made was using a power cover instead of the original type cover) I've been having frozen programs while working on it. They're not intense resource drainers either. I was using it in class today with word, one note, PDF, torrent in the background, and a chat client in the background.

I usually always have these on plus more, but everything freezes up. I can open start, I can't shut down nor restart, can't close my applications (just says waiting for program to respond and loads forever), can't alt + ctrl + delete. I'm forced to do a hard reset by holding the power button. It's happened about 4-5x already. I have a Bluetooth dongle in the USB port for my mouse and a microSD plugged in, which is always there prior to windows 10

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PC Keeps Freezing / Crashing

Jan 17, 2016

I have had persistent problems recently with my computer freezing/crashing. This is an HP Pavilion, model 500-123a, running Windows 10 (recently upgraded from Windows 8). What's been happening is that it's been stalling out, both in Word (without broadband on) and on the Web (eg Yahoo, Yahoo Mail). In Word the cursor freezes and will not move, the screen goes opaque white, the blue circle whirls, can't do anything with it, can't shut down, and I have to unplug it and reboot.

This can happen 3 or 4 times a day. In Yahoo, similarly, the screen freezes, the cursor won't move at all, and have to unplug. I used software, PC Health Advisor, to try to diagnose the problem, and it hasn't signalled up anything specifically. From checks I've done, it doesn't look like fragmentation, nor RAM (8GB), nor registry issues, nor a monitor problem.

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Computer Keeps Freezing

Jul 31, 2015

so 2 days ago was the scheduled day for the windows 10 free upgrade. I was on vacation and didn't get to my laptop that day. So I come back the next day and my windows 8.1 computer keeps freezing and freezing and FREEZING . I then decide to reset it to factory settings and I don't see the free upgrade button next to my date in time so I think maybe I have to update to windows 8.1 sense when I reset it it reset to windows 8.0 . so I spend a whole day updating to windows 8.1 . Now its day 2 and I still cant see the free upgrade button...

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Random Freezing While Using A PC

Oct 23, 2015

I have a new PC that I built and i'll include the parts at the end. I'm running Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview. Eval copy. Build 10565. This machine randomly freezes on me(No BSOD) and I haven't been able to figure out the cause. It does not matter what i'm doing whether it be, browsing the web, downloading driver packages, checking email.. etc. I feel that i'm experienced enough to figure these things out with 3 years of troubleshooting experience, A+ certified and i'm a SQL dev.


Right now I only have 1 23" Dell Monitor hooked up to DVI because I wasn't sure if it was the other 2 causing the graphics card to freeze up.

View 8 Replies

Freezing After First Sign In

Jul 9, 2015

I just installed the latest version of the Windows 10 Technical preview and it lets me boot in to the sign in page, but as soon as I click next or press enter after typing in my password, the page goes nowhere and eventually does the usual windows "not responding" fade to white followed by an immediate reboot of the computer. Is there any way to work around this? If not, how would I go about reverting to windows 7 if I am unable to access the OS itself?

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PC Freezing When Using XMP Profile

Mar 12, 2016

I re-flashed the BIOS, remove any overclocking features, my temperatures are fine and I still get blue screened.

This is not a new computer either, I've never had trouble with other games.

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PC Freezing When Booting Up?

Feb 14, 2016

My pc boots up and loads to my home screen, the icons all load up but the computer freezes, I can still move the mouse around and click on icons but nothing happens. There is a constant loading symbol for my mouse cursor. I managed to get it into safe mode once and ran a virus scan and it detected nothing.

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Gaming :: Games Freezing On PC

Sep 11, 2015

I am having a problem with games freezing on my windows 10 pc. The games that have been freezing are GTA 3, GTA Vice City, GTA San Andreas and Team Fortress 2. GTA V is working fine without any freezes. if i reboot my pc all games are working fine, the freezing usually happens when the pc have been on for a few hours and happens randomly. the games actually start but is really slow, i can skip the intro cutscenes but after that i cant do anything. I can Ctrl + Alt + Delete and close the games and the pc is working just fine its just the games that wont work.

