Customization :: Cursor Reset To Default And Scrolling Goes Away On Restart

Sep 18, 2015

So two things; when I restart my computer my saved and in-use cursor always resets back to the default cursor pack that comes with the system. I had this issue in Windows 8.1 too, but now it's getting on my nerves because I've got to go to the cursor customization panel every time I turn my computer back on for 2 reasons.

The second reason is not one I had in any previous versions. On my laptop touch pad, I always use the invisible scroll bar option on the edge, which you can turn on through the Synaptics settings, which is now found in the same panel I use to change my cursor back.

Is there any way to make these two settings default so I don't have to redo them every single time I turn my computer on?

For the cursors, I download/make individual cursors and customized them, saving the general group in a file I call 'custom cursors', I don't download entire packs. I never have to reload the cursor set I'm trying to use, I just have to pull up the panel and click 'ok' to get back out of it, and this updates me to the custom cursors that were already on there, like the system knew I wanted them, but I just sort of had to remind it to activate them. For the Synaptics issue, I never had the problem before the Windows 10 update and I use the scrolling function a LOT.

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