Forms :: Counting The Person Name According To A Date?

Aug 26, 2014

I have a database where I have 2 fields that are "Person Start" and "Date Start"

I would like to show in a text field how many cases a person started on a certain date or better on today's date.

I tried the below, but did not got it to work:


what I'm doing wrong?

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Attendance Log - Missing Person(s) On Particular Date

Feb 15, 2012

I have a daily attendance tracking of 100 staff, and would like to be able to find out who was missing in particular date by running a query.

I have two tables

1) List of staff members (Name and Dept)
2) Daily log of who attended (Date, Name, Dept etc.)

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Forms :: Only One Person In A Field

Sep 26, 2013

I have a form where one person wil insert a new record and click on a button that will display his login name and date she/he inserted the new record. A second person will later check if everything was entered correctly and this person will also press a button that will insert his login name and date in a field.The thing is that the same person can't do the quality check and insert the new record. So if in the field "PersonPassQA" is filled in and the person will do the same in "PersonQA", she/he should get a warning and the field should stay empty. This is the code I use to pass the PersonPassQA:

Private Sub Command24_Click()
'Date pass to QA and person passing to QA
Me.[DatePassedQA] = Date
Me.[PersonPassQA] = Environ("Username")
End Sub


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Forms :: Logged In Person On All Forms?

Feb 26, 2015

There is a DB with many forms and reports on which multiple employees are going to work. Is there an easy way to prompt each employee to enter his/her own password to be able to open the database?

Since it is important to record who has put data in forms, a column is designated to record the name or ID of the employee who is putting data. Is it possible that the logged-in employee name or ID, as the person who enters data, is put automatically in all forms / reports, etc. since he/she has already logged in?

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Counting Date/Time

Feb 6, 2007

I'm trying to run a query with an expression so that the number of occurances with a date time field are counted but I keep getting an aggregate values error.

Prod 1 Prod 2 Prod 3 Prod 4 Count
Feb 1 12:01 Feb 1 13:56 2

Any help would be appreciated.

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Counting By Date Ranges

May 19, 2005

I received help on previous threads. Basically, I have built a query to group by course title and then select the number of students that were assigned a course during a specifc time frame. Is there a way to show multiple columns in the query. For example my query now shows, enrollment for March, I would like to column next to it to show enrollment for Feb and then another column for Jan.

This is my current sql view.

PHP Code: SELECT tblContent.Title, Count(*) AS [Students Assigned]
FROM tblProfile INNER JOIN tblContent ON tblProfile.LoginName = tblContent.LoginName
WHERE (((tblProfile.LastName)<>"Demo" And (tblProfile.LastName)<>"Care" And (tblProfile.LastName)<>"Robins") AND ((tblContent.Code) Like "NH*") AND ((tblProfile.Groups) Not Like "*Professional Development Center*" And (tblProfile.Groups)<>"All Users,Professional Development Center") AND ((tblProfile.Delete)<>Yes) AND ((tblContent.Type)="Learning Track"))
GROUP BY tblContent.Title, tblContent.[Date Assigned]
HAVING (((tblContent.[Date Assigned])>=#3/01/2004# And (tblContent.[Date Assigned])<=#3/31/2004#)); 

Thank you in advance for any help you can offer.

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Counting Days From A Date

Jan 2, 2013

Is it possible to make one column automatically count 21 days from the date of another column, and if so how?

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Counting Date And Time With Variables

Feb 20, 2007

I am currently running a query which shows a date and time for several products:

Product 1 Product 2 Product 3 Product 4
01/01/07 12:00 01/01/07 15:25 01/01/07 15:25 01/01/07 17:36

From this information I need to count each Product unless the date & time is equal or within 30 minutes.

Any help on this one would be greatly appreciated.

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Counting Number Of Occurrences By Date?

Sep 20, 2013

I have a table that tracks different events and the actual date they occurred. I am trying to write a query that counts the number of each event that occured by month. One issue I am having is if an event had no occurrence during a month I want to return 0 raher than no data for that event.