View 3 Replies

Performance :: PC Freezing / Crashing

Jan 19, 2016

I have an HP Pavilion 500-123a PC running Windows 10 which has been freezing and crashing frequently.I have attempted several diagnostic and fix options about which I have posted to this forum before, though the difficulty thus far is unresolved.In particular sfc/scannow does not complete; halts at 56% with the message Windows Resource Protection could not perform the requested operation.

I also attempted a Repair Install using the Media Creation Tool iso file. This was initiated in the administrator account (PC has two accounts) and got to 97% when it failed with the error message We couldnt install Windows 10, The installation failed in the SECOND_BOOT phase with an error during PRE_OOBE operation error code 0x8007002C-0x4001E.The diagnostic software PC Health Advisor only came up with 2 registry issues, without specifying further.The Dism tool was OK however reporting.The component store is repairable. The operation completed successfully.Given that the PC is still freezing/crashing at this stage I am perplexed regarding how to arrive at a diagnosis and fix and, again,

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BSOD :: Freezing During Certain Games

Feb 23, 2016

I have been having an issue for a few weeks now where my computer will BSOD or freeze whenever I play certain games.

At first I thought it was a specific game (Xcom 2) that was doing it, but it has since started happening while playing other games that didn't have that issue in the past (One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 and Sonic Racing Transformed).

I included the file as requested on the posting instructions.

Note I ran the program today, but I havent had a crash since yesterday so I am unsure if the information will be there? If necessary I can run Xcom 2 for a while to force a crash, but for obvious reasons I would prefer not to if it isn't needed.

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BSOD :: Freezing After Upgrade From 7?

Dec 11, 2015

Never once had a blue screen or crash in the years I ran 7, which is pretty surprising given the stress I've put this thing under. After upgrading, my system's locking up constantly and I got my first BSOD last night. look through the dmp for me? Looks like it's a problem with one of the USB drivers, but I'm not sure where to go from there.

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Installation :: Freezing After First Reboot?

Sep 5, 2015

I have recently been trying to upgrade to windows 10 on a used alienware aurora r3 pc. I got my reservation, checked the windows 10 app every day, and finally, I was ready to get the upgrade, but I'm having issues installing it. After windows update downloads everything and I get to the installation proper, it takes like 4 hours for it to get to about 30% and then finally reboots. I'm taken to a windows ten loading screen, but each time I get to this point, the loading circle freezes. If I turn the pc off at this point and back on again, it reinstalls my normal windows 7 and I'm able to get back to my files and everything, but I still really want to get 10. Solved Build 10041: Freeze on Restart - Windows 10 Forums My issues seem to be similar to what is described in this article, and it may have something to do with it setting "fast reboot" on by default. What do I need to do to resolve these issues?

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Videos Keep Freezing When Try To Play Them

Oct 21, 2015

My Videos keep freezing when I try to play themĀ 

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Freezing On Login Screen

Jul 30, 2015

I just installed Windows 10. The install went fine, but now I am at the login screen, and that is as far as I've gotten. I have the option to click on all of the buttons on the login screen, but as soon as I click one, be it hitting enter after entering my password, or hitting the next button, or clicking "I'm not Eric", it freezes.

I can't click anything, the button I clicked stays the color it looks when you press it. I then continue to click until the loading wheel appears, then the screen gets the white haze like a program isn't responding, and then goes black and reboots. I can click on the clock looking image that gives you some options, and I can click and unclick those, but as soon as I try something else, freezes.

System meets the requirements, have a genuine copy of windows 7 ultimate, downloaded windows 10 from the media launched or whatever it's called that you can bypass the wait time for receiving the update. It was from the window site, so I feel comfortable in believing it isn't a fake or anything.

EDIT: When I turn on the narrator, everytime I make a key stroke it says "Hidden", not sure what the entails

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Online Games Freezing PC

Sep 18, 2015

When play online games my pc freeze and only can i do is turn off pc.. Offline games not freeze.. i think that is problem of windows 10.. correctly ?

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Computer Is Crashing Or Freezing?

Mar 10, 2016

My computer freezes or crashes around at least 1 time a day.


Windows 10
GPU Nvidia GTX 970 msi gaming 4g
CPU fx 6300
Ram 8gb
Free space 204 gb

What can I do to stop it?

