Can't Use Main Explorer UI And Auto Updates Are Turned Off?

Apr 7, 2015

A: Is there an issue with explorer.exe crashing and reopening on build 10041?
B: Is there a fix for this?
C: how can I get this update because I can't use the main windows explorer UI and Auto updates are turned off?

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 Screenshot - 10_14_2015 , 3_51_38 PM.png   37.55KB

Here are my environment variables

 Screenshot - 10_14_2015 , 3_52_35 PM.png   27.61KB

Here are my registry settings for the program files folder. I changed it from C to E.

 Screenshot - 10_14_2015 , 3_53_14 PM.png   378.3KB

I need to be able to update, and IE has to be used occasionally. (I exclusively use chrome so I hadn't really noticed that IE wasn't working.)

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Aug 29, 2015

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Main Page On IE Refuses To Load

Oct 15, 2015

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Forcing A Program To Open On Second Monitor Rather Than The Main

Aug 8, 2015

I have my TV connected to HDMI and a small, old monitor connected to VGA on a Radeon 4600 video card. I have Kodi (multimedia player) set to open full screen when the default user account logs in and it does so on the main monitor which is my TV. I have the smaller, older monitor set up so I can still use the computer when someone is watching a movie on the TV. I have multi-monitor set to extend the desktop.

But my problem is when I open a program it wants to default to opening on the main monitor and when I open a program from the second monitor, it opens behind Kodi on the main monitor (and I have to click and drag it over to the second monitor) - so I would like to switch the old VGA monitor to be the main monitor and the TV to be the second.

Is there a way I can force Kodi to open and stay on the second monitor once I make my TV the second monitor?

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BSOD :: Extended And Main Display Blank?

Sep 10, 2015

I am currently running windows10 on a HP tablet. I have it in a docking station, which has a second larger screen attached.

Last night set it up, perfect movie playing on external, able to browse ect on tab. Removed it today, re-docked, no display (blank screen) on external. Reset duel settings, making tab the primary screen.

Now neither screen shows a display, both blank.

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Performance :: Main Download Folder Is Still Slow

Feb 10, 2016

Even after I got my new SSD it spedup everything but when bringing up the Download folder it super slow at adding up all the file details and icons. It's weird because this only happens in this folder while browsing in file explorer. Even my picture folder loads faster.

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