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Counting Text Box In A Form (by Date Ie Monthly) Help

Aug 3, 2007

Hello there !
I had a few problems yesterday with Dcount in a text box in a form but with your help I cracked it
Below is the function I used
=DCount("[PFP Number]","MAIN Table Do not delete","[PFP Number] = '" & [PFP Number] & "'")

The form is based on a table called Invoice PFPs
The Table contains a list of PFP Numbers (bit like part numbers) there are no duplicates in this table
I also have a "Main Table do not delete" with 26000 claims in it each of which has a PFP Number.
The form has a text box in that matchs the PFP Number in the form with the same PFP Number in the MAIN Table and counts them. his works fine with the above function

What I now need is it to count if the PFP Number matchs only if the date specifyed in the function matchs the claim process date (e.g 01-Dec-06 or 01-Jan-07 etc..) in the Main Table
Hope this makes sense ?

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Modules & VBA :: Ignore Date Fields In Table When Counting Records?

Jun 6, 2014

Suppose I have a table with a variety of fields; one autonumber, some text fields and some date fields.

I need code to calculate the number of fields that are NOT date fields and then code to count how many of those fields (the ones that are not date fields) have data in them.

Following is the code to count how many fields in a table had data and this works well, but now I need to find a way to ignore the date fields. How can this code be modified to do the same but ignore the date fields?

Public Function PercentCompleted(Table As String, IDProject As Long, TotalFields As Single) As Double

Dim sampO As DAO.Recordset, iCtr As Long, strSQL As String, Percent As Double
'Takes the fields based on the projectID
strSQL = "SELECT *" & _
"FROM " & Table & " WHERE IDProject = " & IDProject
Set sampO = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)


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Can More Than One Person Be Using....

Mar 25, 2008

I've set up a database and set up User-Level security for each user.

While they are entering data, can I go in and change some items in design view?


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Forms :: Counting In Forms When Meeting Criteria

Feb 23, 2014

I have created a form that list the hours that people do for different types of activities. What I want to do is to sum the hours of each activity. However, I have some activities that I want to group.

For example, I have Training, Ride Outs and Mentor as types of activities that I want to group and then there are all other types that I want to group as Other.

I would just like to add a formula into the command box of properties.

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Totals By Person

Aug 25, 2005

I have a table where 4 different people enter their amount of work sheets they complete each day via a form. Each person could have a different total each day. Example:


Each person will have a entry for each work day of the month.

I am creating a query that needs to show each persons total for a month. I know how to get the month but how can I total each persons page count all together and then separately? Example:

All four combined total page count

AJ Page count individually
CH page count individually
MH page count individually
Ca page count individually

Thanks for all help

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Tracking Person's Work?

Oct 18, 2005

I'm undecided in what I should to to track what an employee does for the day. Currently employees have a 5X7 index card which is printed out fields and they fill it in by hand and turn it in.

Instead of the employees doing this I want to record all of this information in the database.

These are the fields that I will include:
EmployeeName, Book, WorkType, WorkEffort, StartPage, EndPage, StartTime, EndTime, TotalPgsWorked, Comments.

Should I bound all of these fields to the tblWorkLog or should a create unbound fields and create an append query which will add these fields to the table.

I don't want the users to enter their own start time and end time as they might not record it accurately.

Should the time be recorded this way: Have the user open the form, when the form opens that will record the start time. Have the user have the form remained open until the end of the day or when he or she finishes through out the day. When the form is closed that will record the end time.

What is an alternative of doing that though? Have the user open the form record all the info and have the startime recorded. Exit out of the database, when they finish their work, open the database go back to that record and record the end time?

My problem here would be there is no uniqe ID. The user can work on a Book for a week, and can also work on multiple books on the same day. How would they know which record to open.

I'm uncertain how to lay this out and begin it any insight will be greatly appreciated.

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Calculate A Person's Age Not Working.

Oct 11, 2006

Hi all ,
I am trying to calculate a person’s age.
Went to Customer Form
Have a field called cust_birthday ( date/time ) ( 99;00;00;>LL;0; )
Have a field called cust_age ( Number )

Went to Madules / New / then add this code,

Public Function Age(dteDOB As Date, Optional SpecDate As Variant) As Integer
Dim dteBase As Date, cust_age As Date, cust_birthday As Integer
If IsMissing(SpecDate) Then
dteBase = Date
dteBase = SpecDate
End If
cust_birthday = DateDiff("yyyy", dteDOB, dteBase)
cust_age = DateSerial(Year(dteBase), Month(dteDOB), Day(dteDOB))
Age = cust_birthday + (dteBase < cust_age)
End Function

Not Working get no return. Can someone help me. Thank You if you can….