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Apps :: Excel Is Constantly Freezing?

Sep 28, 2015

I'm having an issue, ever since I installed Windows 10(upgraded, then did a clean install), I've been having issues with Excel. I have Office 2013 and everytime I open an excel document, then close it when I'm done, it freezes. Only happens on excel though, Outlook and Word work fine(only other 2 programs I use). I've done the quick repair and the Online slower repair, along with uninstalling and reinstalling Office. None of these have worked. Is this some kind of bug with Windows 10 or is it just me?

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BSOD :: Freezing And Crashing Under Load

Nov 11, 2015

My computer has always crashed frequently since I built it a few months ago. I finally did a clean Windows 10 install to see if that would sort it out but it didn't. It appears random. It crashes during resource intensive games, not resource intensive games, browsing, watching a video, or even just idling once every 2 to 6 hours of use. BSOD point their fingers at the RAM (which has tested fine), my graphics driver (the latest), and other things I'm not sure about.

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Freezing / Locking Up Laptop When Idle

Sep 18, 2015

When I have my webcam security software running all day (12-hours), the laptop runs fine. But when I shut the software down and then leave the laptop idle, it locks up.

It also happens when I start the laptop up and just leave it sit idle. So far, there's no specific amount of time where the laptop will lock up. Sometimes it's been within 30 minutes or it could be several hours (maybe update is running). But it freezes every single day when just sitting idle.

This isn't the kind of lockup other people are reporting where they're still able to move the cursor, etc. I'm talking complete lockup. Time, mouse, keyboard. The entire screen is completely froze and the only thing that resolves it is a restart.

I have this laptop: : Dell Inspiron 11.6-Inch 2 in 1 Convertible Touchscreen Laptop, i3147-3750sLV : Computers Accessories

I've checked my power options and I'm running in performance mode with everything disabled. That means nothing is slowed down or shut down while the laptop is running.

I've also checked every event in Event Viewer and there's nothing anywhere in there that would point to a possible cause.

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PC Freezing After Opening Calendar Or Mail App

Oct 16, 2015

I don't know why it's happening but I think it's related with "Microsoft Outlook Comunications" using a lot of RAM.

I couldn't take a printscreen because my system froze after that.

Secondary question: My Calendar app shows Outlook's birthdays even without checking the checkbox?

I have Outlook but I'm using the Mail since it shows at the Start button. Should I uninstall Mail and use Outlook instead?

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File Explorer Is Lagging And Freezing

Aug 18, 2015

This is a very annoying problem I have in Windows 10. It has been like this for 2 weeks and after a lot of searching and posting in forums, I haven't got any fix whatsoever. I'll explain my problem:

If I open This PC (for example) icon on my desktop, all of my RAM and CPU will be used and it will freeze my Windows for 20 seconds or so. The same applies to all the folders I try to open. When moving a 100MB folder, it uses almost all of my RAM and disk. I have tried the following commands but none worked: sfc /scannow, chkdsk and DISM.

I have a HP Pavillion P6-2006pt desktop.

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Slow Loading Desktop And Freezing

Oct 1, 2015

So for the past month I been having issues with logging in my computer. It would load my desktop slowly or freeze if I leave it the I see the mouse with the loading icon and it will load for an hour. I try restarting multi times. I also went into safe mode and it loads fine I disabled all my auto start up programs and tried logging in normally and still takes the same amount of time. This hasn't happened since a month or two ago.. I also tried turning off the fast boot thing.Also I want to try reinstalling windows ten how can I go about doing so if I don't own the disc becasue the upgrade offer. I can only use my pc in safe mode as its not starting up correctly.

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Performance :: Computer Freezing At Boot

Aug 5, 2015

I've been trying to fix this for a while, but I have had no luck. My sister for her birthday got a new laptop (Dell Latitude E6420 Intel i5 2540m at 2.6 ghz). I did the free Windows 10 upgrade for her, and when the computer is starting from a shut down, it goes to a black screen with the mouse, and the mouse is frozen. There is nothing I can do but hold down the power button to shut it down.

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