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Forms :: Counting How Many Fields Have A Specific Value

Nov 16, 2014

I have 7 combos, which for the most part set the value in another field - however, there are two values in the combo that do not have a value attached - one is AH, the other is SK. I have two textboxes (one for AH, one for SK) that I wish to have a count (preferably running) of how many times each of these values appears in the seven combo boxes.

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Forms :: Counting Items In Combo Box

Aug 27, 2013

I have a form that has three cascading combo boxs, plus a subform. The third combo has a list of questions, and you put your answer in the txt box in the subform.

What has to happen is that the combo box has a number of questions and each has to be answered, is there a way to know if all these questions have been answered by knowing what listindex or listcount ect that has be used and to have something set to advise the user that there are more questions and what ones are to be answered.

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Person Link To Adres, Howto?

Sep 1, 2005

Hello all,

I'm new here so hello everybody.

Ok, I'm pretty new to Access '97 and so I have a problem already.
I want to make an adres database. I want to make the adres central and link the persons to that adres, so that i can have multiple persons on the same adres. I created an adres table and a person table, but how do I link the person to the adres???

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Allowing A Database To Be Opened By More Than One Person

Apr 9, 2008

How can i have multiple people entering data into a database, also there is an excel file that imports the info every few min, if i have that open i cannot enter data into the database. theres going to about 4-5 users plus the excel file.

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Multiple Practice Groups For One Person

May 27, 2005


I'm creating a simple relational database of all the attorneys our company work with. I'd like to have three tables: "Law Firms" (firm name & other info), "Attorneys" (what firm, personal info, and what practice groups s/he is involved in), and lastly "Practice Areas" (all different practice areas with codes).

Now, my issue is that people are usually involved in multiple practice areas. Thus, I can't just put a code for one practice area in "Attorneys" table, but I can't put multiple codes in either in one field (right?) because it'd mess up the relations.

What I'd like to accomplish is for people to be able to go to our intranet and, using a form (?), select a law firm and a practice group and get a list of attorneys.

Does anyone know of a good way to solve this? It doesn't have to be pretty, since the DB isn't going to be huge (2000-2500 records).

Thank you!

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Multiple Tables Per Person (student)

Nov 13, 2006


I have a DB for students.
I'm making notes each time we've had a chat.
Is there a possibillity to make a relationsship between 2 tables so I can make multiple records for one person? (or any other way)
For ex. 03-04-06 there were a couple of things I wrote down.
and 03-06-06 there were some other things I wrote down about the same person.
and then I will be able to backtrack this information
How do I do this.


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Queries :: Concatenate Person Name And Initials

Aug 21, 2013

How to concatenate a number of fields from a table into a query.

The fields are:


Note that there will be varying combinations: some people will have a Prefix, Firstname then surname (no middle initials), so I would want to display "Mr Joe Bloggs". But others could have no Prefix but two middle initials, so "Joe P J Bloggs".

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General :: Moving DB To Another Person's Computer?

Dec 31, 2014

I have a search form built that depending on the dropdown selection on the form, it will run a query to SQL Server 2008 and provide data. There are 5 SQL Server db's so there are 5 different queries. I have each SQL Server linked to the Access DB. When I moved to someones else's computer I got a ODBC Call Failed message. In order to fix this, I had to recreate the links on that person's machine, then change the SQL code in the query with the new name of the linked DB.

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Forms :: Counting Number Of Records Within A Table

May 24, 2013

I'm after some code as to how to count a number of records within a table, I then want to have this number returned into a variable so I can determine usages with it, e.g. If the value is < 1 and using conditional statements.

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Forms :: Counting Occurrences Of A Value In Datasheet Subform

Feb 7, 2014

I have subform (datasheet) with a column for gender indicating "Male" or "Female" I wish to place the totals for each gender (and total overall) on the main form footer. I have tried objects of every type with calculated controls using conditional count formulas such as


But I get #error on everything.

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